Chapter 2 - Red Hope @ redhope.net

Chapter 2 - Red Hope @ redhope.net

Chapter 2 - Red Hope @ redhope.net


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Disclaimer & Notices<br />

Copyright: The Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles characters and concept belong to James<br />

Cameron and Josh Friedman. However, I own the plot and other characters.<br />

Notices: This story contains violence and sexual content.<br />

Summary: It's a regular Friday night after work for the young college student, Sarah Connor, who is<br />

traveling back to her apartment. On the fated night, her beliefs and outlooks are forever changed after a<br />

near kidnapping and a choice between life or death given by an estranged police officer.<br />

Feedback: <strong>redhope</strong>@<strong>redhope</strong>.<strong>net</strong><br />

Homepage: http://www.<strong>redhope</strong>.<strong>net</strong><br />

Write a Review: http://www.<strong>redhope</strong>.<strong>net</strong>/tscc/review/series2form.html<br />

List: http://tv.groups.yahoo.com/group/<strong>redhope</strong>/<br />

Started: April 14, 2009<br />

Series 2: No Fate, Story #1<br />

I, Terminator<br />

by <strong>Red</strong> <strong>Hope</strong><br />

<strong>Chapter</strong> 2 – And Serve<br />

The white Harley Davidson proudly displayed the official emblem for the Los Angeles Police<br />

Department. It came to a slow speed but made a hard left through the intersection, and the riders leaned<br />

into the turn. At the front of the seat, a LAPD officer wore her black uniform and white helmet that also<br />

marked her as an officer. Behind her, a young woman simply dressed in jeans and zipped up leather<br />

jacket held on for the fast ride.<br />

The police officer slowed the motorcycle and made a slow, right turn into an alleyway that was still<br />

damp from yesterday's rain. She applied the brakes and stopped the bike right in front of a large green<br />

trashcan. She first shut off the engine then leaned the bike just right and kicked out the stand for it.<br />

The passenger, Sarah Connor, climbed off and back stepped when the officer stood in front of her. She<br />

clutched the movie rental in her left hand and nervously bit her lower lip.<br />

The police officer removed her helmet and placed it on the bike's seat. She had her long hair pinned<br />

into a bun. She quickly obtained her Remington 870p shotgun but kept it at her side.<br />

Sarah tore her stare from the shotgun and studied the older woman. "You're really not a cop, are you"<br />

She stiffened when the officer neared her. The earlier dread entered her stomach when seeming lifeless<br />

blue eyes stared her down.<br />

Suddenly, the officer sidestepped Sarah and ordered, "Please follow me."<br />

Sarah let out a breath and turned around, but she had a perplexed face. She couldn't understand why the<br />

officer was so calm. It wasn't really a relaxed attitude because the officer was plenty intense yet the<br />

officer's tone was just very monotone.<br />

The officer had gone a few stops yet realized the young woman was not following her. "Please follow<br />

me, now." For emphasis, she adjusted the shotgun in her right hand.

Sarah forced her body to put one foot in front of the other. She stayed on the officer's heels and found<br />

they were going into the building they'd parked near. From a quick scan, Sarah assessed it was a<br />

rundown apartment complex and once inside she noted a stairwell with ten floors. She wound up them<br />

with the officer until they were on the seventh.<br />

The officer walked down the hallway that had doors with climbing numbers labeled on them. The doors<br />

were dark green and worn out. The hallway was carpeted and occasionally there was an overhead light<br />

that meekly revealed the hallway. But the officer came to room number 777 and unlocked the door with<br />

a key from her jacket pocket.<br />

Sarah entered the tiny apartment after she was signaled to go. She heard the officer lock the door, but<br />

she was too busy looking at the apartment. Yet in reality it was actually an efficiency with a small<br />

kitchen and space for a dining table, bed, and maybe a sofa. The efficiency was definitely smaller than<br />

Sarah's college apartment.<br />

But what was strange was the fact there was no dining table or sofa, not even a bed. The kitchen<br />

appeared to be empty. And the walls were bare except for the eerie gray paint. The only sole piece of<br />

furniture in the room was a worn wood desk and a matching chair that was positioned beside a closed<br />

closet. On the desk there was a brand-new laptop that had a few cords such as power or inter<strong>net</strong> neatly<br />

flowing off it.<br />

Sarah couldn't slow her heart, and she nervously looked at the officer. She clenched her right hand and<br />

kept the fear out of her voice. "Who are you"<br />

The officer unzipped her leather jacket and revealed her uniform underneath. She stared at Sarah for a<br />

beat then walked away to the desk.<br />

For whatever reason, Sarah was compelled to follow the officer and desperately tried her question<br />

again. "Who the Hell are you"<br />

The officer had her back to Sarah, and she pressed her fingertips into the rear of the laptop's screen. She<br />

remained poised to close it but calmly answered, "My name is Cameron Philips." She now shut the<br />

screen then approached the closet and carefully leaned her Remington against the wall.<br />

