Environmental Impact Statement - radioactive monticello

Environmental Impact Statement - radioactive monticello

Environmental Impact Statement - radioactive monticello


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<strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Impact</strong>s of Alternatives<br />

nuclear plant would have a 40-year period of plant operation. Consideration of a new nuclear<br />

generating plant to replace Monticello was not included in the NMC ER.<br />

NRC has summarized environmental data associated with the uranium fuel cycle in Table S-3<br />

of 10 CFR 51.51. The impacts shown in Table S-3 are representative of the impacts that would<br />

be associated with a replacement nuclear power plant built to one of the certified designs, sited<br />

at Monticello or an alternate greenfield site. The impacts shown in Table S-3 are for a<br />

1 000-MW(e) reactor and would need to be adjusted to reflect impacts of 600 MW(e) of new<br />

nuclear power. The environmental impacts associated with transporting fuel and waste to and<br />

from a light-water cooled nuclear power reactor are summarized in Table S-4 of 10 CFR 51.52.<br />

The summary of NRC's findings on NEPA issues for license renewal of nuclear power plants in<br />

Table B-1 of 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix B, is also relevant, although not directly<br />

applicable, for consideration of environmental impacts associated with the operation of a<br />

replacement nuclear power plant. Additional environmental impact information for a<br />

replacement nuclear power plant using closed-cycle cooling is presented in Section and<br />

using open-cycle cooling in Section<br /> Closed-Cycle Cooling System<br />

The overall impacts of the nuclear generating system are discussed in the following sections.<br />

* The impacts are summarized in Table 8-5. The extent of impacts at an alternate greenfield site<br />

* will depend on the location of the particular site selected.<br />

* Land Use<br />

The existing facilities and infrastructure at the Monticello site would be used to the extent<br />

practicable, limiting the amount of new construction that would be required. Specifically, the<br />

staff assumed that a replacement nuclear power plant would use the existing circulating water<br />

system, switchyard, offices, and transmission line rights-of-way. Much of the land that would be<br />

used has been previously disturbed.<br />

A replacement nuclear power plant at the Monticello site would alter approximately 500 to<br />

1000 ac of land to industrial use. There would be no net change in land needed for uranium<br />

mining because land needed for the new nuclear plant would offset land needed to supply<br />

uranium for fuel for Monticello.<br />

The impact of a replacement nuclear generating plant on land use at the existing Monticello site<br />

is best characterized as MODERATE. The impact would be greater than the OL renewal<br />

alternative.<br />

Land-use impacts at an alternate greenfield site would be similar to siting at Monticello except<br />

for the land needed for a transmission line to connect to existing lines to transmit power to<br />

NSP's customers in the Southern Minnesota area. Assuming a 60-mi transmission line, an<br />

additional 2500 ac would be needed. In addition, it may be necessary to construct a rail spur to<br />

August 2006 8-35 NUREG-1437, Supplement 26 1

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