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<strong>BIOSIGNALS</strong><br />

generation<br />

processing<br />



Biological system is an open dynamic system with continuous flow of matter,<br />

energy and information.<br />

Information transport in biological systems<br />

The transport and processing of information in biological systems – human<br />

organism – is facilitated by humoral or nervous mechanisms on a three levels.<br />

The processes on the first lowest level are connected to the regulation of basic<br />

biochemical reactions. The second level forms processes carried out in<br />

autonomical systems utilizing humoral and nervous mechanisms, that control<br />

functions of some organs (e.g. heart). The third, highest level covers the<br />

information processing in central nervous system.

Energy in biological systems<br />

Energy for all the vital functions of the body is obtained by either aerobic or<br />

anaerobic metabolism:<br />

- Aerobic metabolism releases energy from carbohydrates, proteins and fats by<br />

the process of oxygenation. Aerobic metabolism is used by most cells, as it<br />

produces large amounts of energy for prolonged periods of time, but requires<br />

the presence of oxygen.<br />

- Anaerobic metabolism, in contrast, does not need oxygen but is far less efficient<br />

as it produces small amounts of energy and only functions for short periods<br />

of time.<br />

Therefore the body needs oxygen to produce the large amount of energy required<br />

for most body functions, not only for moving, but also for breathing, eating,<br />

digestion, osmotic function of kidneys, generation of action potentials and nerve<br />

function. A part is consumed, transformed into heat energy.<br />

This chemical-bound form of energy is stored in special molecules. The most<br />

known is ATP (adenosine-5'-triphosphate).<br />

The energy released by cleaving either a<br />

phosphate (Pi) or pyrophosphate (PPi) unit<br />

from ATP<br />

ATP + H2O ADP + Pi G˚ = −30.5 kJ/mol (−7.3 kcal/mol)<br />

ATP + H2O AMP + PPi G˚ = −45.6 kJ/mol (−10.9 kcal/mol)<br />

at the standard conditions,<br />

under typical cellular conditions, G is approximately −57 kJ/mol

Homeostasis and Adaptation<br />

Homeostasis (from Greek: standing still similar) is the property of a system, either<br />

open or closed, that regulates its internal environment and tends to maintain a<br />

stable, constant condition.<br />

All homeostatic control mechanisms have at least three interdependent<br />

components for the variable being regulated: The receptor is the sensing component<br />

that monitors and responds to changes in the environment. When the receptor senses<br />

a stimulus, it sends information to a control center, the component that sets the<br />

range at which a variable is maintained. The control center determines an appropriate<br />

response to the stimulus. In most homeostatic mechanisms the control center is the<br />

brain. The control center then sends signals to an effector, which can be muscles,<br />

organs or other structures that receive signals from the control center. After receiving<br />

the signal, a change occurs to correct the deviation by either enhancing it with<br />

positive feedback (e.g. blood platelet accumulation) or depressing it with negative<br />

feedback (regulation of blood pressure by vasoconstriction or vasodilatation).<br />


Homeostasis and Adaptation<br />

Adaptation is the evolutionary process whereby a population becomes better suited<br />

to its habitat.<br />

May be structural, behavioral or physiological. Structural adaptations are<br />

physical features of an organism (shape, body covering, defensive or offensive<br />

armament); and also the internal organization). Behavioural adaptations are<br />

composed of inherited behaviour chains and/or the ability to learn: behaviours may<br />

be inherited in detail (instincts), or a tendency for learning may be inherited. E.g.:<br />

searching for food, mating, vocalizations. Physiological adaptations permit the<br />

organism to perform special functions (for instance making venom, secreting slime,<br />

phototropism); but also more general functions such as growth and development,<br />

temperature regulation, ionic balance and other aspects of homeostasis. Adaptation,<br />

then, affects all aspects of the life of an organism.


is a summarizing term for all kinds of signals that can be (continually) measured<br />

and monitored from biological beings. The term biosignal is often used to mean<br />

bio-electrical signal but in fact, biosignal refers to both electrical and non-electrical<br />

signals.<br />

Electrical biosignals are usually taken to be (changes in) electric currents<br />

produced by the sum of electrical potential differences across a specialized tissue,<br />

organ or cell system like the nervous system.<br />

Information in biosignals is often depreciated by a disturbance or noise. Therefore<br />

the biosignals have to be properly processed – using a transformation or filtration<br />

to extract required information.<br />

There are a lots of methods and<br />

algorithms for biosignal processing, 1-<br />

or 2-dimensional, in time or in<br />

frequency distribution.

