Disclaimer & Notices Copyright: The Terminator - Red Hope ...

Disclaimer & Notices Copyright: The Terminator - Red Hope ...

Disclaimer & Notices Copyright: The Terminator - Red Hope ...


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<strong>Disclaimer</strong> & <strong>Notices</strong><br />

<strong>Copyright</strong>: <strong>The</strong> <strong>Terminator</strong>: <strong>The</strong> Sarah Connor Chronicles characters and concept belong to James<br />

Cameron and Josh Friedman. However, I own the plot and other characters.<br />

<strong>Notices</strong>: This story contains violence and sexual content.<br />

Notes: This story picks up in Season 2 from the television show and also takes a few liberties.<br />

Summary: <strong>The</strong> sequel to No Programming. Sarah and Cameron tie up loose ends by tracking down<br />

Sam and attempt to stop him. But the time machine is built, Sam sets the date for 2028, and takes Sarah<br />

and Cameron with him. <strong>The</strong>y make it through the time sphere, but Cameron and Sarah find themselves<br />

in the middle of the war between Skynet and the Resistance. Now Sarah must trust Cameron to take her<br />

to safety and back to 2008.<br />

Feedback: redhope@redhope.net<br />

Homepage: http://www.redhope.net<br />

Write a Review: http://www.redhope.net/tscc/review/series1form.html<br />

List: http://tv.groups.yahoo.com/group/redhope/<br />

Started: April 5, 2009<br />

What Are <strong>Terminator</strong>s Made Of<br />

by <strong>Red</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

Chapter 4<br />

"So, how do you know about Cameron" Sarah prompted after a few long, quiet minutes passed<br />

between her and Wayne. Like him, she was patiently waiting for Cameron to return from a<br />

reconnaissance check of the local area.<br />

Wayne glanced at Sarah Connor then returned his attention to the direction that the terminator had<br />

disappeared. "She's a bit known in the Resistance."<br />

Sarah had expected such a response. Her brow creased tightly together. "Known How's that" She<br />

sensed that Wayne didn't want to talk about it. "What" She positioned her gun towards him.<br />

<strong>The</strong> sniper held up his had in defense but lowered it again. "You're not endanger... I'm going to help<br />

you both." He eyed the plasma gun and pleaded, "Can you just put that thing away"<br />

Sarah considered it but decided if he was a threat then he'd done something by now. Plus she needed to<br />

show some trust since they were both on the same side. She lifted her shirt and slipped the gun into her<br />

waistband. Once she adjusted her tank top, she asked, "Why is Cameron a bit known" <strong>The</strong>re was some<br />

mockery in her tone that she really hadn't meant. But again, she saw that same leeriness in the sniper's<br />

features.<br />

"It's... not that I don't want to talk about it... her," Wayne rambled and sighed. "I just can't." He now<br />

spotted the topic of their conversation coming towards them, but he quickly added, "It's the Temporal<br />

Directive."<br />

Sarah was far more perplexed than earlier but couldn’t ask anything else, Cameron was back with<br />

them. "How's it look"

"Clear," the terminator reported. She lowered her intense gaze to the Resistance sniper. "We can<br />

continue."<br />

Wayne nodded and showed the strangers the rest of the way to the camp. Well, he considered, it was<br />

more of a city than a camp, but it didn't matter.<br />

Cameron let him pass then she switched her full focus to Sarah. Once the human came up to her,<br />

Cameron pressed her fingertips into Sarah's throat and checked her vitals. She only gave a faint nod<br />

that she was satisfied with Sarah's status.<br />

Sarah didn't say anything to Cameron that her expression didn't already show. She and Cameron joined<br />

Wayne on the dark, dangerous walk through the maze of upturned streets, ghostly buildings, and<br />

decimated structures that were bathed in the moon's full light.<br />

"What's this Temporal Directive" Sarah queried. She caught Cameron's expression, which told her that<br />

Cameron had no knowledge about this Temporal Directive.<br />

<strong>The</strong> sniper slowed a bit and came next to Sarah's free side. "It was enacted by Connor this past year in<br />

the Resistance. Basically, the directive states we must be careful not to alter the timeline."<br />