Sarah stared at the officer's stiff posture. "Are you really a cop"<br />

The officer, Cameron Philips, pulled open the sliding closet door but didn't bother to turn on the light.<br />

Sarah started to wonder if the older woman would answer her or not. She was about to repeat herself<br />

but faltered at hearing Cameron's voice.<br />

"I am not an officer." Cameron removed her jacket and merely dropped it to the floor.<br />

Sarah's stomach pitched at this news. She slid her right hand into her jacket pocket and clutched the<br />

Blackberry Curve. "What do you want with me"<br />

Cameron turned her head sidelong, but she was steadily unbuttoning her top. "To protect and serve<br />

you."<br />

Sarah thought it was a joke but the woman was very serious about it. She hesitated but demanded, "Do<br />

you know who those men were"

"Yes," came the emotionless response from Cameron. She now pulled the uniform top out from her<br />

pants then dropped it on the jacket. She'd been wearing a black tank top underneath and without the<br />

uniform top; she revealed her extremely muscular figure.<br />

Sarah was well figured herself from jujutsu, but she didn't have the muscles like Cameron. She then<br />

noticed a hefty scar over Cameron's right shoulder blade. But what truly caught Sarah's attention was<br />

the light blue tattoo on Cameron's neck that looked to be from the Greek alphabet. Sarah jogged her<br />

mind on what Greek letter because of all the Greek life on campus. Finally, it came to her; it meant<br />

Omega.<br />

Cameron had pulled out a pair of jeans that hung in the closet. She knelt down and placed the jeans<br />

next to her while she untied her tall boots.<br />

Sarah shook her head and pressed, "Who were they" She could no longer hide her panic.<br />

"Derek and Kyle Reese," Cameron coolly replied. She rose up and pushed off her boots. She then undid<br />

her heavy belt, dropped it loudly to the floor, and unbuttoned her pants.<br />

Sarah was stunned when the older woman easily changed out of the officer pants and into jeans without<br />

a single care about her partial nudity. She remained slacked jaw until Cameron went back for a basic<br />

black belt that shined with silver studs. "Look," Sarah finally started in a panicked tone, "I don't who<br />

you are or what you're doing, but it can't be legal." She started for her Blackberry.<br />

Cameron had buckled her belt and slowly lifted her head. She now faced the college student and tilted<br />

her head. "I told you who I am."<br />

Sarah moved away and pulled out her smartphone. "No." She kept shaking her head; she punched in<br />

the number nine on her phone.<br />

Cameron instantly retrieved her shotgun from the wall but delayed from aiming it at Sarah. "You do not<br />

want to do that, Miss Connor."<br />

Sarah had her thumb on the number one but hadn't pushed it once let alone a second time. She stared at<br />

the shotgun then it sunk in that the woman knew her last name. "You know who I am."<br />

Very calmly, Cameron cocked her head to one side and smoothly reported, "You are Sarah Jea<strong>net</strong>te<br />

Connor II. Your father is John Neil Connor and mother is Sarah Jea<strong>net</strong>te Connor. You were born in Los<br />

Angeles on July 4, 1988 and currently attend University of California, Los Angeles. You are in your<br />

fourth year and will earn a bachelor of science in mechanical engineering this May." She blinked and<br />

finally seemed to breathe after her speech. "Would you like me to state your current GPA, your<br />

hobbies, and job"<br />

Sarah was slacked jaw, but she glanced back at her smartphone in worry. She stared at the first number<br />

displayed on the screen, which now faded to black. She lifted her eyes to Cameron and her thumb<br />

tensed on the number one button harder.<br />

Cameron took a step closer but stopped and informed, "If you alert the police then you will also<br />

inadvertently alert Derek and Kyle Reese to your whereabouts. It is not safe."<br />

"And you're safer" Sarah sarcastically shot back.

Cameron took it literally and replied, "Your chances improve greatly, yes." She focused down on the<br />

smartphone and suggested, "Please put the phone on the laptop." Her sapphire eyes lifted back to the<br />

college student.<br />

Sarah weighed her options, but she feared that Cameron would harm her if she did make the call. She<br />

nervously glanced at the Remington in Cameron's hand then she made her decision. She shifted closer<br />

to the desk then gingerly placed the phone on the notebook. A glimpse back at Cameron told her that<br />

