Chapter 2 - Red Hope @ redhope.net

Chapter 2 - Red Hope @ redhope.net

Chapter 2 - Red Hope @ redhope.net


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Cameron took it literally and replied, "Your chances improve greatly, yes." She focused down on the<br />

smartphone and suggested, "Please put the phone on the laptop." Her sapphire eyes lifted back to the<br />

college student.<br />

Sarah weighed her options, but she feared that Cameron would harm her if she did make the call. She<br />

nervously glanced at the Remington in Cameron's hand then she made her decision. She shifted closer<br />

to the desk then gingerly placed the phone on the notebook. A glimpse back at Cameron told her that<br />

Cameron was pleased with her.<br />

Cameron returned to her closet and leaned the shotgun against the wall again. She pulled out a black,<br />

plain long sleeve shirt and quickly pulled it over her thin but muscular body. She then grabbed low-cut<br />

boots and put them on with speed.<br />

Sarah just stood to the side and watched the older woman prepare for something. Her thoughts were<br />

racing, but she focused on what options she had to possibly escape. There was no way she would stay<br />

with this crazy woman.<br />

Cameron rose up after her boots were tied tightly. She now reached behind her head and unclipped her<br />

hair. Long, brown tresses flowed down from the tight bun and neatly framed Cameron's soft cheeks.<br />

She then hooked the clip to her jeans' front belt loop for later.<br />

Cameron retrieved a red book bag from the closet and carried it with her. She went five steps away<br />

from the closet then knelt down. She set the bag to her right then grabbed a floorboard that had a tiny<br />

hole in it about large enough for a finger. That's exactly what Cameron slipped into the hole and pulled<br />

the square board up.<br />

Sarah was curious and craned her neck. She spied a safe hidden under the floor.<br />

Cameron stretched out her right sleeve to cover her hand. With her covered index finger, she punched<br />

in a digit code into the locked safe's keypad. She then pulled the door open once the lock released it.<br />

Sarah was confused why Cameron had covered her finger other than to keep fingerprints off it. But<br />

when the safe door opened, she saw two electrical wires attached to the inside of it. This confused her<br />

further until she started to realize what it could mean. Sarah noticed the floorboards behind Cameron<br />

that ran to the wall were actually newer than the rest. The new boards ran directly to the wall where an<br />

electrical plug rested.<br />

Cameron was busy unloading the safe's contents into her bag.<br />

Sarah trailed her stare back to Cameron's work, and she caught a glimpse of rubber banded documents<br />

like US passports. She then tensed when handguns and bullets were placed on the floor. She started to<br />

think far differently about her earlier choice not to call 911.<br />

Cameron finished emptying the safe's contents, but she pulled out a black sleeve from the back pack.<br />

She climbed to her feet and went over to the desk.<br />

Sarah continued to stare at the six, black handguns on the floor. But then a vibration behind her back<br />

went off, which made her turn around.<br />

Cameron's hand hovered just above the vibrating Blackberry Curve. She tilted her head at the red blink<br />

coming from the upper right corner of the smartphone.

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