<strong>The</strong> terminator had peeked interests in this directive. "<strong>The</strong>refore the timeline must be maintained, and<br />

you cannot tell us too much about the future... about now."<br />

"Yes," Wayne agreed. He shifted his focus to Sarah. "With all the agents from both Skynet and the<br />

Resistance going back in time to change events, it became very complicated and disrupted the future,<br />

typically in a negative way."<br />

"<strong>The</strong>re are paradoxes and alterations that must be considered," Cameron softly agreed.<br />

<strong>The</strong> sniper faintly nodded his agreement to the terminator's statement.<br />

"But how does the directive stop Skynet from sending back agents and altering the timeline" Sarah<br />

didn't think it added up correctly, in her head.<br />

Wayne opened his mouth to reply but faltered and just shut his mouth. He could only manage, "It's<br />

complicated."<br />

"In another words, you can't tell us," Sarah concluded, with a smirk.<br />

"I'm sorry." Wayne shrugged yet remarked, "You know protocol, Miss Connor."<br />

Sarah instantly held up her hand at the title. "Please... call me Sarah." She lowered her hand upon<br />

seeing the sniper's gentle smile. She carefully studied him for the first time and realized he probably<br />

was in his early twenties by his young, scarred features. "How long have you been a sniper"<br />

"I've been a sniper for three years, Miss Sarah."<br />

Sarah goggled when he still managed to put the title ahead of her name, and she softly sighed once she<br />

realized it was no use. She then peered up at Cameron, who had a smug look on her face. She quietly<br />

warned, "Watch it, Tin-Miss."<br />

Cameron seemed to be developing a wicked streak as she softly teased, "Yes, Miss Sarah."

Sarah rolled her eyes and decided to ignore the whole thing. Instead, she refocused on Wayne and<br />

quizzed him about his life as a Resistance fighter. She noticed that his responses were sometimes vague<br />

or careful ones. She suspected it had to do with this Temporal Directive.<br />

After a few hours passed, Cameron decided they should break for twenty to thirty minutes. This gave<br />

her a chance to check Sarah's vitals and concluded the fever was lowering. She insisted that Sarah eat<br />

some of the ready-meals from the pack which was a struggle. But Sarah gave into Cameron's request<br />

and forced down a small meal despite her lack of hunger. Wayne didn't intervene at any point but<br />

curiously watched them interact.<br />

Cameron left the pair in the small safe haven and went checked their exact location. She used the stars<br />

to align their position then marked out their spot in her HUD's map. She was satisfied that Wayne was<br />

leading them in a safe direction. She just hoped the terminators that were sent to check on their fallen<br />

comrades didn't follow them.<br />

Sarah glanced up when she saw Cameron return to the alcove. "How are we looking"<br />

"I'd say another hour," the terminator replied.<br />

Sarah rotated her stare to Wayne and waited to see if he'd confirm it.<br />

<strong>The</strong> sniper just nodded but directed a serious look to Sarah. "When we arrive at the city, you'll have to<br />

relinquish your weapons. <strong>The</strong>y'll test you to make sure you're human." He bowed his head and<br />

considered another aspect. "You'll have to prove you're Sarah Connor and Cameron." He now looked at<br />

them again. He ran his fingers through his short, brown hair. "<strong>The</strong>y'll probably confine you until they<br />

decide it's safe... it's pretty standard."<br />

"But you think they'll let Cameron in"<br />

Wayne studied the terminator then carefully replied, "I think so."<br />

Cameron held the sniper's gaze but looked down at Sarah. "We must go."<br />

Sarah climbed to her feet after she closed up her pack. She slung it over her shoulder yet asked Wayne,<br />

"What's the date anyway"<br />

<strong>The</strong> sniper brushed off his pants then easily reported, "It's December twelfth twenty twenty-eight."<br />

Sarah exchanged a glance with Cameron, but she said nothing. She instead followed Cameron out of<br />

the alcove and back into the cool night. She grabbed Cameron by the arm after Wayne passed them,<br />

and she gently tugged the terminator closer to her.<br />

Cameron could tell something was on Sarah's mind. So she and Sarah slowed their walk until there was<br />

space between them and Wayne.<br />

"He mentioned you're pretty well known in the Resistance," Sarah softly divulged. "Were you when<br />

you left"<br />

"No, not really," Cameron reported, "My existence was kept secret by both Skynet and the Resistance."<br />

She bowed her head some so that she could lower her voice.

