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8 MANAGEMENT ANNUAL AND EXTRAORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS’ MEETING BOARD REPORT > 1. Management Board report Ordinary Meeting Approval of the parent company financial statements - first resolution - We ask you to approve the transactions and fi nancial statements for the year 2011, as presented, which show a net profi t of EUR2,603.7 million. Approval of the consolidated financial statements - second resolution - We ask you to approve the transactions and consolidated fi nancial statements for the year 2011, as presented, which show a net profi t for the Group of EUR1,820 million. Distribution: payment of a dividend of EUR1.70 per share - third resolution - We recommend a dividend of EUR1.70 per EUR4 pe r value share. This represents a distribution rate of almost 50% of net profi t for the Group. The dividend will be paid on May 16, 2012 on 548,943,024 shares holding dividend rights on January 1, 2011 that made up the capital on December 31, 2011. No dividend will be paid on treasury shares on the payment date; the corresponding amounts will be allocated to retained earnings. The dividend will be paid out of profi t available for distribution, consisting of: • retained earnings of EUR96,496,292.01; • net income for the year of EUR2,603,738,064.30; • less the statutory allocation to the legal reserve of EUR2,009,936.80; and amounting to EUR2,698,224,419.51. The dividend payment will total EUR933,203,140.80; the remaining profi t available for distribution in euros will be allocated to retained earnings. For individual shareholders who pay income tax in France, a social security tax of 13.5% will be charged on the gross dividend. After applying a 40% (uncapped) allowance, only 60% of the dividend amount net of social security tax will be included in taxable income, less: • any deductible charges and expenses; and • an annual allowance of EUR1,525 for single, widowed or divorced persons or couples fi ling separately or EUR3,050 for couples who fi le a joint tax return. 260 2011 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC The full dividend will be eligible for the 40% allowance. No amounts eligible or not eligible for the 40% deduction provided for in article 158-3-2 of the French Tax Code will be distributed, other than the dividend described above. Shareholders may also choose to pay a withholding tax (at 21%) on the full dividend amount with no allowances. In this case, the allowances and tax credits described above will not apply. Dividend payments for the last three years were as follows: 2008 2009 2010 Dividend paid per share of EUR8 par value (1) Dividend paid per share adjusted for a two-for-one 3.45 2.05 3.20 share split (2) 1.725 1.025 1.60 (1) The full dividend is eligible for a 40% deduction for individuals resident in France. N on-eligible dividends have been distributed. (2) The two-for-one share split effective on September 2, 2011. Agreements and obligations governed by articles L.225-86 and L.225-90-1 of the French Commercial Code - fourth and fifth resolutions - We request you to approve the agreements and regulated obligations presented in the Statutory Auditor’s report drawn up pursuant to article L.225-88 of the French Commercial Code, regarding: • the adaptation of the top-hat defi ned benefi t pension plan for the French Group’s senior executives allowed to the Management Board members; • the agreements and obligations to Mr Jean-Pascal Tricoire, approved by the General Shareholder’s Meeting on April 23, 2009, which must be approved once more by the Assembly under the TEPA Act. The adaptation of the top-hat defined benefit pension plan for the French Group’s senior executives (4th resolution) The Group’s senior executives affi liated to the French Social Security systems are the Management Board members that benefi t from a top-hat defi ned benefi t pension plan – article 39 –. This plan presented on page 125 set up a pension of a maximum amount equal to 60% of the difference between the average remuneration of the last three years (“reference salary”) and the total of external