Cameron was pleased with her.<br />

Cameron returned to her closet and leaned the shotgun against the wall again. She pulled out a black,<br />

plain long sleeve shirt and quickly pulled it over her thin but muscular body. She then grabbed low-cut<br />

boots and put them on with speed.<br />

Sarah just stood to the side and watched the older woman prepare for something. Her thoughts were<br />

racing, but she focused on what options she had to possibly escape. There was no way she would stay<br />

with this crazy woman.<br />

Cameron rose up after her boots were tied tightly. She now reached behind her head and unclipped her<br />

hair. Long, brown tresses flowed down from the tight bun and neatly framed Cameron's soft cheeks.<br />

She then hooked the clip to her jeans' front belt loop for later.<br />

Cameron retrieved a red book bag from the closet and carried it with her. She went five steps away<br />

from the closet then knelt down. She set the bag to her right then grabbed a floorboard that had a tiny<br />

hole in it about large enough for a finger. That's exactly what Cameron slipped into the hole and pulled<br />

the square board up.<br />

Sarah was curious and craned her neck. She spied a safe hidden under the floor.<br />

Cameron stretched out her right sleeve to cover her hand. With her covered index finger, she punched<br />

in a digit code into the locked safe's keypad. She then pulled the door open once the lock released it.<br />

Sarah was confused why Cameron had covered her finger other than to keep fingerprints off it. But<br />

when the safe door opened, she saw two electrical wires attached to the inside of it. This confused her<br />

further until she started to realize what it could mean. Sarah noticed the floorboards behind Cameron<br />

that ran to the wall were actually newer than the rest. The new boards ran directly to the wall where an<br />

electrical plug rested.<br />

Cameron was busy unloading the safe's contents into her bag.<br />

Sarah trailed her stare back to Cameron's work, and she caught a glimpse of rubber banded documents<br />

like US passports. She then tensed when handguns and bullets were placed on the floor. She started to<br />

think far differently about her earlier choice not to call 911.<br />

Cameron finished emptying the safe's contents, but she pulled out a black sleeve from the back pack.<br />

She climbed to her feet and went over to the desk.<br />

Sarah continued to stare at the six, black handguns on the floor. But then a vibration behind her back<br />

went off, which made her turn around.<br />

Cameron's hand hovered just above the vibrating Blackberry Curve. She tilted her head at the red blink<br />

coming from the upper right corner of the smartphone.

Sarah bit her lower lip because that meant she'd received a text message. She suspected it was her<br />

roommate checking up on her.<br />

Cameron picked up the phone after it stopped vibrating and she turned it over to its backside. She<br />

dropped the black sleeve on the notebook then proceeded to remove the smartphone's battery.<br />

Sarah silently cursed now that her phone was dismantled. She shouldn't have given it up.<br />

"It is not safe to have it on," Cameron advised. She stowed the battery and phone in her pockets. "It has<br />

GPS tracking."<br />

"That was the idea," Sarah muttered under her breath. She indeed had put Google's My Latitude<br />

application on her Blackberry so that her friends, like Kelly, could track her whereabouts.<br />

Cameron had the laptop in her right hand but hesitated from sliding it into the black sleeve. She turned<br />

her head to the younger woman. "You must trust me." She shoved the notebook away and collected the<br />

various cords.<br />

"Trust you" Sarah stared in shock at the other woman. "About what On what basis" She was<br />

dumbfounded by Cameron's comment. "I was nearly kidnapped, but now I wonder if I'm not really<br />

kidnapped." She pointed behind herself. "Am I suppose to trust those six guns and..." She sputtered but<br />

pointed at the Remington. "Rifle you have there Or maybe that fake badge you were wearing earlier"<br />

Cameron had the sealed laptop tucked under her right arm and cords in her hand. She blinked once at<br />

Sarah then corrected, "It is a Remington 870p combat shotgun."<br />

Sarah gawked at the other woman in pure disbelief. "You're crazy, lady!"<br />

Cameron digested this but was not affected by it. She casually strolled past the college student and<br />

remarked, "I have not kidnapped you. You are free to go at anytime." She picked up the book bag and<br />

slid the notebook in there along with the cords. "However, you will be attacked again."<br />

"Then I'll call the police... the real police," Sarah snapped back.<br />

One by one, Cameron picked up the handguns and put them in the pack too, but she kept the last one.<br />

While she zipped up the bag, she informed, "The police are insufficient, incompetent, and cannot track<br />

down people who do not exist in the system. You will be killed."<br />

Sarah shook her head a few times yet quietly asked, "How do you know"<br />

Cameron put the gun behind her back and tucked it under her shirt. She merely responded, "Because I<br />

know the Reese Brothers." She went to the closet and picked up her shotgun then came up to Sarah.<br />

She stood just within Sarah's personal space. "I will not harm you and only wish to protect you."<br />

Sarah swallowed and studied the older woman's stern features. She couldn't read Cameron's icy eyes,<br />

but she didn't detect any mistrust either. She couldn't argue the fact that Cameron saved her earlier and<br />

hadn't assaulted her at all.<br />

After a long moment, Sarah hoarsely asked, "What exactly is your plan" She could tell Cameron had<br />

one because she was so well prepared for this event.

