Presentation Material - McCarthy Tétrault

Presentation Material - McCarthy Tétrault

Presentation Material - McCarthy Tétrault


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Current Issues Forum:<br />

Pipeline Planning; Subsection 164(6) Circularity Issue; Eligible Dividend Designations<br />


Chris Falk<br />

Stefanie Morand 1<br />

As a companion piece to the paper on current issues presented at the 2012 Ontario Tax<br />

Conference by Gabriel Baron, this paper addresses a number of legislative and administrative<br />

developments in the income tax area that are of current interest to owner-managers and their<br />

tax advisors but are not addressed in detail in other sessions of the conference. The topics<br />

addressed in this paper are:<br />

• pipeline planning;<br />

• subsection 164(6) capital loss carry-back planning and the application of subsections<br />

40(3.6) and (3.61); and<br />

• eligible dividend designations following Budget 2012.<br />

In respect of the topics addressed in this paper, the authors note as follows:<br />

Pipeline Planning<br />

“Pipeline planning”, described below, has for many years been one of the basic tools employed<br />

by tax practitioners to relieve against double taxation where shares of a private corporation have<br />

been deemed by the provisions of the Income Tax Act (Canada) (the “Act”) 3 to be disposed of<br />

for proceeds of disposition equal to their fair market value (“FMV”) upon the death of a taxpayer.<br />

Such planning has generally been considered by planners to be non-controversial and<br />

consistent with the overall scheme of the Act. However, over the past few years, the Canada<br />

Revenue Agency (the “CRA”) has taken the position that very standard pipeline planning may<br />

give rise to a deemed dividend to the estate of the deceased taxpayer pursuant to the<br />

provisions of subsection 84(2). In the authors’ view, the CRA’s position is likely wrong as a<br />

matter of law.<br />

In a paper presented at the 2011 British Columbia Tax Conference, 4 the authors commented<br />

generally on the manner and the circumstances in which pipeline planning has typically been<br />

employed, outlined recent comments by the CRA in respect of pipeline planning and<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

The authors note that the views expressed in this paper are their own and do not necessarily represent the views<br />

of <strong>McCarthy</strong> Tétrault LLP.<br />

This paper assumes that an estate is a trust for purposes of the Act, notwithstanding the recent decision in<br />

Lipson v. The Queen, 2012 DTC 1064 (TCC).<br />

Except as otherwise noted, all section references are to the provisions of the Act and all monetary references are<br />

to Canadian dollars.<br />

Chris Falk and Stefanie Morand, "Current Issues Forum: Pipeline Planning; Section 159 Clearance Certificates;<br />

Charitable Sector; and Non-Profit Organizations," 2011 British Columbia Tax Conference, (Vancouver:<br />

Canadian Tax Foundation, 2011), 1B:1-61.<br />

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Chris Falk<br />

Stefanie Morand<br />

<strong>McCarthy</strong> Tétrault LLP<br />

commented on the CRA’s position in light of the provisions and the scheme of the Act. This<br />

paper updates that discussion to take into account subsequent CRA statements, as well as the<br />

decisions of the Tax Court of Canada in MacDonald 5 and McClarty Family Trust 6 released<br />

earlier this year.<br />

Subsection 164(6) Capital Loss Planning<br />

Subsection 164(6) capital loss carry-back planning is another technique employed by tax<br />

practitioners to relieve against the double taxation that can arise under the Act as a result of the<br />

deemed disposition on death.<br />

In concept, the planning involves the creation of a capital loss in the estate’s first taxation year<br />

which is carried back to offset the capital gain on death. The planning typically involves the<br />

winding-up of the corporation owned by the estate and/or a redemption of all or some portion of<br />

the estate’s shares therein. 7<br />

Subsection 164(6) is an exceptional provision in that it allows, in some circumstances, the<br />

capital loss sustained by the estate on the wind-up or redemption to be carried back to the<br />

deceased’s terminal return and applied against the capital gain that arose as a consequence of<br />

the deemed disposition on death. 8 The provision requires that the loss be sustained in the<br />

estate’s first taxation year, and is subject to numerous stop-loss rules.<br />

At the 2012 Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (“STEP”) Round Table, the CRA was<br />

asked to comment on the interaction of subsections 40(3.6), 40(3.61) and 164(6) and, in so<br />

doing, expressed a view that could render subsection 164(6) capital loss carry-back planning<br />

unavailable for many estates.<br />

This paper comments generally on the issue raised at the STEP Round Table and the CRA’s<br />

response.<br />

Eligible Dividend Designations Following Budget 2012<br />

This paper concludes with a brief update on two relieving measures enacted following Budget<br />

2012.<br />

* * *<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

MacDonald v. The Queen, 2012 DTC 1145 (TCC), under appeal by the Crown to the Federal Court of Appeal<br />

[“MacDonald”].<br />

McClarty Family Trust v. The Queen, 2012 DTC 1123 (TCC) [“McClarty Family Trust”].<br />

For purposes of this paper, a reference to a redemption includes a purchase for cancellation.<br />

