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new international vitamin laws are codified. Once a Codex vitamin law is finalized, it will<br />

supercede any member country's supplement laws. The only way for a country to truly protect its<br />

vital interest on this and other matters is to get out of the U.N. and the WTO entirely, a 'best case'<br />

scenario that nobody realistically sees happening.<br />

In the 21st century we live under siege. There are concerns about pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics,<br />

GM,mobile phones, microwaves, amalgam fillings, falling sperm counts, mad cows, MMR - even<br />

milk. Farmed salmon is a Trojan horse for carcinogens. Obesity and diabetes are on the march.<br />

There is a mass of documentation on all this. So what is the European Commission's big idea 'Let's<br />

clamp down on vitamins and minerals.'<br />

In order to prevent a sinister one-world government from mining people as the resource, usurping<br />

our natural freedoms and dictating our moves, we must pony up and donate to the ANH so they can<br />

make a decent legal presentation; if we don't do it for ourselves, how about our grandchildren and<br />

the rest of society Go online to www.alliance-natural-health.org and make a donation. Or suffer.<br />

---Duncan Crow---<br />

http://www.alliance-natural-health.org<br />

(Duncan Crow, Wholistic Consultant. Canada)<br />

http://curezone.com/forums/m.asp<br />

http://curezone.com/forums/m.aspf=237<br />

http://curezone.com/forums/m.aspf=237&i=597<br />

www.db.europarl.eu.int/ep6/owa/p_meps.short_list<br />

Sue Croft<br />

Consumers for Health Choice ~<br />

11 Green Pastures Road<br />


North Somerset<br />

BS48 1ND<br />

England<br />

Tel.: +44 (0) 1275 852597<br />

Fax: +44 (0) 1275 858702<br />

Cell.: 07860 286425<br />

Web: http://www.healthchoice.org.uk<br />


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