Cameron regarded the college student and lowered the shotgun until the buttstock rested on the<br />

floorboards. "I will take you to a safe place. Then I will deal with the Reese Brothers."<br />

"Deal with them" Sarah tempted.<br />

"Yes." Cameron put her head to the side. "They will be terminated."<br />

Sarah held up her hands in defense and stared wide eye at the calm woman. "I can't be a part of<br />

this...whatever the Hell this is." She couldn't understand how Cameron acted so casual and<br />

nonchalantly like this was going to the grocery store for milk.<br />

Cameron straightened up at this and argued, "You will not be. This is my mission."<br />

"Mission" Sarah repeated. Now she noted hints of frustration on Cameron's features.<br />

"We do not have time to discuss every detail." Cameron's finally held emotions that showed her<br />

patiences were thinning. She moved towards the front door. "It is time to go."<br />

Sarah clenched her hands and now realized she still had the movie in her left hand. She looked down at<br />

it and stared at Will Smith in front of endless rows of white robots. She lifted her head and stared at<br />

Cameron, who waited at the door.<br />

Cameron grabbed the doorknob but didn't open the door. She waited for Sarah to make her decision.<br />

She mentally recalled her secondary plan if Sarah Connor didn't agree to her current plans.<br />

"If I go with you," Sarah prompted, "do I come back here, to college"<br />

"Yes."<br />

Sarah couldn't measure any deceit or lie in the simple word or tone. She figured she may be able to tag<br />

along for a ways then make a run for it. Despite Cameron swore not to hurt her, she just didn't believe<br />

somebody who carried six guns and a shotgun without the intent to heavily use them. Sarah set aside<br />

her thoughts then faintly nodded. She approached Cameron.<br />

Cameron glanced down at the rental movie once Sarah was in reach. She held out her hand in hidden<br />

signal for the movie. She was given it and briefly looked at the case. She lowered her head to one side<br />

at the movie's title but made no comment. Instead, she opened the door and left but made sure to put<br />

the movie away in her pack.<br />

Sarah quietly followed her would-be protector. She wasn't sure what to think or believe, but she knew<br />

that she was in a lot of trouble, regardless. She glimpsed down at the shotgun in Cameron's hand. She<br />

would bet that Remington 870p combat shotgun could put a hole in somebody's stomach.<br />

Cameron led her charge back to the motorcycle. She briefly put the bag on the bike and pulled out a<br />

black leather jacket from right hard saddlebag. She slipped it on then turned Sarah. "Can you put on the<br />

pack"<br />

Sarah looked from Cameron to the filled bag. She was nervous about it but nodded. She then took it<br />

and adjusted the straps over her shoulders.<br />

Cameron made adjustments to her helmet then held it out to Sarah.

Sarah was confused by this and peered up at Cameron.<br />

"It should fit you now."<br />

Sarah accepted the helmet and briefly stared at it in disbelief. But she finally put it on, and it was a<br />

perfect fit.<br />

Cameron climbed onto the bike but first clipped up her hair so it'd be under control in the wind. She<br />

retrieved the key from her left pocket then started the bike.<br />

Sarah got on behind the older woman and sat down. First she adjusted her satchel purse on her right hip<br />

then propped her feet on the bars. But the bike slightly rolled from Cameron getting the kickstand, and<br />

she had to grab Cameron's hips for support.<br />

Cameron sat down but used her legs to back up the motorcycle and get it turned around in the alleyway.<br />

She had it pointed back out and throttled the engine to make sure it was ready.<br />

Sarah had creases in her brow as she considered how in the world a small woman, like Cameron, could<br />

handle such a large Harley Davidson that had to weigh at least eight hundred pounds.<br />

Cameron put the motorcycle into gear and swung her feet up from the ground. She rolled out of the<br />

alleyway and into the dark streets at nearly two in the morning. She didn't care about her bike's noise<br />

and increased the throttle.<br />

Sarah held onto the older woman with both arms. She chided herself for getting too physically close to<br />

her would-be protector, yet she found Cameron's warmth needed against the cold tonight.<br />