Sarah shook her head and worry lines formed on her face. "I just... I don't know, Cameron. Something<br />

just smells funny."<br />

<strong>The</strong> terminator deciphered the lingo and realized that Sarah thought something was wrong. "We are<br />

headed in the right direction to the camp."<br />

"Camp," Sarah repeated. "Not city. He said city."<br />

"It could have changed," Cameron reminded. "It has been over a year and half since I left."<br />

"We just need to be on our guard." Sarah signaled the sniper in front of them with her chin. "I'd hate to<br />

think he was really another Skynet agent that's leading us into trouble."<br />

<strong>The</strong> terminator hadn't considered this angle, but she gently promised, "I will stay alert."<br />

"Let's hope our little friend is really a Resistance fighter that's helping us," Sarah murmured. She then<br />

shifted away from Cameron and called, "Wayne, you said we're headed to the city"<br />

Wayne slowed his pace and came to Sarah Connor's side. "Yes."<br />

"Does it have a name" Cameron prompted.<br />

<strong>The</strong> sniper was obviously nervous as to whether he should say or not, but he answered, "Little Troy...<br />

unofficially."<br />

<strong>The</strong> terminator had never heard of the name, but she didn't ask anymore because of Wayne's reluctance.<br />

She instead focused on her scans of the local area.<br />

Sarah subconsciously fingered her handgun under her tank top, but left it alone. She wanted to believe<br />

that Wayne, the sniper, was taking them to her son and safety. Yet she was never one to instantly trust<br />

somebody until she had good proof.<br />

Cameron continued her scans during the long hour journey to Little Troy. She knew they were coming<br />

to the last exact whereabouts of the camp John Connor resided in that she knew in 2027. But then her<br />

scans brought a mystified look on her metal face.<br />

Sarah spied Cameron's features and wanted to ask what was wrong, until she saw it for herself just<br />

ahead of them. She came to a gradual stop, like Cameron.<br />

Wayne had been in the lead, but he realized he'd lost track of the strangers. He halted and followed<br />

their obvious stares to the city that rested in the distance.<br />

"It has changed," Cameron noted. "<strong>The</strong> camp was underground." Her HUD was filled by the city's<br />

lights and silhouettes of tall buildings.<br />

Wayne acted nonchalant and remarked, "We're moving above ground now." His tone almost made it<br />

seem as if anybody and everybody knew this about Little Troy.<br />

Sarah slotted her eyes some and exchanged looks with Cameron. She let out a faint sigh then ordered,<br />

"Lead the way." She followed Wayne the rest of the way.<br />

<strong>The</strong> terminator stayed alert on the twenty minute walk to the city. As the city grew closer, she scanned

it better with her HUD. She was impressed by how much had been built in the past year. She wondered<br />

what'd changed to allow the Resistance to feel safe enough to come above ground. If she asked, she<br />

suspected Wayne would brush her off or not answer at all.<br />

Sarah decided on a last drink from her third canteen. She was worried it might be awhile before she<br />

saw food or water once in the Resistance city. She didn't need to faint on the spot in front of her son's<br />

followers. At the sheer idea, Sarah developed a small grin.<br />

<strong>The</strong> sniper slowed his pace once the heavy, steel gates came into view at the front of the city. "After<br />

they see us, I suggest we just stop and wait... an escort will come out to retrieve us."<br />

Sarah looked over at Cameron and could tell by Cameron's expression that this was new. She didn't say<br />

anything and merely nodded to Wayne.<br />

Wayne squinted when he heard voices from the wall. He couldn't see that well in the dark though, yet<br />

he slowed down.<br />

Cameron took the sniper's side. "<strong>The</strong>y've seen us... twelve soldiers are coming out."<br />

Sarah moved slightly in front of the terminator in case there was trouble. She retrieved her handgun<br />

despite it would do little good nor promote positive feelings, but she never trusted anybody at first<br />

glance.<br />

"Halt there!" somebody called out to the strangers. He was in the lead with eleven soldiers behind him.<br />

"Thomas," Wayne greeted in a friendly tone.<br />

<strong>The</strong> leader of the escort, Thomas, signaled for the soldiers to stop but fan out. He nervously glanced at<br />

the large terminator beside the woman. "What is this"<br />

Wayne neared the patrol leader and hastily explained, "We have a Code Alpha, sir."<br />