The term “exceptional” is used since the provision permits the loss of one taxpayer (i.e., the estate) to be applied<br />

against the gain of another (i.e., the deceased).<br />

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Chris Falk<br />

Stefanie Morand<br />

<strong>McCarthy</strong> Tétrault LLP<br />


Background – Post-Mortem Tax Planning<br />

Various post-mortem tax planning techniques have been developed and refined over the years<br />

to relieve against double taxation that can arise under the Act as a result of the deemed<br />

disposition on death.<br />

Where an individual dies owning shares of a private corporation, 9 the shares 10 are generally<br />

deemed to be disposed of by the deceased immediately prior to death at their then FMV (in the<br />

absence of a rollover to a spouse or spouse trust). 11 If the FMV of the shares exceeds their<br />

adjusted cost base (“ACB”) 12 as is commonly the case, a capital gain will be realized in the<br />

deceased’s terminal year.<br />

As a consequence of the deemed disposition at FMV, where the shares of the private<br />

corporation are acquired by a person (e.g., the deceased’s estate 13 ), that person is deemed to<br />

have acquired the shares at a cost equal to the FMV immediately before death. However, the<br />

deemed disposition does not vary the ACB of the assets owned by the corporation or permit<br />

assets to be distributed from the corporation to its shareholders without additional shareholder<br />

level tax. Accordingly, in the absence of tax planning, the same economic gain that was taxed<br />

in the hands of the deceased may be taxed again in the hands of the corporation (and its<br />

shareholders) when the corporation’s assets are ultimately disposed of (and the net proceeds<br />

are distributed to shareholders).<br />

The two principal techniques for relieving against this form of economic double taxation are:<br />

• Capital loss carry-back planning, using the provisions of subsection 164(6) to create a<br />

loss in the deceased’s estate within the estate’s first taxation year, which capital loss the<br />

Act permits to be used to offset the capital gain arising on death; and<br />

• “Pipeline planning”, in which a new corporation is used to create a so-called “pipeline” of<br />

debt or high paid-up capital (“PUC”) shares that allows assets to be distributed to the<br />

estate (or its beneficiaries) without additional tax payable by the recipient. 14<br />

These techniques are sometimes used independently but are often combined with a view to<br />

optimizing the after-tax result.<br />

9<br />

10<br />

11<br />

12<br />

13<br />

14<br />

These comments assume, as would normally be the case, that such shares were capital property of the<br />

deceased taxpayer for purposes of the Act. Subsection 248(1) and section 54 define what constitutes a<br />

taxpayer’s “capital property”.<br />

As well as other properties owned by the deceased.<br />

Subsection 70(5) provides for the deemed disposition of capital property at FMV; subsection 70(6) generally<br />

provides for a rollover to a spouse or spouse trust. The rollovers in section 70 for family farming corporations<br />

and family fishing corporations transferred to children of a deceased are ignored for purposes of this paper.<br />

Subsection 248(1) and section 54.<br />

More precisely, the deceased’s executor or executrix in his or her capacity as executor or executrix.<br />

Pipeline planning is sometimes combined with “bump” planning. In concept, the corporation is wound-up into a<br />

new corporation and the provisions of paragraphs 88(1)(c) and (d) are relied on to increase the ACB of the<br />

corporation’s non-depreciable capital property. Alternatively, instead of a tax-deferred winding-up undertaken<br />

pursuant to subsection 88(1), an amalgamation (e.g., a short-form vertical amalgamation) under section 87 could<br />

be undertaken.<br />

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Chris Falk<br />

Stefanie Morand<br />

<strong>McCarthy</strong> Tétrault LLP<br />

How and When Capital Loss Carry-Back Planning and Pipeline Planning are Used<br />

As noted above, capital loss carry-back planning typically involves the winding-up of the<br />

corporation owned by the estate and/or a redemption of all or some portion of the estate’s<br />

shares therein, within the first taxation year of the estate. In effect, pursuant to the provisions of<br />

subsection 164(6), the capital gain realized on the deceased’s death can be offset wholly or in<br />

part by a capital loss triggered in the estate’s first taxation year on the winding-up or<br />

redemption. The winding-up or redemption will generally trigger corporate level tax on the<br />

disposition of assets and deemed dividends to the shareholders; however, where such<br />

dividends can be paid on a tax-efficient basis (e.g., paying capital dividends out of the<br />

corporation’s capital dividend account or paying dividends that give rise to a dividend refund to<br />

the corporation), capital loss carry-back planning is frequently beneficial.<br />

If dividends cannot be paid on a tax-efficient basis, a pipeline strategy may be more effective,<br />

particularly if the corporation in question has cash or other assets with nominal gains. 15<br />

Pipelines may be particularly attractive in Ontario where there is a very substantial difference<br />

between the highest marginal rate applicable to an individual on capital gains (i.e., 23.99%,<br />

given the 50% inclusion rate on capital gains and the top marginal rate of 47.97%) and on<br />