Cameron stayed focused on her task at hand to get Sarah to safety and complete her mission. She had a<br />

certain destination in mind that was about a twenty to twenty-five minute drive from her former<br />

apartment.<br />

Sarah listened to the engine's constant growl that made her head bob forward, but she jerked her head<br />

up. She couldn't let herself fall asleep like this despite how it was so late. Yet slowly, Sarah lowered her<br />

head down to Cameron's shoulder and rested her cheek on soft leather.<br />

Cameron sensed the college student's slumped form against her back. She could tell Sarah still held her<br />

waist well, but she grew concerned Sarah could fall off at a turn. When she finally approached a left<br />

turn at an intersection, she freed her left hand and put it to Sarah's lower back. Cameron continued to<br />

do this maneuver until the trip brought them to Los Angele's port. She scanned the area as she slowly<br />

drove the bike down West Harry Bridges Road.<br />

Sarah finally stirred and lifted her head from Cameron's shoulder. She blinked a few times and realized<br />

she'd actually dozed off. She groaned for being that dumb.<br />

"We are almost there," Cameron mentioned.<br />

"Where's there" Sarah inquired.<br />

Cameron didn't answer and instead made a left onto South Fries Avenue but made another left at Pier A<br />

Street. She followed it until it intersected with Pier A Plaza, and she veered to the right into a large<br />

paved lot that was loaded with shipping containers.

Sarah perked up at this and wondered what Cameron had in mind.<br />

Cameron slowed the motorcycle to about ten miles per hour and obviously scanned the containers.<br />

After they came to the end of the container line, Cameron revved the motorcycle around the bend and<br />

came down another row of containers. She finally braked the motorcycle in front of a red container that<br />

sandwiched a blue container with another red container.<br />

Sarah freed her arms from Cameron when they were parked. She hopped off the motorcycle like<br />

Cameron and asked, "What are we doing here"<br />

Cameron shut off the bike and turned to Sarah. "I need the pack." She retrieved it from Sarah and<br />

fished around in the front pocket of the bag. She pulled out two sets of keys but replied, "We're<br />

obtaining warmer means of transportation."<br />

Sarah started to follow her would-be protector but came up short when Cameron ordered her to wait<br />

there. She couldn't help but be curious.<br />

Cameron stood in front of the blue container and grabbed the deadbolt that held the chains tightly<br />

around the sealed doors. She popped the lock off, dropped it, and watched the chain slither down and<br />

pile at her feet. She then hauled the heavy doors open with such ease.<br />

Sarah shook her head but patiently waited beside the Harley Davidson. Slowly, her eyebrows hiked up<br />

her brow at the heavy growl from in the container then a stream of light flooded out. To her great<br />

surprise, a gigantic, red pickup truck pulled out of the container then made a sharp right. On the back of<br />

the tailgate, there was the classic Ford symbol proudly on it.<br />

"Holy... shit," Sarah muttered in complete shock. She then saw the white sticker on the rear window<br />

that read: Loud and Proud.<br />

Cameron jumped out of the truck and fixed the rear view mirrors that'd been pushed in for protection in<br />

the container. She left the running truck and came up to Sarah. "The bike needs to go in the container."<br />

Sarah blinked once then focused on Cameron. "Alright." She wasn't sure what else to say, but she<br />

decided to help Cameron get the motorcycle in there.<br />

Cameron threw back the kickstand and proceeded to push the motorcycle to the container and up the<br />

short ramp.<br />

Sarah expected it to be a struggle to get the Harley up the ramp. But instead, it was fairly easy and the<br />

bike went right up and into the container. "I can't see much."<br />

"It's okay," Cameron remarked. She busied with getting the kickstand out, and she heard Sarah taking<br />

off the helmet. Once she saw the helmet on the motorcycle's seat, she grabbed her Remington and<br />

headed out of the dark container.<br />

Sarah followed out and stepped away from the container but turned around to watch the older woman.<br />

Cameron quickly closed up the container then relocked it with the chain and lock. She then ordered to<br />

Sarah, "Get in the truck."<br />

Sarah only nodded, but she glanced over the bed's rim and realized it had a hard tonneau cover on it.

She briefly considered whether or not there was anything hidden under it. She decided not to ask and<br />

went to the passenger door. She noted the F-350 chrome icon poised above the front-side fender. She<br />

slightly grinned despite the situation.<br />

Cameron buckled up after she put the shotgun in the backseat. She noted that Sarah was working on her<br />

seatbelt too. She put the truck into drive and hit the gas.<br />

Sarah listened to the truck's low whistle from the diesel Super Duty. She bit back her grin again<br />

because this just wasn't the place for it.<br />

Cameron guessed that maybe Sarah was cold so she adjusted the temperature and fan speed. She knew<br />

it'd take a few minutes for the cabin to warm up.<br />

Sarah rested her right arm on the door's rest. She stared out the tinted window and watched the port<br />

pass by. She nibbled on her lower lip but finally decided to ask more about tonight. "So, where are we<br />

headed to exactly"<br />

Cameron glanced at her charge then back out the window. "To Big Bear City."<br />

Sarah dropped her jaw but quickly asked, "Do you know how far that is from LA It's a resort area out<br />

in the middle of nowhere."<br />

"I'm aware of this," Cameron retorted.<br />

Sarah stared at the older woman and became a bit more worried now. "Why are you taking me there"<br />