Thomas blinked then grew wide eye at the code's title. He now looked over the strangers and inquired,<br />

"Who are you"<br />

Sarah took the lead and replied, "I'm Sarah and this is Cameron."<br />

<strong>The</strong> patrol leader quickly looked up at the terminator and opened his mouth but Wayne cut him off.<br />

"Sarah Connor," the sniper clarified.<br />

Thomas turned his surprised features from Wayne to Sarah Connor. He gathered himself into a more<br />

professional manner. "What year are you from"<br />

"2008," Sarah answered. She recognized the fact that Thomas already knew she was from another time,<br />

which was probably prompted by Wayne mentioning a Code Alpha. She waited to see how this would<br />

pan out. She tightly gripped her handgun but kept it at her side so it wouldn't make anybody nervous.<br />

Not that she believed for a second that her handgun could win against the soldiers' rifles.<br />

<strong>The</strong> patrol leader seemed to gather himself and recalled proper protocol. "Welcome to 2028, ladies." He<br />

slipped his hands behind his back. "You are allowed to enter the city, but you must be under escort and<br />

confined to assigned quarters, temporarily. We must test and determine your identities before we can

alleviate security." He waited to see if there were any arguments. "It is standard procedure."<br />

Sarah grew a bit suspicious and queried, "How are you going to validate that Cameron is who she is"<br />

Thomas revealed a faint smile at the question, and he looked up at the terminator. "Connor leaves his<br />

signature on all terminators that have joined the Resistance." He lowered his gaze to Sarah again.<br />

"We'll know if it's her or not."<br />

Cameron remained silent and recorded this new information. She had no idea that John would had left<br />

any markers or signatures in her programming to discern it was her, but she had to admit it was clever.<br />

"Now," the patrol leader informed, "we will collect your weapons and belongings then escort you into<br />

the city." He back stepped a few times as three soldiers approached the time travelers.<br />

Sarah Connor reluctantly handed the soldier her handgun then she took off her pack. She gave that to<br />

him too. She glanced over at Cameron, who was being scanned by a soldier.<br />

<strong>The</strong> terminator had already given up the two rifles she carried, but she now underwent a basic scan. She<br />

carefully watched the soldier that held up a tri-recorder at her. She suspected he scanned for any<br />

plausible weapons hidden on or in her endoskeleton.<br />

Finally, the soldier lowered the tri-recorder and reported, "She's clean." He and the other two soldiers<br />

fell back into file.<br />

"Please follow me," Thomas ordered to the time travelers. He knew the soldiers would automatically<br />

encircle them.<br />

Cameron stayed beside Sarah but kept her attention on the glowing city beyond the gates.<br />

Wayne had caught up with the soldier that'd taken his rifle. He wanted to make sure it was return to him<br />

later.<br />

"How long will it take to prove who we are" Sarah inquired.<br />

Thomas walked with his hands behind his back. He carefully studied John Connor's mother. "We only<br />

need to draw a sample of your blood, Miss Connor. We'll test it to confirm your mitochondria is the<br />

same as your son's." He paused at seeing Sarah's slight irritation.<br />

"Just call me Sarah, please," Sarah quickly insisted.<br />

<strong>The</strong> patrol leader slightly grinned and replied, "Of course, Miss Sarah."<br />

Sarah let out a low sigh and combed her fingers through her tussled hair. "So these quarters don't<br />

happen to be jail cells, do they"<br />

"Not at all," Thomas quickly answered. "It's a small room with a bed, desk, and an attached bathroom...<br />

full bathroom." He tilted his head some and explained, "You must remain in your quarters unless<br />

somebody comes for you. <strong>The</strong>re will be a guard posted at your door."<br />

Cameron was carefully listening to the conversation but never interrupted.<br />

"What about Cameron" Sarah nodded at her companion beside her. "Is she staying in separate

quarters"<br />

"Yes, until we're certain you are who you are." Thomas glanced up at the terminator, who acted as if<br />

she wasn't there, but he knew Cameron was listening to them. He focused back on Sarah. "You are<br />

guests... not prisoners."<br />

Sarah calmed a bit, and she let it go for now. Her attention was drawn to the view through the steel<br />

gates. She couldn't seem to absorb it fast enough. But, she stiffened at the barking, howling dogs at the<br />

gates. She recalled how dogs could sense machines, and she looked to the terminator.<br />