pensions. The amount of this pension is capped to 25% of the reference salary considering, if applicable, the amount paid for the defi ned contribution plan(s) (article 83). This plan does not conform to the recommendations of the AFEP/MEDEF corporate governance guidelines which anticipate that the basic rights are acquired without length of service conditions in the Group. In order to conform to these recommendations, the reform anticipates: • closure of the current article 39 plan to all new entrants; • implementation of a new article 39 plan open to Executive Committee and Board members with progressive vesting of rights according to time of service in the Group and on the Executive Committee. Full rights are granted after 15 years of service for a new entrant to the plan, except for the Group service condition. The new plan is contingent upon completing a career in the Company with the same fl exibility introduced by Social Security in 2004. Therefore, conditional assurance of an income is maintained in case of dismissal, producing the same effects as employee redundancy, after 55 years of age without restarting work or for 2nd or 3rd category disability as defi ned by Social Security without restarting work. For the rest, the new plan includes the provisions of the current plan, notably: – limiting the top-hat pension to 25% of the reference salary considering the pension paid for the article 83 plans implemented by the Group (unchanged from current plan); – the right to a widow/widower’s pension for the surviving partner; – a spouse’s pension if a senior executive dies before retirement age, although limited to rights acquired by the date of death; – pension supplement paid to a senior executive from the retirement date after disability occurring during work activities. • the progressive replacement of the conditional rights of the new plan for those of the current plan. In effect, the conditional rights of the two plans are not added together but are gradually replaced. As a result, the current plan, which has been continued because of a wider scope of benefi ciaries, will disappear in the future. • outsourcing of the new article 39 plan. This outsourcing is mandatory. To this end, a contract was signed with the company AXA France Vie following an invitation to tender issued by an independent fi rm. This contract only involves outsourcing of the new plan that will come into force on July 1, 2012, the outsourcing of the old article 39 plan still being under review. Renewal of Mr Jean-Pascal Tricoire’s status (5th resolution) In conformity with the AFEP/MEDEF recommendations of October 6, 2008, Mr Tricoire agreed to resign from his employment contract at the time of renewing his appointment as Chairman of Management Board in May 2009. Also, in agreement with Mr Jean- Pascal Tricoire, the Supervisory Board of February 18, 2009 defi ned a status that was approved by the Annual Shareholers’ Meeting of April 23, 2009. This status stipulates that Mr Tricoire: 1°) will continue to benefi t from: – the Schneider Electric SA and Schneider Electric Industries SAS employee benefi t plan, which offers health, incapacity, disability and death cover, – the supplementary health, incapacity, disability and death cover available to the Group’s French senior executives, ANNUAL AND EXTRAORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS’ MEETING MANAGEMENT BOARD REPORT – the top-hat pension plan for the Schneider Group’s French senior executives above described; 2°) receives compensation in the event of termination capped at two years of his target remuneration (fi xed salary and target bonus, maximum described below) taking into account compensation provided for in the non-compete agreement described below and subject to performance criteria; 3°) is bound by his non-compete agreement should he leave the Company, unless a mutually agreeable arrangement is found; the agreement lasts for one year and is remunerated (60% of target remuneration: fi xed and bonus); 4°) retains forthwith, subject to performance criteria, the benefi t of his stock options, stock grants and performance shares granted to him or that will be granted to him, should he leave the Company. The appointment to the Management Board comes to an end on May 2, 2012; the Supervisory Board of February 21, 2012 has decided to renew the roles of Board members for three years and therefore, to renew Mr Tricoire’s status under the two adjustment conditions presented hereafter. It is therefore stipulated that Mr Tricoire: 1°) benefi ts from: – the Schneider Electric SA and Schneider Electric Industries SAS employee benefi t plan, which offers health, incapacity, disability and death cover, – the supplementary cover available to the Group’s French senior executives for health, incapacity, disability and death. The contingency and supplementary cover compensation are now subject to performance criteria. The right to compensation is subject to one of the two following criteria being present: the average net profi t for the last fi ve fi nancial years is positive or the average free cash fl ow amount for the last fi ve years is positive; 2°) benefi ts from a compensation due in the event of dismissal capped taking into account the compensation provided for in the non-compete agreement described below, not twice the last target remuneration (fi xed salary and target bonus), but twice the average actual annual remuneration (fi xed salary and variable) for the last three years (hereafter “Maximum Amount”). The amount due will be subject to performance criteria; Compensation will be due in the event that: (i) Mr Tricoire resigns, is dismissed or is not reappointed as a member or Chairman of the Management Board in the 12 months following a material change in Schneider Electric’s shareholder structure that could change the membership of the Supervisory Board; (ii) Mr Tricoire resigns, is dismissed or is not reappointed as a member or Chairman of the Management Board following a reorientation of the strategy pursued and promoted by him until that time, whether or not in connection with a change in Schneider Electric’s shareholder structure as described above; (iii) Mr Tricoire is asked to resign, is dismissed or is not reappointed as a member or as Chairman of the Management Board when the mathematical average of the rate of achievement of Group objectives used to calculate his bonus was 50% or higher in the four completed fi nancial years preceding his departure. Compensation will depend on the mathematical average of the rate of achievement of Group performance objectives used to determine Mr Tricoire’s bonus for the three completed fi nancial 2011 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC 261 8




