Environmental Impact Statement - radioactive monticello

Environmental Impact Statement - radioactive monticello

Environmental Impact Statement - radioactive monticello


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<strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Impact</strong>s of Operation<br />

as concerns that the FWS has regarding those species (FWS 2005). The staff has prepared a<br />

biological assessment (BA) documenting its review of Federally listed threatened or<br />

endangered species at the Monticello site and associated transmission lines and submitted it to<br />

the FWS for concurrence (NRC 2005d).<br />

Table 4-10. Category 2 Issue Applicable to Threatened or Endangered<br />

Species in the Vicinity of Monticello During the License<br />

Renewal Term<br />

ISSUE-i 0 CFR Part 51,<br />

10 CFR<br />

Subpart A, Appendix B,<br />

51.53(c)(3)(ii)<br />

Table B-1 GElS Section Subparagraph SEIS Section<br />


Threatened or endangered 4.1 E 4.6<br />

species<br />

4.6.1 Aquatic Species<br />

The Higgins' eye pearlymussel (Lampsilis higginsih) is the only Federally listed (endangered)<br />

aquatic species reported from the four-county area that includes the Monticello site and its<br />

associated transmission lines (FWS 2005). As discussed in Section 2.2.5, the closest Essential<br />

Habitat Areas for the.Higgins' eye pearlymussel occur in the St. Croix River (RM 811), which<br />

flows into the Mississippi River approximately 89 mi downstream from Monticello (RM 900).<br />

Also, the Higgins' eye pearlymussel is not known to occur further upstream than Pool 2<br />

(RM 848 to RM 815) of the Mississippi River, which is mostly located downstream from the Twin.;<br />

Cities area (Kelner and Davis 2002; Hornbach 2004). Therefore, potential impacts from the<br />

operation of Monticello are too far removed to adversely affect the species. The Monticello<br />

cooling-water intake and discharge are closely monitored under the NPDES program. NPDES<br />

permit limits are reviewed on a regular basis by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency to<br />

ensure the protection of aquatic biota, including fish species that can serve as hosts for the<br />

glochidia of the Higgins' eye pearlymussel.<br />

There are no plans to conduct refurbishment or construction activities at Monticello. Therefore,<br />

the staff has concluded that continued operation of the plant during the license renewal term will<br />

have no effect on the Higgins' eye pearlymussel. Thus, it is the staff's finding, as documented<br />

in its BA (see Appendix E), that the impacts on threatened or endangered aquatic species from<br />

an additional 20 years of operation of Monticello would be SMALL, and additional mitigation is<br />

not warranted.<br />

4.6.2 Terrestrial Species<br />

There are two Federally listed threatened or endangered terrestrial species that have the<br />

potential to occur on or in the vicinity of the Monticello site and its associated transmission lines.<br />

These two species are discussed in Section 2.2.6. One Federally threatened species, the bald<br />

NUREG-1437, Supplement 26 4-42 August 2006 1

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