Connect - Schneider Electric

Connect - Schneider Electric

Connect - Schneider Electric


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Responsibilities<br />

The Committee makes recommendations to the Supervisory<br />

Board concerning candidates for appointment to the Management<br />

Board, the Supervisory Board and the Committees. It also makes<br />

recommendations concerning the remuneration of members<br />

of the Management Board and the Chairman of the Supervisory<br />

Board, as well as concerning stock options and stock grants for<br />

members of the Management Board, and all other aspects of their<br />

remuneration “package”.<br />

Based on the proposals made by the Management Board, the<br />

Committee makes recommendations concerning the remuneration<br />

of Executive Committee Members, the principles and methods for<br />

determining executive compensation, as well as the creation of<br />

stock option, bonus shares and employee stock ownership plans.<br />

It is also responsible for examining succession plan solutions for<br />

members of the Management Board and Executive Committee.<br />

It examines Human Resource policies and in particular:<br />

• the Human Resource strategy and major action plans, including<br />

those relating to the talent policy and key skills (high potential,<br />

experts, occupations, etc.);<br />

• the policy of giving employees a share in the Group’s profi ts;<br />

• the overall remuneration policy for managers and the remuneration<br />

packages of Executive Committee Members.<br />

It recommends the amount for attendance fees, which is<br />

established by the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting , and the basis for<br />

their allocation.<br />

The Committee recommends processes and procedures to<br />

reassure shareholders and the market that the Supervisory Board<br />

carries out its responsibilities objectively and independently.<br />

It thus makes recommendations to the Supervisory Board regarding:<br />

• the terms of reference of Supervisory Board Committees;<br />

• the determination and review of independence criteria applicable<br />

to Supervisory Board Members;<br />

• the assessments of the Supervisory Board’s organisation and<br />

procedures;<br />

• application by the Company of national or international corporate<br />

governance practices.<br />

The Remunerations, Appointments and Human Resources<br />

Committee presents the Board with the results of its work and<br />

actions it proposes. The minutes of these meetings are circulated<br />

to members of the Supervisory Board.<br />

> 5. Management Board members<br />

Meetings in 2011<br />



In 2011, the Supervisory Board’s Remuneration, Appointments and<br />

Human Resources Committee met four times. The attendance rate<br />

by its Members was 95 %. It reported on its work to the Supervisory<br />

Board at the February 16, June 21 and 22, October 19 and<br />

December 15, 2011 meetings.<br />

The Remuneration, Appointments & Human Resources Committee<br />

made recommendations to the Supervisory Board concerning:<br />

• the Membership of the Supervisory Board and of its committees<br />

and the classifi cation of Members on the basis of the<br />

independence criteria;<br />

• the succession of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board;<br />

• the remuneration of members of the Management Board<br />

(amount, structure of 2012 remuneration, 2011 targets, and level<br />

of achievement of 2010 targets);<br />

• the changes to the top-up pension plan for senior executives;<br />

• the implementation of the annual performance share plans and<br />

the allocation of stock grants to members of the Management<br />

Board, in accordance with the AFEP/MEDEF guidelines of<br />

October 6, 2008;<br />

• the launch in 2012 of a new employee share issue;<br />

• changes to the articles of association regarding the upper age<br />

limit (abolition of the statutory age limit) and regarding non-voting<br />

members whose maximum number is now set at four;<br />

• the amount of attendance fees;<br />

• organisation of the three-year appraisal of the Board;<br />

• organisation and operation of the Board in the light of the results<br />

of the three-year appraisal.<br />

The Committee also reported to the Board on:<br />

• the review of the work of the Management Board and the<br />

assessment of the performance of its Members;<br />

• the review of the performance of Members of the Executive<br />

Committee;<br />

• the review of succession plans for members of the Management<br />

Board and Members the Executive Committee;<br />

• the review of the remuneration of Executive Committee Members;<br />

• the review of the draft report from the Chairman on<br />

corporate governance.<br />

The bylaws stipulate that the Management Board may have<br />

between two and seven members.<br />

The Management Board and its Chairman are appointed by the<br />

Supervisory Board. Membership on the Management Board is for<br />

three years and renewable.<br />

The age limit for holding offi ce as a member of the Management<br />

Board is 65. When a member reaches the age of 65, the Supervisory<br />

Board may extend his or her term several times provided that the<br />

total extension does not exceed three years.<br />

The Management Board consists of two members: Jean-Pascal<br />

Tricoire, Chairman, and Emmanuel Babeau. He was appointed<br />

by the Supervisory Board for a three year term that will expire on<br />

May 2, 2012. At its meeting of February 21, 2012 the Supervisory<br />

Board decided to renew his appointment at term for a further three<br />

years expiring on May 2, 2015.<br />


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