Staff Reports - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Staff Reports - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Staff Reports - East Bay Municipal Utility District


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Facts in Support of Findings: Measure TRAF-1 is hereby incorporated and imposed and<br />

shall be monitored in compliance with the MMRP. Because EBMUD has agreed to this<br />

mitigation, any such impacts have been avoided or will be reduced to a Less than<br />

Significant level.<br />

As a result of these project circumstances, and by employing these mitigation measures,<br />

the Project will have Less than Significant impact to Traffic Resources.<br />

I. Utilities and Service Systems<br />

Impacts: Less than Significant Impact<br />

Findings: The project will require the excavation of in-place soils. Soils and any solid<br />

waste encountered in the excavations will be disposed of at an appropriate landfill<br />

identified by the contractor as required in EBMUD construction specifications regarding<br />

material off-haul and disposal The project will comply with applicable statues and<br />

regulations related to solid waste.<br />

As a result of these project circumstances, the Project will have Less than Significant<br />

impacts to <strong>Utility</strong> and Service Systems Resources.<br />

J. Agricultural Resources<br />

Impact: No Impact<br />

Findings: The project site is not designated as prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or<br />

Farmland of Statewide Importance. It is located within an urban area surrounded by<br />

residential uses. The project site is not currently zoned for agricultural use nor is it under<br />

a Williamson Act contract for agricultural preservation.<br />

As a result of these project circumstances, the Project will have no impacts to agricultural<br />

resources<br />

K. Cultural Resources<br />

Impact: No Impact.<br />

Findings The project site is located on developed land that has been subject to extensive<br />

prior excavation and disturbance. All project work will occur in areas that have been<br />

previously disturbed. It is unlikely that unique archeological, paleontology resources or<br />

human remains exist along the project alignments. However, if remains of archeological<br />

features or human remains are uncovered during trench excavation work, the standard<br />

protocol will be followed to preserve and protect such features. Generally this will consist<br />

of immediately stopping work until such time as a qualified archeologist or the county<br />

coroner can make a determination of significance for archeological and human remains,<br />


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