"It is safer there than in the city."<br />

Sarah briefly looked down at the book bag that was loaded with odd documents, guns, ammunition, and<br />

who knows what else. Of course her I, Robot rental she mentally chided to herself. She lifted her stare<br />

to Cameron and studied the stoic yet calm profile. "Who are you, really" She shook her head<br />

repeatedly. "Some kind of assassin or bounty hunter"<br />

Cameron developed a faint frown and mulled over her response. She became rather serious and glanced<br />

at Sarah. "I am a terminator." Now silence followed her words for a long minute.<br />

Sarah wasn't sure what to say back because Cameron was obviously very serious. She took a steady<br />

breath then decided to go along with it. "Okay... so what's a terminator do" She'd never heard of such a<br />

profession, but it was all she had to work with right now.<br />

Cameron briefly regarded the younger woman and seemed to consider whether or not to answer the<br />

question. She gave in though and explained, "A terminator eliminates threats to a mission."<br />

"What threats... what missions"<br />

Cameron was clearly edgy about conversation's direction. "We are assigned missions that require<br />

elimination of threats so that the mission can be completed."<br />

Sarah blinked after getting the once around from Cameron. "So, you're like a soldier then."<br />


Sarah took a deep breath then slowly let it go in hopes it'd calm her annoyance. She then decided on<br />

another tactic. "Who are Derek and Kyle Reese Are they terminators too"<br />

"No." Cameron glanced at the college student, who showed frustration lines on her face. "They are<br />

soldiers."<br />

Sarah suddenly stiffened at this news. "You mean like army soldiers From the US army" She knew<br />

she had to be in deep here.<br />

Cameron grew edgy again and vaguely replied, "It is complicated."<br />

"That means you don't want to explain," Sarah easily guessed. She suspiciously eyed Cameron but<br />

tempted, "Why are they after me"<br />

"It is complicated," Cameron repeated but more calmly than last time.<br />

Sarah fisted her hands and coldly stared out the front window. "Why do you have to protect me"<br />

"Because it's my mission," Cameron merely answered.<br />

Sarah closed her eyes and counted to ten then for good measure countered in reverse too. She then<br />

inhaled deeply and very gradually let it go. She opened her eyes once more then made one last attempt<br />

at this nearly useless conversation. "How do you know so much about me"<br />

Cameron was silent for a few moments yet replied, "I do research."<br />

Sarah dropped her head back against the headrest, and her shoulders slumped in defeat. She gingerly<br />

touched her forehead and mumbled, "I think this conversation is terminated."<br />

"Acceptable," Cameron agreed. She then decided on the radio, which she turned on and flipped through<br />

the stations.<br />

Sarah hadn't expected for Cameron to hear her but clearly had done so. She just left it alone and instead<br />

stared out the passenger window at the passing city. She didn't pay attention to the music until it<br />

stopped on the city's light station for romance music. How could this woman, who claimed to be some<br />

terminator and carried an assortment of weapons, be interested in the light station Sarah prayed she<br />

would just wake up in a few hours and find herself in her quiet bed after this nightmare.<br />

Cameron took the ramp onto Route 10 and followed it due east to get out of Los Angeles.<br />

Sarah slightly curled up in her spot. She was becoming sleepy again and started to nod off. She<br />

eventually fell asleep after the city lights disappeared behind the truck.<br />

Cameron opened up the truck's speed once she was on Route 18. She decided it would be best to take a<br />

break at a gas station in case Sarah needed the break. Once they were halfway to Big Bear City, she<br />

saw a Valero gas station and pulled into it.<br />

Sarah was jarred awake by the truck's slight rocking. She lifted her head and rubbed her face. "Are we<br />

there already"<br />

"No, halfway." Cameron eased the truck into a parking spot and parked it. "I thought you'd want a<br />

break." At some point, Cameron had obviously removed her hair clip since her rich brown hair laid past

her shoulders.<br />

Sarah was indeed grateful. "Yeah." She worked past her sleepiness then unbuckled herself. She climbed<br />

out of the truck and shifted her purse to her side better. She slipped her hands into her pockets and<br />

strolled into the store with Cameron at her side.<br />

Cameron, the terminator, entered the station first with clear intent to protect Sarah. She easily assessed<br />

there wasn't any worries so she moved away from the door. She allowed Sarah to pass her.<br />

"I'm going to hit the bathroom," Sarah mentioned, and she went to the small restrooms.<br />