Classification of Biosignals<br />

may be classified in many ways<br />

according to:<br />

• to their source or physical nature, where the classification respects the basic<br />

physical characteristics of the considered process.<br />

• to biomedical application. The biomedical signal is acquired and processed<br />

with some diagnostic, monitoring, or other goal in mind. Classification may be<br />

constructed according to the field of application, e.g., cardiology or neurology.<br />

Such classification may be of interest when the goal is, for example, the study of<br />

physiologic systems.<br />

• to signal characteristics. From point of view of signal analysis, this is the<br />

most relevant classification method. When the main goal is processing, it is not<br />

relevant what is the source of the signal or to which biomedical system it belongs;<br />

what matters are the signal characteristics.

We recognize two broad classes of signals:<br />

- continuous signals<br />

- discrete signals.<br />

Continuous signals are described by a continuous function s (t) which provides<br />

information about the signal at any given time. Discrete signals are described by a<br />

sequence s (m) which provides information at a given discrete point on the time<br />

axis.<br />

Continuous<br />

Discrete<br />

value<br />

value<br />

time<br />

time<br />

Most of the biomedical signals are continuous. Since current technology<br />

provides powerful tools for discrete signal processing, we most often transform a<br />

continuous signal into a discrete one by a process known as sampling.

We divide signals into two main groups:<br />

- deterministic<br />

- stochastic signals.<br />

Deterministic signals are signals that can be exactly described mathematically or<br />

graphically. Real-world signals are never deterministic. There is always some<br />

unknown and unpredictable noise added, some unpredictable change in the<br />

parameters. It is very often convenient to approximate or model the signal by<br />

means of a deterministic function(s).<br />

An important family of deterministic signals is the periodic family. A periodic<br />

signal is a deterministic signal that may be expressed by<br />

s(t )= s(t + nT)<br />

where n is an integer, and T is the period.<br />

Under some conditions, the blood pressure<br />

signal may be modeled by a complex periodic<br />

signal, with the heart rate as its period and the<br />

blood pressure wave shape as its basic wave<br />


Most deterministic functions are nonperiodic. It is sometimes worthwhile to consider<br />

an “almost periodic” type of signal. The ECG signal can sometimes be considered<br />

“almost periodic.” The ECG’s RR interval is never constant; in addition, the PQRST<br />

complex of one heartbeat is never exactly the same as that of another beat.<br />

The most important class of signals is the stochastic class. Stochastic signals<br />

cannot be expressed exactly; they can be described only in terms of probabilities.<br />

Stationary stochastic processes are processes whose statistics do not<br />

change in time. The expectation and the variance (as with any other statistical<br />

mean) of a stationary process will be time-independent. Unfortunately, almost all<br />

signals are nonstationary (e.g. sleep EEG signal)<br />

the 3. and/or the 4.<br />

stage of the nonREM<br />

sleep phase

Types of biosignals<br />

according to the origin<br />

a) Bioelectric signals. They are generated by nerve<br />

cells and muscle cells. Its source is the membrane potential,<br />

which under certain conditions may be excited to generate an<br />

action potential. In single cell measurements, where specific<br />

microelectrodes are used as sensors, the action potential<br />

itself is the biomedical signal. In more gross measurements,<br />

where, for example, surface electrodes are used as sensors,<br />

the electric field generated by the action of many cells,<br />

distributed in the electrode’s vicinity, constitutes the bioelectric<br />

signal. The electric field propagates through the biologic<br />

medium, and thus the potential may be acquired at relatively<br />

convenient locations on the surface, eliminating the need to<br />

invade the system. The bioelectric signal requires a relatively<br />

simple transducer for its acquisition. E.g.: ECG, EEG, EMG<br />

and others.