16, 17<br />

dividends that are not eligible dividends (i.e., 34.52%).<br />

In concept, pipeline planning preserves the capital gain on death while permitting assets of the<br />

corporation to be effectively distributed to the ultimate shareholder without adverse tax<br />

consequences to the shareholder. The planning may be illustrated by way of a simple<br />

example: 18<br />

• Mr. X dies owning all of the shares of a private corporation, XCo.<br />

• The shares of XCo were held by Mr. X as capital property for purposes of the Act and<br />

had an ACB to Mr. X of $100,000 and an FMV immediately prior to Mr. X’s death of<br />

$1,000,000. Accordingly, the deemed disposition of the XCo shares would give rise to a<br />

$900,000 capital gain in Mr. X’s terminal year (assuming no rollover to Mr. X’s spouse or<br />

to a spouse trust).<br />

• To create a “pipeline”, Mr. X’s estate would incorporate a new corporation, Newco, for<br />

nominal consideration. The estate would sell the shares of XCo to Newco for<br />

$1,000,000 (assuming no accrued gain or loss in the estate since Mr. X’s death). 19 The<br />

15<br />

16<br />

17<br />

18<br />

19<br />

Pipeline planning may also be more effective where a “bump” can be used to increase the ACB of nondepreciable<br />

capital assets. See note 14, above.<br />

The highest marginal rate on eligible dividends is 31.69% in Ontario for 2012. These rates include the 2% surtax<br />

on income above $500,000. Prior to the introduction of the 2% surtax, the highest marginal rates in Ontario were<br />

46.41% on interest and regular income, 23.21% on capital gains (given the 50% inclusion rate), 29.54% on<br />

eligible dividends and 32.57% on non-eligible dividends. These rates continue to apply for income over<br />

$132,406 up to $500,000.<br />

Private corporations that are or were formerly carrying on business and that have significant retained earnings<br />

(that did not give rise to capital dividends or to refundable tax) are often corporations in respect of which pipeline<br />

planning can be attractive.<br />

In this example, XCo and Newco are assumed to be taxable Canadian corporations as defined in subsections<br />

248(1) and 89(1).<br />

A section 85 rollover could, of course, be used if there were an accrued gain in the hands of the estate.<br />

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MT DOCS 11864055v1G<br />


Chris Falk<br />

Stefanie Morand<br />

<strong>McCarthy</strong> Tétrault LLP<br />

sale proceeds payable by Newco would be a non-interest bearing demand promissory<br />

note payable by Newco in the amount of $1,000,000. 20<br />

• XCo would be wound-up into Newco on a tax-deferred basis. 21<br />

• Newco would use cash-on-hand (or other assets with only nominal gains) to repay all or<br />

part of the promissory note held by the estate.<br />

But for recent comments from the CRA suggesting that such a transaction might trigger a<br />

deemed dividend to the estate, tax practitioners had generally understood that the estate would<br />

receive proceeds on the promissory note on a tax-free basis given that the promissory note<br />

would have an ACB to the estate equal to its face amount.<br />

CRA’s Position Regarding Pipelines<br />

Concern that the CRA might take the position that a basic pipeline such as that described above<br />

could give rise to a deemed dividend to the estate pursuant to subsection 84(2) was raised in a<br />

CRA Round Table at the 2009 APFF Conference. 22 In the Round Table, the CRA did not take<br />

the position that subsection 84(2) applied in the example considered but, rather, declined to<br />

comment on the possible application of subsection 84(2) in the absence of more detailed facts<br />

than had been provided.<br />

The example considered in the Round Table assumed that a taxpayer, immediately prior to<br />

death, owned all of the shares of a taxable Canadian corporation, ACo, which had an FMV of<br />

$100,000 and an ACB of $100. ACo was assumed to have cash of $100,000, no liabilities,<br />

$100 in capital stock and $99,900 in retained earnings.<br />

Given the lower rates applicable to capital gains, it was proposed to use a pipeline in which the<br />

shares of ACo would be sold to a new taxable Canadian corporation, BCo, incorporated by the<br />

estate, for a non-interest bearing demand note in the amount of $100,000. Thereafter, ACo<br />

would be wound up into BCo, BCo would repay the $100,000 note payable to the estate and<br />

BCo would be dissolved.<br />

The pipeline transactions were intended to result in the estate acquiring the $100,000 subject<br />

only to tax on the capital gain on the ACo shares in the hands of the deceased taxpayer, as<br />

opposed to the estate receiving and being taxable upon a $99,900 deemed dividend if capital<br />

loss carry-back planning had instead been undertaken by way of a simple winding up of ACo<br />

into the estate pursuant to subsection 88(2). 23<br />

20<br />

21<br />

22<br />

23<br />

This example assumes that the $1,000,000 ACB to the estate is “hard ACB” for purposes of section 84.1 (i.e.,<br />

generally ACB not derived from pre-1972 gains or through the use of the capital gains exemption (subsection<br />

84.1(2))). Instead of a promissory note, Newco could issue redeemable, retractable preferred shares with a<br />

redemption amount and stated capital of $1,000,000.<br />

Alternatively, an amalgamation such as a short-form vertical amalgamation under section 87 could be<br />

undertaken.<br />

CRA Document No. 2009-0326961C6, dated October 9, 2009.<br />

Simplified, if ACo were wound up into the estate, assuming that the shares of ACo had PUC for purposes of the<br />

