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Present:<br />

Apologies:<br />

Sarah Higson<br />

Julie Sadler<br />

Jan Asker<br />

Jo Moore<br />

Helen Addison<br />

Hazel Byford<br />

Caroline Driver<br />

Kathy Clemence<br />

Sandra Hack<br />

Crys Rapley<br />

Tony Godden<br />

Pam Evans<br />

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>IPSWICH</strong> <strong>HOSPITAL</strong> <strong>NHS</strong> <strong>TRUST</strong><br />

Patient Experience Group<br />

Notes of the meeting held on 4 March 2010<br />

Patient Experience & Membership Manager (chairing)<br />

Head of Patient Experience & Adult Safeguarding<br />

CST, Emergency Department<br />

Ward Clerk, Debenham<br />

Ward Matron, Grundisburgh Ward<br />

Press Office<br />

Head Matron, Emergency Medicine<br />

Deputy Director of Nursing & Quality<br />

HCA, Critical Care Unit<br />

Patient Representative<br />

Patient Representative<br />

Notes<br />

Gwen Collins, Berni Arnold, Tracey Bray, Anna Cooper, Karen Wolfe, June<br />

Klaschka, Carrie Wright, Viv Dobrucki, Sandra Gillingham<br />

In attendance:<br />

Karin King – Framlingham/Bramford, Carolyn McAskill - PAU<br />

No. Agenda Item Action<br />

1 Welcome and Apologies<br />

Welcome, introductions and apologies. Sarah is chairing today’s<br />

meeting.<br />

2 Minutes from last meeting/Matters Arising (4 February 2010)<br />

Update to item on Single Sex posters – Kathy confirmed that these<br />

will be going into the corporate notice boards within the next week. The<br />

minutes will be amended accordingly.<br />

These were then accepted as a true record of the meeting.<br />

Matters Arising:<br />

At the February meeting Tony had questioned as to why hot, light<br />

meals could not be provided outside of set meal times. Martin Scannell<br />

had responded (noted in February minutes), but since this meeting an<br />

email from Hazel Byford had been sent out to all PEG members<br />

informing them of a submission made to Charitable Funds (copy of text<br />

below).<br />

A submission has been made to Charitable Funds after concern<br />

was expressed that a small group of visitors to seriously ill<br />

patients (children with cancer, parents of babies being cared for<br />

in the neo-natal unit, and relatives of people being cared for in<br />

critical care) who stay overnight and during weekends, no longer<br />

have access to hot food (other than from a vending machine).<br />

Nursing staff feel that in critical care, oncology, paediatrics, for<br />

parents and close relatives of seriously ill patients, that a supply<br />

of good quality ready meals (which include a range of culturally<br />

sensitive options) and which can easily be heated in a

microwave, should be available for late evenings and weekends.<br />

All of these areas have their own freezer and microwave. The<br />

suggestion is that relatives should use disposable plates and<br />

cutlery. It must be stressed that it would be used for emergency<br />

situations rather than being available and always at the matron’s<br />

discretion. It is suggested that a volunteer works with the matron<br />

in each area to ensure that the meals are re-stocked regularly<br />

and carries out other necessary checks.<br />

The members of the Charitable Trust Fund and Sponsorship<br />

Committee have been asked to consider whether they would be<br />

able to support funding the cost of the ready meals (all other<br />

equipment needed is already in place). A three-month pilot is<br />

suggested for us to be able to assess the need and the costs<br />

involved.<br />

This submission will be going to Charitable Funds on 17 March 2010.<br />

Members feel that there may be some issues around this submission<br />

and discussions took place.<br />

• As this is outside of the OCS contract, the supply of this food<br />

will not be covered by the OCS indemnity<br />

• It was suggested that if funding is granted and the food is<br />

purchased from OCS would this solve the problem<br />

• There were concerns around re-heating externally bought<br />

ready meals<br />

Hazel agreed to check on these concerns and feed back. This item will<br />

remain on PEG’s agenda.<br />

Corporate board in Endoscopy – this has been actioned by Sarah<br />

but she agreed to send a follow-up email.<br />

Pam has been unable to rearrange Jo Jackson’s ward reporting. A<br />

reminder email will be sent to Jo, copying in head matron.<br />

3 ‘Patient Experience’ Rolling Action Plans<br />

Hazel<br />

Sarah<br />

Pam<br />

Karin King – Framlingham/Bramford<br />

Copy of Karin’s prepared patient experience report attached for<br />

information.<br />

Kathy asked how many patients on average are on the ward at one<br />

time Karin said that over the past six months there have been 9, at<br />

the moment there are 4.<br />

Julie and Sarah commented that it is nice to hear that the ward have a<br />

continuous rolling action plan – congratulations - excellent work.<br />

Carolyn McAskill – PAU<br />

Copy of Carolyn’s prepared patient experience report attached for<br />

information.<br />

Thanks given to Carolyn for a very thorough report.<br />

4 PIE presentation – Mary Unsworth, Project Lead<br />

Presentation given by Mary.

Additional information given:<br />

• Kaizen – ‘change for the better’<br />

• The focus is not entirely on financial benefits although in some<br />

instances there have been significant savings<br />

• Project in Oral Surgery running from October 2009 – January<br />

2010<br />

• Roll out Programme January 2010 – March 2010 in<br />

Ophthalmology, Central Outpatients and ENT<br />

• Tony asked for the costing of the one-line notice board now<br />

used in the reception area. The one used as part of the PIE<br />

project was £70.<br />

Crys commented that it is so welcoming and pleasing to hear the<br />

results from this successful programme. If anyone would like a copy of<br />

the handouts please let Pam know.<br />

5 National Inpatient Survey Results (for information only)<br />

Sarah handed out copies of this for information only. This report<br />

contained initial results from the National Inpatient Survey 2009. The<br />

survey was conducted with patients who had an inpatient stay during<br />

July 2009. The full report where we are reported nationally against<br />

other trusts will be available in May/June 2010. If anyone would like to<br />

see a copy of the full report one published, please let Sarah or Pam<br />

know.<br />

6 Any news to Communications Team (standing item)<br />

Hazel gave the following updates:<br />

• The press office are preparing a press release on single sex<br />

accommodation to include a photo taken on Grundisburgh<br />

• There have been high numbers of ‘good experience’ stories<br />

received with many fundraising offers from members of the<br />

public. The press office are hoping to report further on these in<br />

the next Discover magazine<br />

• Tim Lockington, Consultant in Elderly Services speaking about<br />

complex care on the local radio<br />

7 Any Other Business<br />

The Patient Experience Team is holding a ‘Dignity in Care’ day on<br />

Monday 19 April. The event will be held in the Lecture Theatre,<br />

Postgraduate Centre from 12 – 4pm. If anyone is available to come<br />

along to offer their support, please let Sarah or Pam know.<br />

Funding has been given for the new Hospital Information Centre which<br />

will be situated at the south end of the hospital in the old Stock Shop.<br />

The Hospital Advice and Complaints Team will staff the centre along<br />

with help from volunteers. Members will be kept updated on progress.<br />

Work is due to start on a community garden at the back of<br />

Grundisburgh/Haughley wards.<br />

8 Next meeting<br />

Thursday 1 April 2010 – 1600-1700, Directors Seminar Room.<br />

Signed: …………………………………………<br />

Date: ……………………………………………

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