) Bioimpedance signals. The impedance of the tissue contains important<br />

information concerning its composition, blood volume, blood distribution, endocrine<br />

activity, automatic nervous system activity, and more. The bioimpedance signal is<br />

usually generated by injecting (or superficially) into the tissue under test sinusoidal<br />

currents (frequency range of 50 kHz to 1 MHz, with low current densities of the<br />

order of 20 A to 2 mA). The frequency range is chosen to minimize electrode<br />

polarization problems, and the low current densities are chosen to avoid tissue<br />

damage mainly due to heating effects. Bioimpedance measurements are usually<br />

performed with 4 electrodes. Two source electrodes are connected to a current<br />

source and are used to inject the current into the tissue. The two measurement<br />

electrodes are placed on the tissue under investigation and are used to measure the<br />

voltage drop generated by the current and the tissue impedance. E.g.: impedance<br />

plethysmography or rheography.

c) Biomagnetic signals. Various organs, such as the brain, heart, and lungs,<br />

produce extremely weak magnetic fields (10 −9 T to 10 −6 T). The measurements<br />

of these fields provides information not included in other biosignals (such as<br />

bioelectric signals). Due to the low level of the magnetic fields to be measured,<br />

biomagnetic signals are usually of very low signal-to-noise ratio. Extreme caution<br />

must be taken in designing the acquisition system of these signals.

Superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUID) are very sensitive<br />

magnetometers used to measure extremely weak magnetic fields, based on<br />

superconducting loops containing Josephson junctions. They are sensitive enough<br />

to measure fields as low as 5×10 −18 T. The strength of the field at the Earth's<br />

surface ranges from less than 3x10 -5 T in an area including most of South America<br />

and South Africa to over 6x10 -5 T around the magnetic poles in northern Canada<br />

and south of Australia, and in part of Siberia. ( A typical refrigerator magnet<br />

produces 10 −2 T.

d) Bioacoustic signals. Many biomedical phenomena create acoustic noise. The<br />

flow of blood in the heart, through the heart’s valves, or through blood vessels<br />

generates typical acoustic noise. The flow of air through the upper and lower<br />

airways and in the lungs creates acoustic sounds. These sounds, known as<br />

coughs, snores, and chest and lung sounds, are used extensively in medicine.<br />

Sounds are also generated in the digestive tract and in the joints. It also has been<br />

observed that the contracting muscle produces an acoustic noise (muscle noise).<br />

Since the acoustic energy propagates through the biologic medium, the<br />

bioacoustic signal may be conveniently acquired on the surface, using acoustic<br />

transducers (microphones or accelerometers).<br />

e) Biochemical signals. Biochemical signals are the result of chemical<br />

measurements from the living tissue or from samples analyzed in the clinical<br />

laboratory. Measuring the concentration of various ions inside and in the vicinity of<br />

a cell by means of specific ion electrodes is an example of such a signal. Partial<br />

pressures of oxygen (pO 2<br />

) and of carbon dioxide (pCO 2<br />

) in the blood or respiratory<br />

system are other examples or blood pH. Biochemical signals are most often very<br />

low frequency signals. Most biochemical signals are actually dc signals.

f) Biomechanical signals. The term biomechanical signals includes all signals used<br />

in the biomedicine fields that originate from some mechanical function of the biologic<br />

system. These signals include motion and displacement signals, pressure and<br />

tension and flow signals, and others. The measurement of biomechanical signals<br />

requires a variety of transducers, not always simple and inexpensive.<br />

The mechanical phenomenon does not propagate, as do the electric, magnetic, and<br />

acoustic fields. The measurement therefore usually has to be performed at the exact<br />

site. This very often complicates the measurement and forces it to be an invasive<br />

one. E.g. blood pressure, non-directly – phonocardiography, Carotidography.<br />

g) Biooptical signals. Biooptical signals are the result of optical functions of the<br />

biologic system, occurring naturally or induced by the measurement. Blood<br />

oxygenation may be estimated by measuring the transmitted and backscattered<br />

light from a tissue (in vivo and in vitro) in several wavelengths (oximetry). Important<br />

information about the fetus may be acquired by measuring fluorescence<br />

characteristics of the amniotic fluid. Estimation of the heart output may be<br />

performed by the dye dilution method, which requires the monitoring of the<br />

appearance of recirculated dye in the bloodstream. The development of fiberoptic<br />

technology has opened vast applications of biooptical signals.

h) Thermal biosignals – continuous or discrete carry information about the<br />

temperature of the body core or temperature distribution on the surface. The<br />

temperature measurement reflects physical and biochemical processes proceeded<br />

in organism. The measurement is usually performed by a contact method using a<br />

variety of thermometers. In special cases it is used 2D thermographic camera.<br />

i) Radiological biosignals. These biosignals are formed by<br />

interaction of ionizing interaction with biological structures.<br />

They carry information about inner anatomical structures.<br />

They play a significant role in diagnostics and therapy.<br />

j) Ultrasonic biosignals. They are formed by interaction<br />

with organism tissues. They carry information about<br />

acoustic impedances of biological structures and their<br />

anatomical changes. They are acquired by probes<br />

containing piezoelectric transducer.