Act of $100, subsection 84(3) would deem the estate to have received a dividend of $99,900 (i.e., the $100,000<br />

paid less the $100 PUC). This deemed dividend would be excluded from the estate’s proceeds of disposition<br />

pursuant to the provisions of section 54 and, accordingly, the estate would have a capital loss of $99,900 given<br />

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Chris Falk<br />

Stefanie Morand<br />

<strong>McCarthy</strong> Tétrault LLP<br />

In declining to comment on the possible application of subsection 84(2) in this example, the<br />

CRA noted that the provision requires that funds or property of a particular corporation must<br />

have been distributed or otherwise appropriated in any manner whatever to or for the benefit of<br />

the shareholders on the winding-up, discontinuance or reorganization of the business of the<br />

particular corporation (i.e., ACo) (in which case a deemed dividend would result to the extent<br />

that the redemption proceeds exceeded the PUC of the shares).<br />

The CRA noted that while it had ruled favourably in prior advance rulings on the non-application<br />

of subsection 84(2) (in addition to ruling favourably on section 84.1 and the general antiavoidance<br />

rule in subsection 245(2) (“GAAR”)), 24 the ruling applications in those cases provided<br />

that:<br />

• the corporation in question (e.g., the equivalent of ACo and XCo in the examples set out<br />

above) would remain a separate and distinct entity for at least one year (i.e., that it would<br />

not be wound up into or amalgamated with another corporation);<br />

• during this period, the corporation would continue to carry on its business in the same<br />

manner as before; and<br />

• only thereafter would the note be repaid (or would PUC of shares be reduced), on a<br />

progressive basis.<br />

The CRA indicated that, in these circumstances, it was reasonable to conclude that the<br />

conditions for the application of subsection 84(2) had not all been satisfied.<br />

While the CRA declined to comment on the application of subsection 84(2) in the example<br />

considered, the CRA noted, from the perspective of tax planners perhaps somewhat hopefully,<br />

that the three conditions summarized above that had been referred to in the favourable rulings<br />

were facts submitted by the taxpayers in question and could not be considered CRA<br />

requirements. 25<br />

While the CRA’s position remained uncertain following this Round Table discussion, the<br />

discussion placed tax planners on notice that the CRA might take the position that subsection<br />

84(2) could give rise to a deemed dividend in a pretty typical pipeline plan.<br />

Subsequently, in a withdrawn ruling request in respect of a proposed post-mortem pipeline plan<br />

involving a holdco that was inactive and owned only liquid assets (which assets were possibly<br />

only cash), the CRA took the position that the holdco’s surplus would be subject to dividend<br />

24<br />

25<br />

its $100,000 ACB. Provided that this capital loss was triggered in the estate’s first taxation year, subsection<br />

164(6) would generally permit the executor or executrix to elect to have the capital loss treated as a capital loss<br />

of the deceased in his or her terminal year rather than a capital loss of the estate. This capital loss could then be<br />

used to offset the capital gain arising in the deceased’s terminal year by reason of the deemed disposition on<br />

death.<br />

CRA Document Nos. 2002-0154223, dated November 13, 2002, and 2005-0142111R3, dated November 2,<br />

2005.<br />

The CRA had previously explained these rulings in a similar manner in a technical interpretation (CRA Document<br />

No. 2006-0170641E5, dated June 29, 2006).<br />

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Chris Falk<br />

Stefanie Morand<br />

<strong>McCarthy</strong> Tétrault LLP<br />

treatment in the hands of the estate (although the CRA noted that capital loss carry-back<br />

planning could be undertaken to avoid double taxation). 26<br />

The CRA revisited this issue at the 2010 Canadian Tax Foundation (“CTF”) Annual Conference.<br />

While the PowerPoint questions and responses distributed by the CRA were not definitive, in<br />

the discussions the CRA seemed to suggest that subsection 84(2) would be applied to a postmortem<br />

pipeline of a corporation that held all cash.<br />

In 2011, the issue was again revisited at the STEP Conference, the British Columbia Tax<br />

Conference and the CTF Annual Conference.<br />

At the 2011 British Columbia Tax Conference, the CRA stated that “pipeline planning is not<br />

dead…but the potential application of anti-avoidance provisions of s. 84.1 and s. 84(2) must be<br />

reviewed” (emphasis original).<br />

As for “facts and circumstances” that would lead to the application of subsection 84(2), the CRA<br />

stated as follows at the 2011 CTF Annual Conference:<br />

[…] in the context of a series of transactions designed to implement a post-mortem pipeline<br />

strategy, some of the additional facts and circumstances that in our view could lead to the<br />

application of subsection 84(2) and warrant dividend treatment could include the following:<br />