Cameron acted as if the dogs didn't exist; she was most likely use to it. However, one of the four dogs<br />

drew her attention to it. She briefly paused in her next step and studied the German Shepard, who didn't<br />

bark or growl at her.<br />

Sarah had gone a few steps and realized Cameron wasn't with her. She turned back and called,<br />

"Cameron"<br />

<strong>The</strong> terminator broke her stare from the quiet German Shepard and returned to Sarah's side. She nor<br />

Sarah discussed what just happened and continued to follow Thomas deeper into the city.<br />

<strong>The</strong> city, Little Troy, was built into a cliff side of what most likely was apart of Los Angele's Harrison<br />

Mountain. From the ground up, there were three tall buildings that were between twenty to thirty stores<br />

high. But one building was currently under construction and had ten to fifteen more stores than the<br />

other two. <strong>The</strong>n sprinkled about in the city were smaller structures and carefully laid cobblestone roads<br />

that were lined by firelight posts.<br />

"A tour will be necessary," Thomas mentioned to the strangers. "But perhaps tomorrow during the<br />

daytime." He guided them down the main road that eventually ended into the cliff side.<br />

"Where is the city located" Sarah slightly frowned because she felt she hadn't posed her question<br />

correctly. "Is this Harrison Mountain or further west"<br />

Thomas was going to answer but the terminator was ahead of him.<br />

"Yes," Cameron replied, "Mount Harrison is just west of here. But higher up from this cliff side is<br />

Government Peak." She glanced down at Sarah. "Government Canyon is only a twenty to thirty minute<br />

walk from here."<br />

Sarah nodded and recalled her mental map of Los Angeles. She now knew they were actually north of<br />

San Bernardino. She put aside her thoughts when they approached an open mouth in the cliff side. She<br />

saw the streams of lights that flooded from inside the mouth, and she could only follow the patrol<br />

leader.<br />

Thomas led them into the cliff, which was the city's secure fortress that also was a safe haven in times<br />

of attacks. Over time, the Resistance had dug deeper and deeper into the mountain, and it now served<br />

as the headquarters for the Resistance. It was also home to many surviving humans.<br />

Sarah minded her surroundings and tried to retain much of it as possible, but it was a lot. Also her fever<br />

didn't help her either. At that thought, she gingerly touched her brow, which still thumped with a<br />


Cameron was recording her walk through the fortress. For her, there was some familiarity, yet it had<br />

changed in the past year and half since 2027. But she was relieved that it hadn't changed so much that<br />

she thought they were in the wrong location. She broke from her thoughts when she saw Sarah<br />

touching her forehead.<br />

Sarah sensed Cameron's shift closer to her, and she dropped her arm back to her side. She peered up at<br />

her protector.<br />

<strong>The</strong> terminator lifted her left hand and gently pressed her fingertips into the human's damp neck. She<br />

noted the faint incline of Sarah's head and the question in those green eyes. Cameron just nodded in<br />

answer.<br />

Sarah was pleased that her temperature hadn't risen or if it had, not enough to alarm Cameron. She felt<br />

Cameron's warm touch leave her. She considered how she and Cameron were starting to silently<br />

communicate when in the past, they could barely see eye to eye on any topic.<br />

Thomas approached a closed elevator, but he ordered most of his men to return to the wall. He only had<br />

three stay with him and the time travelers. "If you need anything while you're in your quarters, then<br />

please speak to your guard. But I believe you'll find everything you need in your quarters."<br />

"What about meals"<br />

"We'll bring them to you," the patrol leader explained, "until you're security detail is relieved.<br />

Afterwards, you'll be free to go to the cafeteria at anytime." He stepped into the large elevator when it<br />

dinged loudly. "We'll also provide you with some clean clothes, Miss Sarah. I know you probably want<br />

a shower."<br />

Sarah smirked at the patrol leader and inquired, "Do I offend"<br />

Thomas couldn't help a laugh and shook his head. "Not compared to some men who have been out for<br />

months at a time."<br />

Sarah chuckled softly but lost her smile once the elevator opened up at the fifth floor. She noticed, in<br />

this case, the fifth floor was negative. She suspected it went down instead of up. She and Cameron<br />

were escorted out and down a long hallway that was fairly busy.<br />

Much to Cameron's surprise, she noticed that she received only a small handful of odd looks. She<br />

hadn't expected to be so well received by the Resistance, especially without her skin sheath. It made her<br />

seriously consider what'd changed since 2027.<br />

"Here we are." Thomas stopped at door that had the room number 516. "This will be yours, Miss<br />