Electronic devices in Medicine<br />

Block diagram of a diagnostic device<br />

sensor<br />

amplifier<br />

A/D<br />

converter<br />

calibration<br />

control<br />

unit<br />

signal<br />

processing<br />

data<br />

storage<br />

source<br />

signal<br />

display<br />

data<br />


Electronic devices in Medicine<br />

Diagnostic systems<br />

Electric signals are detected by sensors (mainly electrodes), while nonelectric<br />

magnitudes are first converted by transducers into electric signals that can be<br />

easily treated, transmitted, and stored. The output signals from electrodes or<br />

sensors of the most monitored quantities are analog. For their processing, storage<br />

and transport is necessary to do their amplification, filtration and digitalization<br />

using A/D converter.<br />

Different types of microprocessors are used to process biosignals (PC serves as a<br />

control unit).<br />

The control unit of modern electrocardiographs

Signal display usually respects user requirements. They are displays with<br />

numerical or graphical information (light emitting diodes LED, LCD, monitors).<br />

Data storage (e.g. Holter long-term (24- 48hrs) monitoring ECG, blood<br />

pressure or pH of stomach).<br />

Data transmission locally inside of the clinic or via hospital information system<br />

(HIS), but also to other places by phone, internet or telemetrically.

Block diagram of a therapeutic device<br />

source<br />

life<br />

functions<br />

monitoring<br />

signal<br />

display<br />

dose<br />

monitoring<br />

applicator<br />

generator<br />

control<br />

unit<br />

therapeutical<br />

watch<br />

Applicators are stimulation electrodes, tips, cavity resonators, ultrasound heads,<br />

coils, optical fibers and others, that directly act on specified area of the tissue,<br />


Signal digitalization<br />

The A/D conversion ideally can be divided in two steps, the sampling process,<br />

which converts the continuous signal in a discrete-time series and whose elements<br />

are named samples, and a quantization procedure, which assigns the amplitude<br />

value of each sample within a set of determined discrete values. Both processes<br />

can modify the characteristics of the signal. A continuous time signal can be<br />

completely recovered from its samples if, and only if, the sampling rate is greater<br />

than twice the signal bandwidth (Shanon-Kotelnikov theorem).

Sensors of biosignals<br />

different types of electrodes and sensors<br />

Biomedical sensors<br />

take signals representing biomedical variables and convert them into what is<br />

usually an electrical signal. As such, the biomedical sensor serves as the interface<br />

between a biologic and an electronic system.<br />

It is possible to categorize all sensors as being either physical or chemical.<br />

In the case of physical sensors, quantities such as geometric, mechanical, thermal,<br />

and hydraulic variables are measured. In biomedical applications these can include<br />

things such as muscle displacement, blood pressure, core body temperature, blood<br />

flow, cerebrospinal fluid pressure, and bone growth.<br />

The second major classification of sensing devices is chemical sensors. In this<br />

case the sensors are concerned with measuring chemical quantities such as<br />

identifying the presence of particular chemical compounds, detecting the<br />

concentrations of various chemical species, and monitoring chemical activities<br />

in the body for diagnostic and therapeutic applications.

Measurement of biological signals (physical quantities)<br />

Some important biosignals do not have the character of the electrical potential or<br />

voltage. The monitoring can be carried out only with the sensors transforming that<br />

signal as a physical quantity to some form of the electrical signal.<br />

Displacement sensors<br />

Inductance sensors of a displacement use inductance changes of a coil at the<br />

change of ferromagnetic slug position. The inductance is given by the formula:<br />

where µ 0<br />

is permeability of vacuum, µ r<br />

is relative permeability of the ferromagnetic<br />

slug, G is constant and characterizes the coil shape, N is the number of turns.

