FSP 26 Crime Dossier [PDF File, 3.2 MB]

FSP 26 Crime Dossier [PDF File, 3.2 MB]

FSP 26 Crime Dossier [PDF File, 3.2 MB]


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<strong>FSP</strong><strong>26</strong><br />

<strong>Crime</strong> <strong>Dossier</strong> of:<br />

containing notes, information and details<br />

regarding the break-in to<br />

school<br />

on<br />




<strong>FSP</strong><strong>26</strong><br />

Fing e rprints<br />

Compare the prints of the suspects to the<br />

fingerprints found at the scene of the crime.<br />

Complete the questions below.<br />

Equipment<br />

• Magnifying glass or hand lens<br />

Table 13: Suspects’ Fingerprints<br />

Suspect<br />

Ms Thomas<br />

Teacher<br />

Mr Hill<br />

Cleaner<br />

Ciara<br />

Student<br />

Tim<br />

Student<br />

Rupert<br />

Student<br />

Portrait<br />

Print<br />

index finger<br />

Evidence<br />

Location On the door On the paper punch On the chair<br />

Print<br />

Questions<br />

Do you have a match<br />

Why / Why not<br />

What is the distinguishing feature<br />

Is there a reason why a print from that person would<br />

be found in the classroom

<strong>FSP</strong><strong>26</strong><br />

i mpr e ssi o n s<br />

Compare the shoe prints of the suspects to the<br />

shoeprint found at the scene of the crime. Complete<br />

the questions on the next page.<br />

Equipment<br />

• Magnifying glass or hand lens<br />

Table 14: Suspects’ Shoeprints<br />

Suspect<br />

Ms Thomas<br />

Teacher<br />

Mr Hill<br />

Cleaner<br />

Ciara<br />

Student<br />

Tim<br />

Student<br />

Rupert<br />

Student<br />

Shoes<br />

Print<br />


<strong>FSP</strong><strong>26</strong><br />

i mpr e ssi o n s<br />

Questions<br />

Does a shoeprint match<br />

What is the distinguishing features(s)<br />

Is there a reason why a shoeprint from that person would be found outside the classroom

<strong>FSP</strong><strong>26</strong><br />


Try and compare the size of the shoe prints and the height of the<br />

suspects to the shoeprint found at the scene of the crime. The<br />

shoe print discovered in the garden outside the window was<br />

29.2cm in length.<br />

Table 15: Suspect height and shoeprint size<br />

Suspect<br />

Ms Thomas<br />

Teacher<br />

Mr Hill<br />

Cleaner<br />

Ciara<br />

Student<br />

Tim<br />

Student<br />

Foot Length (cm) 24.6 27.5 21.8 21.9 24.8<br />

Rupert<br />

Student<br />

Height (cm) 163.4 179 143.5 145 162.5<br />

Questions<br />

Is the a relationship between foot length and height Explain your answer.<br />

Is height relevant in this crime Explain your answer.

<strong>FSP</strong><strong>26</strong><br />

H A N D W R I TIN G<br />

analysis<br />

Analyse the handwriting from the note and the<br />

message written on the board with the handwriting<br />

from the suspects. Complete Table 16: Suspects<br />

Handwriting.<br />

Equipment<br />

• Magnifying glass or hand lens<br />

Table 16: Suspects Handwriting<br />

Suspect Usual pen used Handwriting<br />

Ms Thomas<br />

Black texta<br />

– not water soluble<br />

Mr Hill<br />

Black texta<br />

Ciara<br />

Pencil<br />

Tim<br />

Blue pen<br />

Rupert<br />

Blue pen<br />

Evidence<br />

Location<br />

On an envelope<br />

Handwriting<br />

On the blackboard

<strong>FSP</strong><strong>26</strong><br />

H A N D W R I TIN G<br />

analysis<br />

Questions<br />

What was the main writing characteristic that you have considered during your analysis<br />

Do you have a match<br />

Explain your reasoning.

Complete a chromatograph of the ink from the sample of the note found in the desk<br />

drawer. Compare the result with your library of chromatograms and the Rf values.<br />

(Table 10 – Personal <strong>Dossier</strong> - <strong>FSP</strong>25). Complete Table 17: Suspects Pen.<br />

Your teacher will give you a filter paper already spotted with the ink from the note.<br />

<strong>FSP</strong><strong>26</strong><br />

table 1 7 In k ch ro mato g raphy<br />

Table 17 Suspects’ Pen<br />

Rf calculations<br />

Distance form origin to spot<br />

Distance from origin to solvent<br />

front<br />

Standard 1 Standard 2 PStandard 3 <strong>Crime</strong> Scene Pen<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

D<br />

Questions<br />

Is there a match<br />

Why Explain your reasoning.