Sarah." He slightly twisted on his boots and pointed at the room diagonal to Sarah's, Room 519.<br />

"Cameron, that'll be yours." But he opened Sarah's room and showed them both the general quarters.<br />

Sarah didn't expect such good reception from her hosts, but it comforted as much as worried her. She<br />

wasn't use to kindness after years of struggle. She turned back to Thomas. "Thank you."<br />

Thomas bowed his head. "My pleasure." He turned to the terminator. "If you'll follow me." He was out<br />

the door but turned back and mentioned, "A nurse will be by in an hour or less, Miss Sarah to draw<br />

your blood."

Sarah just nodded but looked up at Cameron, who carefully regarded her. She only held Cameron's<br />

eyes for another few seconds before Thomas quietly closed the door. She played with her messy hair<br />

and decided what to do in the meantime until the nurse's arrival. She realized she was edgy and didn't<br />

like that she couldn't see or talk to Cameron.<br />

"What is this Separation anxiety" she berated herself. Sarah wandered into the bathroom, flicked the<br />

light on, and brightened at the classic toilet. After the last couple of days of squatting in rough corners,<br />

this seemed like a real treat. <strong>The</strong>n there was the shower stall that made her grin.<br />

Sarah spent several minutes in the bathroom just cleaning up. She forgotten the importance of a sink,<br />

soap, and towel until she lost them these past days. She toweled her face dry after washing it with the<br />

gently scented white soap. Eventually, she wandered back into the bedroom and went to the desk that<br />

supplied blank paper and pen. But after a minute, she realized that the black picture hanging on the wall<br />

was actually a television.<br />

Sarah approached the television and carefully touched the frame. She'd seen a few of these fancy<br />

televisions back in 2008, but they just had a standard box television back at home. She now looked<br />

around for the remote as she was so curious at what there could possibly be to watch here. She finally<br />

found it on the nightstand by the bed and scooped it up.<br />

<strong>The</strong> television warmed up, and the screen brightened to it's main image. On screen was a welcoming<br />

message then below started a list of genres such as action, adventure, romance, and so on.<br />

Sarah was confused by the list, but she figured out that with the remote she could click down the list.<br />

She hit the round enter button on the romance list only to receive another list with headers like<br />

romantic comedies, romantic dramas, tearjerkers, chick flicks, and LGBT. Sarah just selected the first<br />

option, which populated a list of titles on the screen and the first was the movie Annie Hall.<br />

"I don't believe it," she muttered in amazement. She recalled being a teenager and laughed to the<br />

movie. Sarah realized that the Resistance's television was most likely a heavy archive of movies if not<br />

television shows from before Judgment Day.<br />

After a shrug, Sarah selected the play option and started the old movie. She took a seat on the foot of<br />

her bed and watched the opening of the movie. She was about twenty minutes into the movie when the<br />

knock at the door caught her attention. She wasn't sure how to pause or stop the movie, but she easily<br />

muted it.<br />

Sarah answered the door and was greeted by a nurse, who entered her quarters.<br />

"Hello, Miss Connor. I'm Amanda Welsh from the Hospital Department," the nurse explained. "I was<br />

sent here to take a blood sample." She then lifted her hand up. "And to give you these for temporarily."<br />

She offered a faint smile. "I'm sure you wouldn't mind a shower."<br />

Sarah returned the smile after she realized she just needed to give up correcting everybody on her<br />

name. "Thank you." She took the freshly scented clothes that were folded neatly and also had a<br />

toothbrush and toothpaste tube on top. She took them to the bed and set them down.<br />

Amanda followed Sarah Connor and set a small medical tote on the desk. She unzipped it and retrieved<br />

the necessary items to draw Sarah's blood.<br />

Sarah returned to her spot on the bed. "How large is the Hospital Department"