Capacitive Sensors for displacement monitoring use the changes of the capacitance<br />

of the plate condenser based on the following formula:<br />

S<br />

where ε 0<br />

is permittivity of vacuum, ε r<br />

relative permittivity of dielectric (air), S is plate<br />

area, d is plate distance.<br />

If for example if one plate is fixed then the capacitance will vary<br />

inversely with respect to the plate separation. This will result in a<br />

hyperbolic capacitance-displacement characteristic. These<br />

sensors can be used for monitoring of patient movement in bed,<br />

but also can be applied for respiration measurements, gas or<br />

liquid pressure.<br />

Sensors of the blood velocities and flows<br />

For the non-invasive measurement of the blood speeds or<br />

flows there are used piezoelectric transducers in ultrasound<br />

Dopller instruments. They are usually ceramic piezoelectric<br />

transducers working on frequencies from 4 to 10 MHz in<br />

continuous or pulse mode. The piezoelectric transducers can<br />

be also used for blood pressure measurement or for<br />

observation of heart valves movement in phonocardiography.<br />

Sensor of the intraocular pressure

Sensors of the air flow<br />

mesh<br />

warming<br />

Fleish’s pneumotachometer<br />

measure flow rate by means of a transducer through which the patient breathes.<br />

The air passes through a fine mesh which offers a small resistance to flow, with<br />

the result that there will be a pressure drop across the mesh in proportion to the<br />

flow rate. The instrument also calculates volume by integrating the flow signal.<br />

The tube cone shaped ends provide laminar air flow around the pressure<br />

transducer. The mesh warming facilitates water evaporation.

Sensors of temperature<br />

There are many different sensors of temperature, but three find particularly wide<br />

application to biomedical problems - metallic resistance thermometers,<br />

thermistors, and thermocouples.<br />

Metallic Resistance Thermometers<br />

The electric resistance of a piece of metal or wire generally increases as the<br />

temperature of that electric conductor increases. A linear approximation to this<br />

relationship is given by<br />

R = R 0<br />

[ 1+α (T −T 0<br />

)]<br />

where R 0<br />

is the resistance at temperature T 0<br />

, is the temperature coefficient of<br />

resistance, and T is the temperature at which the resistance is being measured.

Most metals have temperature coefficients of resistance of the order of 0.1– 0.4%/°C.<br />

The noble metals are preferred for resistance thermometers, since they do not<br />

corrode easily.<br />

Metal resistance thermometers are often fabricated from fine-gauge insulated wire<br />

that is wound into a small coil.

Thermistors<br />

Unlike metals, semiconductor materials have an inverse relationship between<br />

resistance and temperature. Their resistance as a function of temperature is given<br />

by<br />

where R 0<br />

marks thermistor resistance at the reference temperature T 0<br />

(298,15 K=25<br />

°C), β is a constant determined by the materials that make up the thermistor, the<br />

temperature constants for current materials are between 1500 and 7000 K.<br />

Thermistors are usually made of a mixture of metal oxides such as FeO, NiO, MnO,<br />

TiO, CoO.

Thermocouples<br />

When different regions of an electric conductor or semiconductor are at different<br />

temperatures, there is an electric potential between these regions that is directly<br />

related to the temperature differences. This phenomenon, known as the Seebeck<br />

effect, can be used to produce a temperature sensor known as a thermocouple<br />

by taking a wire of metal or alloy A and another wire of metal or alloy B and<br />

connecting them.<br />

When these junctions are at different temperatures, a voltage proportional to the<br />

temperature difference will be seen at the voltmeter<br />

V = S AB<br />

(Ts–Tr)<br />

where S AB<br />

is the Seebeck coefficient for the thermocouple made up of metals A<br />

and B

Infrared thermometers<br />

measure temperature by measuring infrared radiation emitted from objects. The<br />

object's temperature can be determined if you know the amount of infrared energy<br />

emitted by the object and its emissivity.<br />

The Stefan–Boltzmann law, also known as Stefan's law, states that the total<br />

energy radiated per unit surface area of a black body in unit time (known variously<br />

as the black-body irradiance, energy flux density, radiant flux, or the emissive<br />

power), H, is directly proportional to the fourth power of the black body's<br />

thermodynamic temperature T:<br />

H = ε . σ . T 4

Oximetry measures the degree of oxygen saturation in blood<br />

The oxygen is under normal physiological conditions transported from lungs to<br />

tissues in 2 different forms. Approximately 2 % of the total blood O 2<br />

is dissolved in<br />

plasma – it is linearly proportional to the p0 2<br />

in blood. The rest (98 %) is carried on<br />

erythrocytes, rather is reversible bound to hemoglobin producing oxyhemoglobin<br />