• The funds or property of the original corporation would be distributed to<br />

the estate in a short time frame following the death of the testator.<br />

• The nature of the underlying assets of the original corporation would be<br />

cash and the original corporation would have no activities or business<br />

(“cash corporation”). 27<br />

At the 2011 STEP Conference and the 2011 CTF Annual Conference, the CRA recognized the<br />

potential for double taxation arising as a consequence of the deemed disposition on death but<br />

stated that the double taxation which pipeline planning is intended to address could be<br />

“avoided” or “mitigated” with the implementation of “the subsection 164(6) capital loss carryback<br />

strategy”. As discussed below, in the authors’ view, to suggest that capital loss planning is<br />

the appropriate remedy is not – from a policy perspective – a reasonable approach given the<br />

provisions of the Act, nor does it accord with the fairness concerns which underscored Mr.<br />

Justice Hershfield’s decision in MacDonald, discussed below, and the Supreme Court of<br />

Canada’s decision in Canada Trustco. 28,29<br />

26<br />

27<br />

28<br />

29<br />

CRA Document No. 2010-0389551R3, from 2010.<br />

These same “facts and circumstances” were identified at the 2011 STEP Conference and the 2011 British<br />

Columbia Tax Conference.<br />

Canada Trustco Mortgage Co. v. The Queen, 2005 DTC 5523 (SCC) [“Canada Trustco”].<br />

Subsection 164(6) requires that the loss be sustained in the estate’s first taxation year, and is subject to<br />

numerous stop-loss rules. In many circumstances (e.g., where the validity of a will is contested, underlying facts<br />

are uncertain or planners are simply not contacted in time), it may not be feasible to trigger the loss within the<br />

time allowed. Further, in some circumstances, the deceased will have sufficient loss carryforwards or tax credits<br />

to shelter the gain on death such that the subsection 164(6) loss carry-back is of no benefit to the deceased.<br />

Since the deceased’s credits cannot be carried forward to offset income in the estate (including income arising<br />

on the wind-up or redemption), significant inequities could arise if pipeline planning is not possible or if it is<br />

possible only in the limited circumstances in which CRA is prepared to rule favourably.<br />

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Chris Falk<br />

Stefanie Morand<br />

<strong>McCarthy</strong> Tétrault LLP<br />

Also in 2011 and thus far in 2012, the CRA has issued a number of favourable rulings dealing<br />

with the non-application of subsection 84(2) in the post-mortem context. 30 However, the<br />

proposed transactions have been generally similar to those on which the CRA previously ruled<br />

favourably and the statement of proposed transactions in each of these rulings has provided<br />

that:<br />

• the corporation in question would remain a separate and distinct entity for one year or<br />

longer;<br />

• during this period the corporation would continue to carry on its business; and<br />

• only thereafter would the note be repaid (or the pipeline shares be redeemed or PUC on<br />

the pipeline shares be returned), on a progressive basis.<br />

Given the CRA’s statement at the 2009 APFF Conference that these three factors were not<br />

“CRA requirements”, it is noteworthy that, in the reasons given for one of these more recent<br />

rulings, the CRA stated that “[t]he proposed pipeline transaction satisfies the administrative<br />

requirements established by the CRA in previous rulings issued in respect of similar<br />

arrangements” (emphasis added). 31<br />

Provisions and Scheme of the Act Relevant to Pipelines<br />

In considering whether a deemed dividend may arise on a pipeline transaction in the example<br />

set out above, the relevant provisions to consider, in addition to GAAR, are subsection 84(2),<br />

section 84.1 and paragraph 88(1)(d.1).<br />

Simplified, subsection 84(2) provides for a deemed dividend in circumstances in which:<br />

[…] funds or property of a corporation resident in Canada have […] been distributed or<br />

appropriated in any manner whatever to or for the benefit of the shareholders of any class […]<br />

on the winding-up, discontinuance of reorganization of its business […]<br />

Where subsection 84(2) applies, the shareholders are deemed to have received a dividend<br />

equal to the amount by which the FMV of the funds or property distributed exceeds the PUC of<br />

the shares.<br />

Section 84.1 applies in respect of surplus stripping transactions involving the transfer of shares<br />

of one corporation to another in circumstances in which the FMV of the non-share consideration<br />

and the increase in the PUC of the shares of the purchaser corporation exceed the greater of:<br />

• the ACB (as adjusted for purposes of section 84.1 (the ACB as so adjusted, the “Hard<br />

ACB”)); and<br />

• the PUC of the shares of the transferee corporation transferred to the purchaser<br />

corporation.<br />

30<br />

31<br />

CRA Document Nos. 2012-0435131R3, from 2012; 2011-0401811R3, from 2012; 2010-0388591R3, from 2011;<br />

and 2011-0403031R3, from 2011 (supplemented by CRA Document No. 2011-0417741R3, from 2011).<br />