<strong>FSP</strong><strong>26</strong><br />

P owd e r<br />

analysis<br />

Complete a series of chemical tests on the unknown sample collected from the crime<br />

scene. Your teacher will give you a sample from the crime scene.<br />

Follow the instructions from your Personal <strong>Dossier</strong> about conducting the analysis tests.<br />

Complete Table 18: Observation of Unknown Substance.<br />

Table 18: Observation of Unknown Substance<br />

Observation<br />

Unknown powder<br />

Acetic Acid<br />

Water<br />

Iodine<br />

pH indicator<br />

Based on your results of the tests from the known substances (Table 11- Personal<br />

<strong>Dossier</strong> - <strong>FSP</strong> 25) what do you think the substance on the desk is

<strong>FSP</strong><strong>26</strong><br />

S o i l<br />

analysis<br />

Conduct a soil analysis on the five samples that you will be given.<br />

Three of the samples have been collected from the crime scene: from the desk,<br />

from the floor and from the window ledge.<br />

Another two samples are from the pot plant on Ms Thomas’s desk and the soil<br />

from outside the window. Complete Table 19: Soil from the <strong>Crime</strong> Scene.<br />

Follow instructions about how to conduct the tests from your Personal <strong>Dossier</strong>.<br />

Table 19: Soil from the <strong>Crime</strong> Scene<br />

Desk<br />

Description<br />

Magnetic<br />

particles<br />

Colour Particle size Time to settle pH<br />

Floor<br />

Ledge<br />

Pot plant<br />


<strong>FSP</strong><strong>26</strong><br />

Inv e stig ati o n<br />

matrix<br />

Use a matrix table for each suspect to collate all of the information<br />

that you have gathered about the suspects and the crime scene.<br />

This is an example for Mrs X.<br />

Mrs X<br />

Fingerprint<br />

Shoe size<br />

Shoeprint<br />

Height: shoeprint<br />

relationship<br />

Handwriting analysis<br />

Chromatography<br />

– brand of texta<br />

Connection to<br />

powder<br />

Access to classroom<br />

Verdict<br />

Evidence found at crime scene<br />

Indistinct – difficult to tell<br />

Similar<br />

Different – had on high heels<br />

Mrs X is quite tall – good r’ship. She could have easily written on the blackboard.<br />

She uses running writing – the note is printed using capitals.<br />

The ink used for the note is different to the ink in the texta that she usually uses.<br />

She does use the black board.<br />

She does have a key.<br />

Could have done it but there are others who fit the profile better.<br />

Complete the information matrix for all of the suspects in the classroom break-in.

<strong>FSP</strong><strong>26</strong><br />

Inv e stig ati o n<br />

matrix<br />

Table 20: Ms Thomas Matrix Table<br />

Ms Thomas<br />

Evidence found at crime scene<br />

Fingerprint<br />

Shoe size<br />

Shoeprint<br />

Height: shoeprint<br />

relationship<br />

Handwriting analysis<br />

Chromatography<br />

– brand of texta<br />

Connection to<br />

powder<br />

Access to classroom<br />

Verdict<br />

Table 21: Mr Hill Matrix Table<br />

Mr Hill<br />

Evidence found at crime scene<br />

Fingerprint<br />

Shoe size<br />

Shoeprint<br />

Height: shoeprint<br />

relationship<br />

Handwriting analysis<br />

Chromatography<br />

– brand of texta<br />

Connection to<br />

powder<br />

Access to classroom<br />


<strong>FSP</strong><strong>26</strong><br />

Inv e stig ati o n<br />

matrix<br />

Table 22: Ciara Matrix Table<br />

Ciara<br />

Evidence found at crime scene<br />

Fingerprint<br />

Shoe size<br />

Shoeprint<br />

Height: shoeprint<br />

relationship<br />

Handwriting analysis<br />

Chromatography<br />

– brand of texta<br />

Connection to<br />

powder<br />

Access to classroom<br />

Verdict<br />

Table 23: Tim Matrix Table<br />

Tim<br />

Evidence found at crime scene<br />

Fingerprint<br />

Shoe size<br />

Shoeprint<br />

Height: shoeprint<br />

relationship<br />

Handwriting analysis<br />

Chromatography<br />

– brand of texta<br />

Connection to<br />

powder<br />

Access to classroom<br />


<strong>FSP</strong><strong>26</strong><br />

Inv e stig ati o n<br />

matrix<br />

Table 24: Rupert Matrix Table<br />

Rupert<br />

Evidence found at crime scene<br />

Fingerprint<br />

Shoe size<br />

Shoeprint<br />

Height: shoeprint<br />

relationship<br />

Handwriting analysis<br />

Chromatography<br />

– brand of texta<br />

Connection to<br />

powder<br />

Access to classroom<br />

Verdict<br />

Now combine all the evidence in Table 25: Joint Matrix Table. If the evidence matches a person tick the box in<br />

the grid, if it doesn’t cross the box in the grid.

Table 25: Joint Matrix Table<br />

Ms Thomas Mr Hill Ciara Tim Rupert Notes<br />

<strong>FSP</strong><strong>26</strong><br />

table 2 5 Inv e stig ati o n matrix<br />

Fingerprint<br />

Shoe size<br />

Shoeprint<br />

Height: shoeprint relationship<br />

Handwriting analysis<br />

Chromatography – brand of texta<br />

Connection to powder<br />

Access to classroom<br />

Verdict<br />

(how many ticks have they got)<br />

Prepare to present your results with your supporting evidence to the rest of the class.<br />

What about the soil samples and the white powder Do they have any impact on the case

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