HbO 2<br />

. Based on this facts, there are 2 approaches to measure the blood<br />

oxygenation: application of p0 2<br />

sensor or measurement O 2<br />

saturation (relative<br />

content of HbO 2<br />

in blood) with an oximeter.<br />

Oximetry is based on the light absorption by blood (the color of fully oxygenated<br />

blood is bright red)<br />

A, B are coefficients dependent on specific<br />

absorption of Hb and HbO 2 , H(λ1), H(λ2) are<br />

optical densities of blood λ1 and λ2, resp.<br />

Pulse oximeter facilitates non-invasive in vivo measurement of oxygen saturation in<br />

blood. The sensor is formed by 2 light emitting diodes LED working on 2 different<br />

wavelengths :<br />

- λ 1<br />

where is significant difference between light absorption of Hb and HbO 2<br />

(red color<br />

660 nm ),<br />

- λ 2<br />

where light absorption is independent on oxygen saturation in blood (the<br />

absorbance of Hb is slightly lower than for HbO 2<br />

(IR 960 nm ).

Biosignal processing<br />

The most of the biosignals are acquired in the time domain. On the other hand for<br />

their processing it is better to work with the frequency distribution (e.g. to<br />

remove a noise by a frequency dependent filter).<br />

The basic mathematical operation serves for biosignal transformation from the<br />

time domain to the frequency domain is Fourier transformation.<br />

For any periodic biosignal we can use Fourier series<br />

and so describe the signals by means of the amplitudes a n<br />

,b n<br />

and phases of the<br />

sine waves. ( = 2f is the angular frequency)

Electrical signals processing – 3 steps:<br />

1. sensing<br />

(electrical signals are collected as electrical voltages, with amplitude from 10 -6 V<br />

(EEG) to 10 -2 V (EMG), their frequency is also in a wide range from 10 -1 to 10 3<br />

Hz)<br />

2. amplification<br />

(2 types: direct current (voltage) amplifier and alternating amplifier, the both<br />

have to be frequency independent)<br />

3. recording

Biophysics of sensory perception<br />

Classification and characteristics of receptors<br />

Psychophysical laws

Our perception of the outside world depends on our five senses:<br />

Cutaneous sensation<br />

Gustation<br />

Olfaction<br />

Vision<br />

Audition<br />

Touch<br />

Taste<br />

Smell<br />

Sight<br />

Hearing<br />

The elements of the peripheral nervous system that respond directly to stimuli are<br />

called the sensory receptors.<br />

A receptor is a transducer that produces electrical energy, impulse, from a form of<br />

energy (mechanical, thermal, light).<br />

The internal receptors (interoceptors, viscoreceptors and proprioceptors) monitor<br />

position and function of the organs, muscles, joints, ligaments, etc.<br />

The elements located at or near to the surface of the body - exteroceptors.

The classification according to function depends on the transduction<br />

mechanism of the receptor.<br />

Mechanoreceptors transduce mechanical factors such as touch, pressure,<br />

vibration and strain into electrical activity.<br />

Thermoreceptors respond to temperature<br />

Photoreceptors to light<br />

Chemoreceptors respond to chemicals in solution<br />

Nociceptors are pain sensors, if the stimulus level is high enough<br />

Some receptors are designed specifically to respond to the level of a stimulus,<br />

whilst others are designed to respond to changes in the level. (e.g. some<br />

mechanoreceptors respond directly to pressure and some respond to vibration)

Mechanoreceptors<br />

associated with the sense of touch<br />

structurally relatively simple<br />


The categorization of the simple receptors depends on the geometry of the dendritic<br />

endings<br />

Encapsulated dendritic endings are contained in a protective capsule of connective<br />

tissue. Some are designed to respond to light pressure, some to higher pressure,<br />

some to strain and some to vibration.<br />

-Pacinian corpuscles detect rapid vibrations, with large receptive fields<br />

-Meissner’s corpuscle (glabrous skin only) detect slow vibrations<br />

-Ruffini corpuscles (plus Merkel’s disks on glabrous skin) respond to<br />

indentation, with slow adaptation<br />

Free nerve endings around hairs detect movements of hairs<br />

Nociceptors (pain receptors) and thermoreceptors belong into this section because<br />

of their structural similarity

Mechanoreceptors respond to the stimulus of a mechanical load<br />

are designed to respond to the intensity of the load (slowly adapting (SA)<br />

receptors) and some are designed to respond to the rate of change of load (rapidly<br />

adapting (RA) receptors)<br />

The rate of generation of impulses is distinctly non-linear to the intensity of the<br />

stimulus, and furthermore there is a fatigue effect so that the rate is not constant<br />

even for constant stimulus.