Amanda came over to the bed and set down a needle and tan rubber band. She first took Sarah's leather<br />

jacket after she removed it. "Our nursing staff consists of about two hundred nurses. We have about<br />

hundred to maybe a hundred twenty-five doctors." She noticed after the jacket was gone that the<br />

stranger had a fresh wound on her shoulder. Amanda could also tell Sarah Connor was rundown, but<br />

she wouldn't say anything.<br />

Sarah watched the nurse setup the rubber band around her left arm. She then turned her gaze away once<br />

Amanda brought the needle over. She wasn't much for needles going through her skin. "That's pretty<br />

impressive."<br />

Amanda smiled at this but explained, "It's taken a long time to get the staff this high." She extracted the<br />

blood. "But we're proud of it."<br />

"I'm sure."<br />

Amanda finished up in a minute and removed the band from Sarah's arm. She made sure to cover the<br />

needle's entry with a bandaid. She took the blood sample back to the desk and carefully packed it for<br />

travel across the fortress. She briefly glanced at the movie on the screen. "This is one of my favorites."<br />

She looked back at Sarah Connor. "Annie Hall is a classic."<br />

Sarah still sat on the bed, but she grinned at the nurse. "I was a teen when this movie came out."<br />

"1977, right" Amanda checked. At Sarah's nod, she softly hummed and commented, "<strong>The</strong>y said you're<br />

from 2008, but you were born in the 1960's, right" She zipped up her tote after she put away all the<br />

contents.<br />

"1965," Sarah softly supplied.<br />

<strong>The</strong> nurse neared the older woman and gently teased, "You look good for forty-three, Miss Connor."<br />

"Thanks," Sarah replied with a smile. She decided not to get into her time travel from 1999 to 2007.<br />

Amanda went to the door, grabbed the handle, but looked back at the time traveler. "It should only take<br />

us a day to run the test work on your blood."<br />

Sarah just nodded and watched the nurse go. She finally unmuted the movie but only watched it for a<br />

few minutes. She decided she really wanted a shower so she collected her clothes and disappeared into<br />

the bathroom. She found the shower soothed away her worries and fears about being lost in 2028, and it<br />

washed away all the grime that'd buried into her skin. Afterwards, Sarah nearly scrubbed her teeth off<br />

with her toothbrush after being convinced those ready-meals could kill a human.<br />

Sarah flicked the bathroom light off and reentered the quiet bedroom that only filled with Woody<br />

Allen's voice. She studied her bed and knew she should rest with her fever. But Sarah had a desire to<br />

talk to Cameron before she slept tonight. She was just still too uneasy to sleep and thought maybe<br />

Cameron could settle her.<br />

Sarah went to the door and remembered that she wasn't suppose to talk to Cameron at all. She knew<br />

there'd be a guard at her door and Cameron's, but she wouldn't let that slow her down. She devilishly<br />

grinned for an instant yet went serious and opened the door.<br />

In Room 519, Cameron Phillips had even felt the need to clean up after trekking through miles of

debris. She'd wiped down her malleable polyalloy and seriously thought about taking a shower, but she<br />

decided it could wait for now. When she came out of the bathroom, she detected Sarah's voice just<br />

outside her door, and she knew that tone Sarah was using too. It meant that Sarah would have her way<br />

whether the guards liked it or not. This made a fine grin pull at Cameron's soft, metal lips. She folded<br />

her arms and stared at the door until it finally opened.<br />

"Just give me thirty minutes," Sarah ordered and left no room for argument. "Thanks." She slipped into<br />

Cameron's bedroom and shut the door. She sighed in relief then caught the terminator's amused<br />

features. "What"<br />

"Now they'll understand where John gets his personality," Cameron commented.<br />

"I'll take that as a compliment." Sarah approached the tall terminator.<br />

Cameron noticed that Sarah had taken a shower and put on a change of clothes provided by the<br />

Resistance. It was a common, blue suit that many outsiders were provided at first. "How do you feel"<br />

"Like I've only been hit by a pickup truck rather than a Mack truck." Sarah tilted her head back so she<br />

could see Cameron's face. "What's my temperature"<br />

<strong>The</strong> terminator now pressed her fingertips into the human's neck. She replied, "You've been holding<br />

steady at one hundred two point three degrees."<br />

Sarah knew that was in Fahrenheit. "That's still a moderate fever huh"<br />

"Yes," Cameron answered. "You should see a doctor or nurse about getting proper medicine."<br />