Cameron briefly watched her charge, but she wandered down the aisles to the coolers. She sensed that<br />

the cashier was watching her.<br />

Sarah indeed went to the bathroom then washed her hands. After she dried her hands, she stood there<br />

and stared at the door. She was alone in the bathroom, and it gave her a moment to think. She just<br />

needed to get away from her would-be protect and call the police. She didn't see any pay phone, but she<br />

would bet the cashier would let her use the phone. Sarah could use her jujutsu to overpower Cameron,<br />

but it was risky since Cameron had a gun.<br />

But after some thought, Sarah came up with a plan that may work out. She set her mind to it and left<br />

the bathroom.<br />

Cameron stood at one aisle end, near the register. She checked, "Are you ready"<br />

Sarah only nodded and allowed the terminator to go first. She followed Cameron outside and her heart<br />

pounded wildly in her ears. She took her chance and jumped at Cameron's back. She got her hands on<br />

the gun.<br />

Cameron registered it quickly and faced the younger woman. Despite the situation, her expression was<br />

passive.<br />

Sarah pointed the handgun at the terminator, yet her hands visibly shook because she'd never handled a<br />

gun in her life. She narrowed her eyes and informed, "I don't know who you are or what you think<br />

you're doing. But you've got to be reported to the cops." She expected Cameron to either get angry or<br />

attack her.<br />

But instead, the terminator casually regarded Sarah then oddly asked, "Have you ever used a gun<br />

before"<br />

Sarah's eyes flickered to the gun then back to Cameron.<br />

"It's hard to shoot it with the safety on."<br />

Sarah slowly lost the color in her face at her mistake. Then it happened so fast when Cameron tore the<br />

gun from her hand. But Sarah attempted an instant front snap punch to Cameron's face. She hadn't<br />

expected the intense pain to her fist once it connected, and it sent her hunched forward. She clutched<br />

her injured hand yet still tried a roundhouse kick to Cameron's lower back.<br />

The terminator acted swiftly by catching Sarah's leg and swung Sarah around into the truck's side.

Sarah gasped for air when it left her lungs and slumped against the F-350. She opened her eyes to<br />

Cameron's displeased features and bright blue eyes. Her breath hitched because it seemed like<br />

Cameron's eyes glowed blue, but it had to be the overhead light.<br />

"I do not wish to harm you," Cameron informed in a low voice.<br />

Sarah had constricted features but painfully managed, "You said I could go."<br />

"Yes," Cameron softly agreed then amended, "But I didn't say I would allow you."<br />

Sarah developed dark features at this, and she shoved against Cameron yet found it impossible, for<br />

some reason. She was pressed against the truck harder. "Why are you doing this"<br />

The terminator looked over her shoulder because she heard another truck coming to the gas station. She<br />

focused back on Sarah. "To protect you."<br />

Sarah clenched her jaw and coldly stared at the terminator, who wouldn't release her. She saw the large<br />

man get out of his truck and approached the store. She decided to get his attention and raised her voice.<br />

"You want to kill me."<br />

Cameron kept her right arm locked across Sarah's chest. She carefully slipped the gun in her waistband<br />

once she detected somebody coming up behind her. She could handle the situation peacefully or with<br />

dire consequences so she made her choice.<br />

Sarah plastered herself against the truck when she realized Cameron's intent. But there was nothing she<br />

could do when Cameron leaned down and captured her lips. At first Sarah fought the kiss then it was<br />

useless after Cameron's hand threaded into her hair.<br />

The man behind cleared his throat and hesitantly asked, "Everything alright, ladies"<br />

Cameron withdrew from the kiss and turned her head sidelong. "We're fine." She gave a faint smirk and<br />

explained, "My girlfriend sometimes gets rough."<br />

The man was obviously bashful about the situation. "Not my business... sorry for interrupting." He<br />

hastily left the apparent couple alone but muttered, "Must be from San Fran."<br />

The terminator finally focused back on her charge, who had a dazed expression. "If my mission was to<br />

kill you then you'd been dead awhile ago."<br />

Sarah lifted her head off the truck and shoved aside what'd happened a moment ago. She bit her lower<br />

lip at Cameron's honest words. She sighed and murmured "What choice do I have now"<br />

Cameron removed her arm from Sarah's chest. "It is inefficient to argue about this anymore."<br />

Sarah resigned to it, finally. "Alright." She was relieved once the tall, muscular woman moved off her.<br />

She let out a shaky breath and slipped past Cameron to go to the passenger side. On her way to the<br />

passenger door, she shook her left hand that still hurt from the punch. There was no reason why that<br />

could have hurt so badly plus Cameron was never affected by it.<br />

The terminator climbed back into the Ford truck and saw that Sarah had done the same. She first pulled<br />

out her gun and repositioned it to the back of her waistband. She finally started the truck and left the

gas station to get back on Route 18.<br />

Sarah had taken off her purse finally and just dropped it to the floor near the pack. She ignored her<br />

protector, who gave her a curious glance. Instead, Sarah studied her left hand, which still ached from<br />

the earlier strike. She flexed her hand a few time.<br />

"We'll put ice on it soon."<br />

The college student shook her head and looked at Cameron. "Do you have a steel plate in your face or<br />

what"<br />

Cameron seriously regarded the younger woman then honestly answered, "Yes."<br />

