Environmental Impact Statement - radioactive monticello

Environmental Impact Statement - radioactive monticello

Environmental Impact Statement - radioactive monticello


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Appendix A<br />

MAY-17-206 13:11 P.04<br />

U.S. <strong>Environmental</strong> Protection Agency Comments on<br />

Generic Enviroumeotal 7mpact <strong>Statement</strong> for License Renewal of Nuclear Plant,<br />

Supplement 26: Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant, Draft TReport,<br />

NUREG-1437<br />

H-1 1. We arc concerned that the Draft SELS does not discuss potential power.uprates :u<br />

Monticello or estimate resulting Increases in radiological emissions. spent fuel. and other<br />

emissions. We recogni•z that NRC's regulations (10 C.F.R Section 51.53(c)(2)) state that<br />

an applicant's envirorunmental report need not discus tho demand for power, and we ore not<br />

asking for an assessment of need, Separate from purpose and need, we consider power<br />

uprates to be reasonably foreseeable actions that contributc to a cumulative radiological<br />

impact. under 40 C.F.R Section 1508.7. and therefore should be discussed in NRC's final<br />

SEIS.<br />

H-2 2. We awe concered about the abnormal releases mentioned in the Draft SEMS. The Draft<br />

SEIS refernces abnormal releases of fission and activation products and tritium during.the<br />

period from 2001 to 2004 (page 2-9). Thi is the only place these releases are discussed in<br />

the document, and their mention raises questions that ame not addressed. Information on<br />

the abnormal releases is unclear. For example, it is not clear whether there was one release<br />

event or rmore, ocwhere the event occurred. In addition, while the concentration of the<br />

release(s) is given, readers arc referred elsewhere in the documcnt and regulations to<br />

determine for themselvcs whether this is within effluent limits or how this irnpacts the<br />

public or the environment. This section implies that occasional abnormal releases are<br />

expected duri•g•the renewal period. The Final SEIS needs to explain the past 2nd future<br />

expected frequency of these releases. Finally, the Draft SBIS also claims that if fature<br />

abnormal releases occur, they will be below design dose objectives: It is not cler how this<br />

statement could be supported for hypothetical incidents. We also notc that abnormal<br />

releases are not discussed in sections on radiological impacts or water quality, presuming<br />

that these abnormal rele-ses were issued to a water body.<br />

With the GElS approa*h, NRC generally does not include.an analysis ofimpacts where<br />

staffroviewei; have not found new or significant informalion. We belicve thai past<br />

abnormal rolcascs, and the potential for future abnormal relea.es, qualify as new and<br />

significant information. We therefore recommend that the subsequent Final SEIS discuss<br />

the abnormal releases ully and in context to the environmcntul impacts analysis. We<br />

recommend including a discussion ofrpast or potential future releases and steps to prevent<br />

releases. Specifically, the Final SEIS needs to explain the number of releases and where<br />

releases occured (i.e., describe whether the release was effluent into the Mississippi River,<br />

an on-site spill, or some other relcasc). It should clarify how abnormal releases arc<br />

differmt from liquid effluent, if his is the case. We recommend that where concentrations<br />

are mentioned, the document plce these concentrations In cortext by giving effluent<br />

limits, dose limits, or other relevant measurements. We also recommend that abnormal<br />

releases be discussed in Chapte., 4.0 <strong>Environmental</strong> impacts of Operaion.<br />

H-3 3, We arc aware that there was a proposal before the Minnesota <strong>Environmental</strong> Quality Board<br />

for dry cask storage facility for spent nuclear fuel at Monticello. We note that the<br />

<strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Impact</strong>s section of the Dramft SETS does not discuss the potential impacts<br />

associated with adding this type ofspent fuel storge facility to the txisuing operation. We<br />

August 2006 A-77 NUREG-1 437, Supplement 26 1

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