<strong>The</strong> human brushed off the suggestion and went over to Cameron's desk. She hauled out the chair and<br />

sat down. "I'll see how I feel in the morning."<br />

Cameron neared the petite human and noticed how it strained Sarah to look up at her so she knelt down<br />

in front of her. "You should not ignore your health when it can be taken care of now."<br />

Sarah sighed and leaned back into the wood chair. "If my fever is still high tomorrow morning then I'll<br />

get checked out, alright" She hoped the compromise would settle the terminator.<br />

Cameron nodded after a beat and let it go, for now.<br />

Sarah glanced away but focused back on the terminator. "So what are your thoughts about all this I<br />

mean, are we safe here... this is really the Resistance"<br />

Cameron could appreciate the human's constant concerns and precautions. She seriously answered, "We<br />

are safe and this is the Resistance's main fortification." She hesitated but continued to talk about it. "It<br />

has change significantly since 2027, but a lot could have happened since I left here."<br />

Sarah couldn't argue that point considering how Skynet changed everything in the matter of days and<br />

brought about Judgment Day. "But your scans didn't pick up anything fishy"<br />

<strong>The</strong> terminator knew Sarah was constantly on edge and that was truly the case now. "We are safe,<br />

Sarah."<br />

"I hope so," Sarah murmured. She lowered her eye contact and softly admitted, "I know I'd feel a whole

lot better if we were in the same room." She slightly lowered her head because she couldn't believe she<br />

told Cameron.<br />

<strong>The</strong> terminator put her head to one side and carefully studied the human's worn features. She was<br />

actually concerned by this rare, unexpected confession. "Why are you worried I am not far from your<br />

room. It is not much different than back at home."<br />

Sarah huffed and emphasized, "At home." She peered up at the terminator with hooded eyes. "We're<br />

strangers in a strange time, Cameron... even for you." She raised her head now. "At least at home, I<br />

could freely move about in my house, and I knew you were protecting us all night."<br />

Cameron processed the human's words and understood the hidden worries in Sarah. "I am still<br />

protecting you."<br />

<strong>The</strong> human gave out a defeated sigh and murmured, "I know."<br />

"You should rest, Sarah... dawn is not far away."<br />

Sarah took the hint and stood up from the chair. "Do you know when you'll be tested to confirm your<br />

identity"<br />

"I suspect tomorrow," the terminator replied. She stood up and watched the human brush past her.<br />

Sarah was halfway to the door, yet hesitated and neared her protector again. "That dog... the German<br />

Shepard..." She wasn't sure how to ask it but lifted her twisted features to the terminator.<br />

"His name is Max," Cameron informed. After the silent question in Sarah's eyes, she further explained<br />

about the German Shepard. "Max was Allison Young's dog."<br />

Sarah's expression grew tighter, and she edged closer to the terminator. "He didn't bark or... anything.<br />

He knew you."<br />

"Yes, after I replaced Allison Young I had to confront her dog." Cameron hesitated but merely stated,<br />

"Max and I came to an understanding."<br />

Sarah folded her arms and smirked at the terminator. "I see." She amusingly regarded the terminator.<br />

"You do have a... certain knack for coming to an understanding."<br />

Cameron knew the human was teasing her so she tormented back, "Yet my knack isn't enough to work<br />

on you."<br />

Sarah lowered her arms and still held her smirk. She headed back to the door but softly called, "You're<br />

discrediting yourself, girlie." <strong>The</strong>n she left the room and returned to hers for the night. Sarah decided to<br />

turn off her television, and she crawled into her waiting bed. <strong>The</strong> gentle glow from the alarm clock on<br />

the nightstand told her it was four in the morning.<br />

Sarah groaned, rolled onto her good shoulder, and closed her eyes. She continued to think though but<br />

tried to slow down her brain. Her last thoughts were about Cameron and the German Shepard that she<br />

found so strange. Sarah couldn't believe that the German Shepard recognized Cameron, who was<br />

without her skin sheath. It left her wondering how it was possible, but she couldn't consider any<br />

answers because her fever pulled her into a heavy sleep.

To be continued.

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