CRA Document No. 2011-0403031R3, from 2011.<br />

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Chris Falk<br />

Stefanie Morand<br />

<strong>McCarthy</strong> Tétrault LLP<br />

In the view of the authors, the language and clear policy of section 84.1 permit pipeline<br />

transactions, provided that the aggregate of the FMV of the non-share consideration and of the<br />

increase in PUC of the shares of the purchaser corporation does not exceed the Hard ACB of<br />

the shares of the transferee corporation.<br />

For purposes of section 84.1, ACB is generally reduced in respect of both pre-1972 gains and<br />

capital gains exemptions claimed on the share (or a share for which the share was substituted)<br />

of the taxpayer or a person with whom the taxpayer did not deal at arm’s length. In the pipeline<br />

transaction contemplated in the example above, provided that pre-1972 gains and capital gains<br />

exemption claims are not in issue, section 84.1 would appear to be intended to permit the form<br />

of surplus stripping contemplated (i.e., where the estate has “Hard ACB” by reason of the<br />

deemed disposition on death).<br />

Subsection 88(1) governs the winding-up of XCo into Newco in the example contemplated. On<br />

such a wind-up, paragraph 88(1)(d.1) provides that subsection 84(2) does “not apply to the<br />

winding-up of the subsidiary”.<br />

In light of the above provisions, the CRA’s position that subsection 84(2) may apply in respect of<br />

a basic pipeline appears to be doubtful in the example contemplated for the following reasons:<br />

• Subsection 84(2) is expressly made inapplicable to the winding-up of XCo into Newco by<br />

reason of paragraph 88(1)(d.1).<br />

• On its face, subsection 84(2) applies to distributions or appropriations “to or for the<br />

benefit of the shareholders […] on the winding-up” of XCo. On the winding-up of XCo,<br />

XCo’s sole shareholder is Newco (and subsection 84(2) should not apply to deem there<br />

to be a dividend triggered on the winding-up of Newco into the estate to the extent that<br />

$100,000 is paid on the note rather than on the Newco shares). 32<br />

• The provisions of section 84.1, which govern transactions of the type contemplated in a<br />

basic pipeline, permit the extraction of “Hard ACB” such as the estate’s ACB in the XCo<br />

shares.<br />

• Where the Act has deemed there to be a disposition at FMV by reason of a taxpayer’s<br />

death, particularly given the provisions of section 84.1, in the authors’ view, at least in<br />

the ordinary course, the estate should not be regarded as an “accommodation party” that<br />

has been inappropriately used to extract corporate assets. Therefore, GAAR should not<br />

normally be engaged.<br />

• Further, subsection 84(2) can apply only where assets have been distributed or<br />

appropriated “on the winding-up, discontinuance or reorganization of [… XCo’s]<br />

business”. Accordingly, where XCo is not carrying on a business (and, if it was formerly<br />

carrying on a business, where the distribution does not occur on the winding-up,<br />

32<br />

It is acknowledged that some jurisprudence has taken a broad view of this aspect of subsection 84(2) (see, for<br />

example, RMM Canadian Enterprises Inc. et al v. The Queen, 97 DTC 302 (TCC) [“RMM”], but see also Collins<br />

& Aikman Products Co. et al v. The Queen, 2009 DTC 1179 (TCC), affirmed 2010 DTC 5164 (FCA)).<br />

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discontinuance or reorganization of that business), subsection 84(2) should not apply in<br />

any case. 33<br />

In suggesting that subsection 84(2) may be engaged in a typical pipeline transaction, the<br />

authors respectfully suggest that the CRA may in effect be seeking to tax an estate based upon<br />

a transaction that the estate might have undertaken rather than the transaction actually<br />

undertaken. Clearly subsection 84(2) should not apply to deem the estate to have received a<br />

dividend in the example set out above and, it is suggested, GAAR should generally not be<br />

engaged in light of the provisions of section 84.1 and the circumstances in which the estate<br />

acquired its Hard ACB.<br />

Recent Jurisprudence<br />

In 2012, the Tax Court of Canada released two decisions which are not “pipeline” decisions per<br />

se, but should nonetheless be of interest to anyone who has been following the discussion<br />

about whether subsection 84(2) applies in the context of traditional pipeline planning. As<br />

discussed below, these decisions provide support for the proposition that subsection 84(2)<br />

should not be engaged in a typical post-mortem pipeline.<br />

McClarty Family Trust 34<br />

In McClarty Family Trust, the Tax Court of Canada considered a series of transactions whereby<br />

a taxpayer was able to split income with his minor children through the use of a family trust<br />

notwithstanding the “kiddie tax” provisions in section 120.4. Simplified, in each of 2003 and<br />

2004, a holding company paid a stock dividend to the trust, the trust sold the stock dividend<br />

shares to Mr. McClarty, Mr. McClarty sold the shares to another company and the holding<br />

company redeemed the shares owned by the other company. Since the stock dividend shares<br />

received by the trust had low cost (as well as low PUC), the trust realized a capital gain on the<br />

sale to Mr. McClarty. In reassessing, the Minister invoked the GAAR to treat as dividends the<br />

capital gains that were realized by the trust and were allocated by the trust to its minor<br />

beneficiaries. At trial, the Crown argued in the alternative that subsection 84(3) applied to deem<br />

the trust (rather than the company that owned the shares at the time of the redemption) to have<br />

received a dividend in each of the relevant years.<br />

Simplified, subsection 84(3) provides for a deemed dividend where “a corporation resident in<br />

