Nilgiris Biosphere Reserve - Equitable Tourism Options

Nilgiris Biosphere Reserve - Equitable Tourism Options

Nilgiris Biosphere Reserve - Equitable Tourism Options


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Organisation. The Convention was formally adopted by the member states<br />

on 22 May 1991 in Nairobi and it was opened for signature at the United<br />

Nations' Conference on Environment and Development (Rio Summit) held at<br />

Rio de Janeiro between 3fd and 14th June 1992. The Convention was first<br />

signed by 157 states at the Rio Summit and then by another nine states. As<br />

per Article 36 of the Convention, thirty ratifications, acceptances, approvals<br />

or accessions were needed for the Convention to be enforced and this took<br />

place on 29 December 1993. By 31 January 1995, 179 states had signed the<br />

Convention and 102 states have ratified, acceded or approved it. India<br />

ratified the Convention in 1994.The objectives of the Convention on<br />

Biological Diversity are:<br />

a. The conservation of biological diversity<br />

b. The sustainable use of its components<br />

c. The fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising out of utilisation of<br />

genetic resources<br />

The Convention on Biological Diversity and <strong>Tourism</strong><br />

The tourism topic was discussed at the Ministerial roundtable at the Fourth<br />

Conference of the Parties COP-4 to the Convention on Biological Diversity in<br />

May 1 998 at Bratislava for the firsttime. Considerable debate existed on how<br />

seriously tourism would feature in future negotiations on biodiversity.<br />

However, uptake on tourism issues by the UN Commission on Sustainable<br />

Development in 1999 injected new clarity to the process of strengthening<br />

international standards for the tourism industry. The first substantive<br />

discussion on tourism and biodiversity occurred during the Fourth meeting of<br />

the CBD's SubSidiary Body on Scientific, Technical & Technological Advice<br />

(SBSTTA-4) in Montreal in June 1999. Here, Parties to the CBD began to<br />

exchange views on how to integrate biodiversity into national policies,<br />

programmes and activities for the tourism sector.<br />

A major event concerning tourism in the interval between COP-4 and<br />

SBSTTA4 was the declaration by United Nations of 2002 as the 'International<br />

Year of Ecotourism.' While this announcement promised to focus more<br />

attention on tourism, it was to be assumed to promote biodiversity<br />

conservation. Organisations working on the ground i.e., at the ecosystem<br />

level continue to document the devastating social, cultural, and ecological<br />

losses linked to most types of ecotourism, without any real opportunity or<br />

authority to convey this information to the government<br />

<br />

Equa, ,,,<br />

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