Structural Categories of Sensory Receptors<br />

Pain<br />

temperature<br />

Touch<br />


The Pacinian corpuscle<br />

- the most abundant in the subcutaneous tissue under the skin, particularly in the<br />

fingers, the soles of the feet and the external genitalia<br />

- the largest of the receptors and the approximate shape of a rugby ball, typically<br />

about 1 mm, and up to 2 mm, long and about half as wide<br />

-resemble an onion in structure, with up to 60 layers of flattened cells surrounding a<br />

central core, the whole being enclosed in a sheath of connective tissue. At the<br />

centre is a single non-myelinated nerve fibre of up to 10 µm in diameter, which<br />

becomes myelinated as it leaves the corpuscle.<br />

- The Pacinian corpuscle serves most efficiently as a monitor of the rate of change<br />

of load rather than to the intensity of the load itself: serves as a vibration<br />


The Pacinian corpuscle<br />

Load applied slowly<br />

Load applied rapidly<br />

The presented model suggests that the mechanical stimulus reaching the core will<br />

depend on the rate of loading.<br />

Consider the application of a pinching load to two concentric ovoids filled with an<br />

incompressible viscous fluid. If the load is applied very slowly then the fluid flows so<br />

that the elastic membrane of the outer ovoid stretches along the axis to maintain<br />

the enclosed volume of incompressible fluid.<br />

If the load is applied rapidly, there will be a local high pressure under the point of<br />

application of the load, and therefore some distortion of the circular section of the<br />

membrane. This must be accommodated by a stretching along the axis.

Density of mechanoreceptors in human skin<br />

Site<br />

Tip of tongue<br />

Tip of index finger<br />

Lips<br />

Edge of tongue<br />

Palm<br />

Forehead<br />

Back of hand<br />

Upper surface of foot<br />

Neck<br />

Back<br />

Spatial discrimination<br />

(cm)<br />

0.2<br />

0.5<br />

0.75<br />

1<br />

1.2<br />

2.5<br />

3.2<br />

4.0<br />

5.5<br />

6.8<br />

Spatial density<br />

(receptors per cm 2 )<br />

25<br />

4<br />

2<br />

1<br />

0.7<br />

0.16<br />

0.1<br />

0.06<br />

0.03<br />


Thermoreceptors<br />

free nerve endings, respond to the stimulus of heat energy<br />

there are few thermoreceptors in the human skin - of the order of 5 to 10 receptors<br />

per cm 2 .<br />

Some receptors are designed to monitor steady-state temperature, whilst others<br />

respond efficiently to rapid changes of temperature.<br />

Some of the steady-state receptors, the “hot detectors”, respond to high<br />

temperatures, and some, the “cold detectors”, respond to low temperatures.<br />

Warm receptors<br />

sensitive to temperatures above 30 o C<br />

unresponsive to temperature above 48 o C<br />

Cold receptors<br />

sensitive to temperature between<br />

10 o C and 35 o C<br />

Pain receptors<br />

respond to temperatures below<br />

10 o C<br />

and above 45 o C<br />

frequency AP/s<br />

cold receptors<br />

hot receptors<br />

temperature °C

Nociceptors<br />

free nerve endings networks<br />

signal pain when the intensity of stimulation exceeds a particular threshold -<br />

intense pressure, heat, acids, receptors that are sensitive to ATP level<br />

there are rapid pain receptors, transmitting through myelinated fibers, that let<br />

us know very quickly that something is wrong. The conduction velocity of these<br />

nerve fibers is up to 30 m s -1 .<br />

there are also persistent pain receptors, mostly non-myelinaled, that react<br />

more slowly but maintain the sensation of pain - conduction velocities down to 2 m<br />

s -1 and below.<br />

Myelination<br />

Most mammalian axons are myelinated.<br />

The myelin sheath is provided by oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells.<br />

Myelin is insulating, preventing passage of ions over the membrane.<br />

Saltatory Conduction<br />

Myelin<br />

sheath<br />

Node of<br />


The chemical senses<br />

gustation and olfaction, or taste and smell<br />

They are dependent on the chemical stimulation of special cells called<br />

chemoreceptors, which respond to chemicals in an aqueous solution.<br />

They are regarded as the most primitive of the special senses.<br />

Our perception of taste in particular is often a composite sense, in which we<br />

supplement true taste information with cues from our sense of smell.