Canada has redeemed, acquired or cancelled in any manner whatever […] any of the shares of<br />

any of its capital stock”.<br />

In making its alternative argument, the Crown relied on the decision of the Tax Court of Canada<br />

in RMM 35 for the proposition that the wording “in any manner whatever” found in subsections<br />

84(2) and 84(3) is to be interpreted broadly such that a person (in this case, the trust) who did<br />

33<br />

34<br />

35<br />

Some commentators have also suggested that even if the CRA were correct that subsection 84(2) could<br />

otherwise apply on a pipeline, as the deemed dividend would be inconsistent with the treatment accorded by<br />

section 84.1, the more specific wording of section 84.1 should govern. See, for example, Manu Kakkar and Nick<br />

Moraitis, “Post Mortem Planning: Does the “Pipeline” Work” (2011) 11:1 Tax for the Owner Manager, 6-7; and<br />

Stuart Bellefer, “Summary of the CRA Round Table Held at the 13 th National STEP Canada Conference” (August<br />

2011) 199 CCH Estate Planner Newsletter, 4-6.<br />

Supra, note 6.<br />

Supra, note 32.<br />

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not hold shares immediately prior to their redemption nonetheless falls within the scope of the<br />

words “each person” in subsection 84(3). Mr. Justice Angers rejected this interpretation. He<br />

stated that the wording in subsection 84(3) (at paragraph 63):<br />

would warrant an analysis of how the shares in question were actually redeemed, acquired or<br />

cancelled in that the method of redemption, acquisition or cancellation could have an impact on<br />

who the actual persons are who hold the shares. The manner in which each person who holds<br />

the redeemed, acquired or cancelled shares came to be in possession of the shares is not what<br />

needs to be determined under subsection 84(3). (emphasis added)<br />

In other words, Mr. Justice Angers rejected the Crown’s argument that subsection 84(3) could<br />

apply to deem someone other than the shareholder to have received a dividend on the<br />

redemption.<br />

Accordingly, while 2011 amendments to section 120.4 have rendered obsolete the planning<br />

which enabled Mr. McClarty to split income with his minor children, the decision in McClarty<br />

Family Trust is nonetheless of current relevance for the Tax Court of Canada’s rejection of the<br />

Crown’s attempt to rely on RMM to support what, in the authors’ view, is an unduly broad<br />

interpretation of section 84. The decision is also noteworthy for its taxpayer-friendly GAAR<br />

analysis.<br />

The Crown has not appealed the decision.<br />

MacDonald 36<br />

In MacDonald, the issue was whether subsection 84(2) applied to recharacterize as dividends<br />

amounts received by a former shareholder qua creditor in the context of a surplus strip. Mr.<br />

Justice Hershfield held in favour of the taxpayer and noted that he favoured the approach to<br />

subsection 84(2) adopted in McNichol 37 to that adopted in RMM.<br />

The decision in MacDonald is especially noteworthy since:<br />

• the transactions implemented were similar to those used in pipeline planning;<br />

• the Court devotes nearly a dozen paragraphs to pipeline planning specifically and is<br />

critical of the CRA’s recent position; and<br />

• the Court concludes that the GAAR – and not subsection 84(2) – is the appropriate<br />

provision to consider.<br />

More generally, the decision is of interest for the Court’s overall concern for fairness in<br />

determining whether GAAR should apply, as well as for its acceptance, on the facts in issue, of<br />

the use of an accommodation party to permit a shareholder to, in effect, indirectly access a<br />

corporation’s retained earnings as a capital gain rather than as dividends.<br />

36<br />

37<br />

Supra, note 5. For a more detailed discussion of the decision in MacDonald, see the authors’ article “Pipeline<br />

Planning Alive and Well After All” (July 5, 2012) 2104 Tax Topics 1-8. Many of the comments that follow are<br />

based on that article.<br />

McNichol v. The Queen, 97 DTC 111 (TCC) [“McNichol”].<br />

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The Facts<br />

The taxpayer was a medical doctor who practiced in Canada through a wholly-owned<br />

professional corporation (“Canco”), the shares of which had nominal cost and PUC. In the early<br />

2000s, the taxpayer decided to emigrate to the United States. The taxpayer was advised by his<br />

accountant that the departure could result in double taxation since the taxpayer would be<br />

deemed to have disposed of the Canco shares for Canadian tax purposes on leaving Canada<br />

but would not obtain a corresponding step-up in cost for US tax purposes. 38 While the taxpayer<br />

could use his personal capital losses and loss carry-forwards (the “Losses”) to offset the capital<br />

gain in Canada arising on the deemed disposition, doing so would be an inefficient use of the<br />

Losses since the same economic gain would be subject to tax in the United States on any<br />

subsequent disposition of the shares.<br />

Given the potential for double taxation, a plan was devised to use the Losses while preventing a<br />

second taxable realization in the United States. As discussed more particularly below, an<br />

important component of the plan was the involvement of the taxpayer’s brother-in-law<br />