"I believe it," Sarah muttered. She opened and closed her hand one last time, but it only made it worse.<br />

She left her hand spread out on her knee then looked out the window. She saw very little so it meant<br />

they were getting close to the Big Bear Lake resort.<br />

The terminator had to switch the radio stations around when the current one went fuzzy. She gave into<br />

a classical station that was currently playing piano music.<br />

Sarah disgustingly shook her head at the music selection but made no comment. She slumped against<br />

the truck's door and dozed off yet again.<br />

Cameron slightly tilted her head at the beautiful piano music that struck a chord in her. She thoroughly<br />

enjoyed the song.<br />

The rest of the ride was quiet except for the classical music. Eventually, Big Bear Lake came into view<br />

but the Ford F-350 truck took back roads to its destination. After a fifteen minute drive through roads,<br />

the truck pulled into a driveway and stopped in front of a house. The headlights poured over a login<br />

cabin tucked into the woods.<br />

Sarah lifted her head off the door but only had a beat to take in the cabin before the truck was shut off.<br />

She curiously looked at Cameron. "Where are we" She collected her purse from the floor.<br />

"We are about ten minutes from Big Bear City." The terminator unbuckled herself then opened the<br />

door.<br />

"We're staying here" Sarah stared in awe at the cabin gently revealed in the moonlight.<br />

"Yes." Cameron got out of the truck.<br />

Sarah followed suit and met the terminator at the tailgate.<br />

Cameron had unlocked the hard tonneau cover and lifted it up. She now collected two duffel bags and<br />

pushed one towards Sarah. "This is yours."<br />

Sarah was confused but took the bag anyway.<br />

The terminator grabbed the other bag's handles and pulled it out. She closed the cover, tailgate, and<br />

locked it up again. She went back to the driver's door and collected her book bag plus the shotgun.<br />

Then she made a beeline for the glass front door to the cabin.

Sarah followed her protector yet was busying taking in her surroundings. She spotted a small shed set<br />

off to the right.<br />

Cameron unlocked the front door but quickly hit the truck's remote so it'd lock. She then slid the front<br />

glass door open and passed through it.<br />

Sarah followed the terminator in and immediately entered the kitchen. She looked for the light switch<br />

and flipped a few up. She took in the fully furnished cabin.<br />

"This way," Cameron instructed. She guided the college student to the bedrooms and offered, "Take<br />

either one."<br />

Sarah decided on the master bedroom that had a private bath with it. She put the black duffel bag on the<br />

bed and curiously looked from it to Cameron.<br />

The terminator saw the silent question on Sarah's face. "You will find clothes and other items you need<br />

for the next few days." She said nothing else and left the doorway. She took the neighboring bedroom<br />

that also had a queen size bed.<br />

"Next few days" Sarah softly repeated in worry. She unzipped the bag and indeed found clothes plus<br />

new toiletries like soap, shampoo, toothbrush, and so on. Without a doubt, Cameron had made very<br />

detailed plans for this mission. But what bothered Sarah was the fact that the clothes were the right size<br />

for her and accurately fit her taste.<br />

Sarah worriedly stared at the open bag and breathed hard a few times. She then sensed Cameron at the<br />

door again so she looked at her.<br />

Cameron said nothing but indicated the Ziplock of ice. She neared the college student and handed her<br />

the ice pack. "You should rest... we have to be up early tomorrow."<br />

Sarah combed her back her wavy hair and nervously studied the terminator. "You know a lot about me,<br />

don't you"<br />

Cameron tilted her head to one side and carefully considered the question. She finally replied, "I know<br />

facts about you." She left it there and exited the bedroom.<br />

Sarah fooled with the ice pack but sat down and put it on her left hand. She remained there for several<br />

minutes and tried to understand what'd happened since she left work tonight. After a fast glance at the<br />

alarm clock on the nightstand, she realized it was just after five o'clock. She did need some sleep<br />

despite she had no clue what Cameron had in mind for the morning.<br />

Sarah set the ice pack aside then shut the bedroom door. She'd seen sleepwear in the bag so she<br />

retrieved it and prepared for bed. Shortly, Sarah got into bed and turned off the overhead light. She kept<br />

the ice pack on her hand for awhile longer and allowed her brain to decompress. It wasn't long before<br />

sleep came for her so she put the ice pack on the nightstand. Her last conscious thought was hearing the<br />

television outside her bedroom door in the living room. But it didn't matter as she slipped away into her<br />

dreams.<br />

To be continued.

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