> 1. Management Board report<br />

Ordinary Meeting<br />

Approval of the parent company financial<br />

statements<br />

- first resolution -<br />

We ask you to approve the transactions and fi nancial statements<br />

for the year 2011, as presented, which show a net profi t of<br />

EUR2,603.7 million.<br />

Approval of the consolidated financial<br />

statements<br />

- second resolution -<br />

We ask you to approve the transactions and consolidated fi nancial<br />

statements for the year 2011, as presented, which show a net profi t<br />

for the Group of EUR1,820 million.<br />

Distribution: payment of a dividend of EUR1.70<br />

per share<br />

- third resolution -<br />

We recommend a dividend of EUR1.70 per EUR4 pe r value share.<br />

This represents a distribution rate of almost 50% of net profi t for the<br />

Group. The dividend will be paid on May 16, 2012 on 548,943,024<br />

shares holding dividend rights on January 1, 2011 that made up the<br />

capital on December 31, 2011. No dividend will be paid on treasury<br />

shares on the payment date; the corresponding amounts will be<br />

allocated to retained earnings.<br />

The dividend will be paid out of profi t available for distribution,<br />

consisting of:<br />

• retained earnings of EUR96,496,292.01;<br />

• net income for the year of EUR2,603,738,064.30;<br />

• less the statutory allocation to the legal reserve of<br />

EUR2,009,936.80;<br />

and amounting to EUR2,698,224,419.51.<br />

The dividend payment will total EUR933,203,140.80; the remaining<br />

profi t available for distribution in euros will be allocated to retained<br />

earnings.<br />

For individual shareholders who pay income tax in France, a social<br />

security tax of 13.5% will be charged on the gross dividend.<br />

After applying a 40% (uncapped) allowance, only 60% of the<br />

dividend amount net of social security tax will be included in taxable<br />

income, less:<br />

• any deductible charges and expenses; and<br />

• an annual allowance of EUR1,525 for single, widowed or<br />

divorced persons or couples fi ling separately or EUR3,050 for<br />

couples who fi le a joint tax return.<br />


The full dividend will be eligible for the 40% allowance. No amounts<br />

eligible or not eligible for the 40% deduction provided for in<br />

article 158-3-2 of the French Tax Code will be distributed, other<br />

than the dividend described above.<br />

Shareholders may also choose to pay a withholding tax (at 21%)<br />

on the full dividend amount with no allowances. In this case, the<br />

allowances and tax credits described above will not apply.<br />

Dividend payments for the last three years were as follows:<br />

2008 2009 2010<br />

Dividend paid per share of<br />

EUR8 par value (1) Dividend paid per share<br />

adjusted for a two-for-one<br />

3.45 2.05 3.20<br />

share split (2) 1.725 1.025 1.60<br />

(1) The full dividend is eligible for a 40% deduction for individuals<br />

resident in France. N on-eligible dividends have been<br />

distributed.<br />

(2) The two-for-one share split effective on September 2, 2011.<br />

Agreements and obligations governed by<br />

articles L.225-86 and L.225-90-1 of the French<br />

Commercial Code<br />

- fourth and fifth resolutions -<br />

We request you to approve the agreements and regulated<br />

obligations presented in the Statutory Auditor’s report drawn up<br />

pursuant to article L.225-88 of the French Commercial Code,<br />

regarding:<br />

• the adaptation of the top-hat defi ned benefi t pension plan for the<br />

French Group’s senior executives allowed to the Management<br />

Board members;<br />

• the agreements and obligations to Mr Jean-Pascal Tricoire,<br />

approved by the General Shareholder’s Meeting on April 23,<br />

2009, which must be approved once more by the Assembly<br />

under the TEPA Act.<br />

The adaptation of the top-hat defined benefit<br />

pension plan for the French Group’s senior<br />

executives (4th resolution)<br />

The Group’s senior executives affi liated to the French Social<br />

Security systems are the Management Board members that benefi t<br />

from a top-hat defi ned benefi t pension plan – article 39 –. This plan<br />

presented on page 125 set up a pension of a maximum amount<br />

equal to 60% of the difference between the average remuneration<br />

of the last three years (“reference salary”) and the total of external

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