Environmental Impact Statement - radioactive monticello

Environmental Impact Statement - radioactive monticello

Environmental Impact Statement - radioactive monticello


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<strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Impact</strong>s of Operation<br />

* Public services: education (license renewal term). Based on information in the GELS, the<br />

Commission found that<br />

Only impacts of small significance are expected.<br />

The staff has not identified any new and significant information during its independent review of<br />

I the NMC ER, the staff's site visit, the scoping process, its evaluation of other available<br />

information, or public comments on the draft SEIS. Therefore, the staff concludes that there<br />

are no impacts on education during the renewal term beyond those discussed in the GELS.<br />

* Aesthetic impacts (license renewal term). Based on information in the GELS, the<br />

Commission found that<br />

No significant impacts are expected during the license renewal term.<br />

The staff has not identified any new and significant information during its independent review of<br />

I the NMC ER, the staff's site visit, the scoping process, its evaluation of other available<br />

information, or public comments on the draft SEIS. Therefore, the staff concludes that there<br />

are no aesthetic impacts during the renewal term beyond those discussed in the GElS.<br />

* Aesthetic impacts of transmission lines (license renewal term). Based on information in the<br />

GELS, the Commission found that<br />

No significant impacts are expected during the license renewal term.<br />

The staff has not identified any new and significant information during its independent review of<br />

the NMC ER, the staff's site visit, the scoping process, its evaluation of other available<br />

information, or public'comments on the draft SEIS. Therefore, the staff concludes that there<br />

are no aesthetic impacts during the renewal term beyond those discussed in the GELS.<br />

Table 4-7 lists the Category 2 socioeconomic issues, which require plant-specific analysis, and<br />

environmental justice, which was not addressed in the GELS.<br />

4.4.1 Housing <strong>Impact</strong>s During Operations<br />

In determining housing impacts, the applicant chose to follow Appendix C of the GElS<br />

(NRC 1996), which presents a population characterization .method that is based on two factors,<br />

"sparseness" and "proximity" (GELS Section C.1.4 [NRC 1996]). Sparseness measures<br />

population density within 20 m'i of the site, and proximity measures population density and city<br />

size within 50 mi. Each factor has categories of density and size (GELS Table C.1 [NRC 1996]),<br />

and a matrix is used to rank the population category as low, medium, or high (GELS Figure C.1<br />

[NRC 1996]).<br />

According to the U.S. Census Bureau (USCB) 2000 information, the population living within<br />

20 mi of the Monticello site was estimated to be approximately 166,860. This translates to<br />

NUREG-1437, Supplement 26 4-30 August 2006 1

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