Gustation (taste)<br />

The chemoreceptors responsible for the sense of taste are called taste buds.<br />

We have about 10 000 of them, most of which are located on the tongue.<br />

They are shed and replaced about every 7-10 days.<br />

Different areas of the tongue react most effectively to particular tastes, suggesting<br />

that the taste buds have some degree of specificity. Every taste bud appears to be<br />

able to react to every taste, but the level of response varies. There is no obvious<br />

structural difference between the taste buds that respond best to different tastes.<br />

The task of transmission of the taste sensation to the brain is shared between two<br />

of the cranial nerves — the seventh (facial) and the ninth (glossopharyngeal).<br />

Epithelial cell receptors clustered<br />

in taste buds.<br />

Taste cells are not neurons, but<br />

depolarize upon stimulation and<br />

release chemical transmitters that<br />

stimulate sensory neurons.

Classification of tastes<br />

We normally classify tastes into four<br />

categories.<br />

In taste tests some compounds appear to fall<br />

into different categories depending on<br />

concentration. Even common salt, sodium<br />

chloride, tastes sweet at very low<br />

concentrations, close to the threshold of taste.<br />

Classification of tastes<br />

bitter<br />

sour<br />

sweet<br />

salt<br />

Location of taste sites<br />

on the human tongue<br />

Category<br />

General<br />

Specific<br />

Sweet<br />

Salt<br />

Sour<br />

Bitter<br />

Many organic<br />

compounds<br />

Many inorganic<br />

salts, metal ions<br />

Acids, hydrogen<br />

ion (H+)<br />

Many alkaloids<br />

Sugars, saccharin<br />

Sodium chloride,<br />

potassium chloride<br />

Acetic acid (vinegar),<br />

citric acid (lemon)<br />

Caffeine, nicotine,<br />

quinine, strychnine<br />

Salt:<br />

Na+ passes through channels<br />

and activates specific receptor<br />

cells, depolarizing the cells.<br />

Sour:<br />

Presence of H+.<br />

Sweet and bitter:<br />

Mediated by receptors coupled<br />

to G-protein (gustducin).

Olfaction (smell)<br />

The chemoreceptors responsible for the sense of smell, the olfactory receptors,<br />

are located in the epithelial lining of the roof of the nasal cavity.<br />

There are millions of these receptors. Man has a relatively poor sense of smell,<br />

and part of the reason for this is the geometrical design of the olfactory system.<br />

The olfactory receptors are situated in a side passage, off the main pathway of air<br />

into the lungs.<br />

Unlike the taste buds, which<br />

consist of epithelial cells, the<br />

olfactory receptors are actually<br />

neurones.<br />

They are unique in that they are<br />

the only neurones in the body<br />

that are replaced continually in<br />

adult life. They typically last for<br />

about 60 days.<br />

The task of transmission of the<br />

sensation of smell to the brain is<br />

performed by the first cranial<br />

nerve - the olfactory nerve.<br />

Molecules bind to<br />

receptors and act<br />

through G-proteins<br />

to increase cAMP.

Classification of smells<br />

There are several theories of olfaction, and no doubt each contains an element of<br />

the true. Many of the theories are underpinned by chemical models. One appealing<br />

and simple model suggests that there are seven basic odours: camphoric, musky,<br />

floral, pepperminty, ethereal, pungent and putrid. More complex models suggest 30<br />

or more primary odours, and more recent work suggests that there are a thousand<br />

or more separately identifiable odours.<br />

Thresholds of smell<br />

Our sense of smell is very sensitive - the threshold concentration for ethyl<br />

mercaptan as 4 x 10 8 molecules per cm 3 . Given that there are about 5 x 10 19<br />

molecules of nitrogen per cm 3 , this suggests that we can detect ethyl mercaptan in<br />

air at a concentration of about one molecule in 10 11 . We might consider this to be<br />

quite impressive, but the threshold of smell for a typical dog is about one thousand<br />

times lower.

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