(“Brother”) who agreed to purchase the shares of Canco. Brother was given a complete<br />

indemnity and a $10,000 spread between what he could extract from Canco and what he would<br />

have to pay for the shares.<br />

Simplified:<br />

• in the months leading up to June 25, 2002:<br />

o<br />

o<br />

the taxpayer caused Canco to liquidate its assets;<br />

Brother incorporated a new holding company (“Holdco”);<br />

• on June 25, 2002:<br />

o<br />

o<br />

o<br />

o<br />

o<br />

the taxpayer and Brother entered into an agreement whereby Brother purchased<br />

the Canco shares from the taxpayer in exchange for a promissory note (the<br />

“Brother Note”) in the amount of $525,068;<br />

Brother transferred the Canco shares to Holdco in exchange for shares of Holdco<br />

and a promissory note (the “Holdco Note”) in the same principal amount as the<br />

Brother Note;<br />

Canco declared dividends and issued cheques in partial payment of the<br />

dividends;<br />

Holdco endorsed the cheques to Brother as partial payment of the Holdco Note;<br />

Brother endorsed the cheques to the taxpayer as partial payment of the Brother<br />

Note;<br />

38<br />

The fifth protocol, signed September 21, 2007, has since addressed the double tax issue for dispositions after<br />

September 17, 2000. See Article XIII(7) of the Canada-US tax treaty.<br />

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o<br />

the taxpayer, Brother, Canco and Holdco entered into a further agreement<br />

confirming the transactions and providing that on September 1, 2002:<br />

• Canco would pay a final dividend to Holdco equal to Canco’s then<br />

remaining cash balance less all liabilities;<br />

• Holdco would direct that the amounts owed by Canco to Holdco be paid<br />

to Brother as payment of the remaining balance of the Holdco Note, and<br />

Brother would, in turn, direct that such amounts be paid to the taxpayer<br />

as payment of the remaining balance of the Brother Note;<br />

o<br />

the taxpayer crossed the border, moving to the United States;<br />

• on July 15, 2002, Canco paid Holdco $10,000;<br />

• on September 1, 2002, Canco declared a final dividend as contemplated in the June 25,<br />

2002 agreement and Canco booked the amount as being owed to the taxpayer pursuant<br />

to directions from Holdco and Brother.<br />

In completing his tax return for the 2002 taxation year, the taxpayer reported a capital gain on<br />

the disposition of the Canco shares equal to $524,967 39 and applied the Losses to offset the<br />

gain. In 2008, the Minister reassessed the taxpayer to include in his income for the 2002<br />

taxation year a taxable dividend in the amount of $524,967. 40 In so doing, the Minister relied<br />

upon subsection 84(2) and, alternatively, the GAAR in maintaining that the transactions<br />

triggered a deemed dividend to the taxpayer. The Minister also maintained that the transactions<br />

were a sham such that, on this basis as well, the taxpayer received dividends or deemed<br />

dividends.<br />

At trial, the principal issues were whether subsection 84(2) or the GAAR applied to recharacterize<br />

as a dividend the amount received by the taxpayer for the Canco shares. 41,42<br />

Comparables<br />

Before reviewing the Tax Court of Canada’s decision, it is useful to consider the Canadian<br />

income tax consequences that would have arisen under several alternative arrangements.<br />

Had the taxpayer simply sold the shares to an arm’s length party, he would have realized a<br />

capital gain equal to the amount by which his proceeds of disposition exceeded his ACB of<br />

$101; however, the decision reports that there was no market for the shares of Canco, either as<br />

a professional corporation or a holding company.<br />

As noted above, had the taxpayer emigrated from Canada while he still owned the Canco<br />

shares, he would have been deemed to have disposed of the shares on leaving Canada and<br />

39<br />

40<br />

41<br />

42<br />

The amount of the Brother Note less the taxpayer’s ACB of $101.<br />

The Minister also revised the capital gain from $524,967 to $10,000. This revision was consequential upon the<br />

inclusion of the deemed dividend.<br />

The sham basis for the assessment was abandoned at trial.<br />

In the event that the Court were to determine that subsection 84(2) or the GAAR applied, the taxpayer asked the<br />

Court to find that he was not a resident of Canada at the time of any deemed dividends.<br />

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could have applied the Losses to offset the capital gain. If the taxpayer then wound-up Canco<br />

so as to access the value of the underlying assets, he would have been deemed to have<br />

received a dividend equal to the amount by which the FMV of the property distributed on the<br />

winding-up exceeded $101 (i.e., the PUC of the shares). This deemed dividend would have<br />

been subject to Part XIII withholding tax. While the wind-up would have resulted in a capital<br />

loss to the taxpayer, subsection 40(3.7) would have applied to deny the loss to the extent of the<br />

deemed dividend. 43<br />

If, after having emigrated from Canada, the taxpayer instead transferred the shares of Canco to<br />

a Canadian corporation with which he did not deal at arm’s length in exchange for a promissory<br />

note equal to the FMV of the shares, subsection 212.1(1) would have applied to deem the<br />

taxpayer to have received a dividend equal to the amount by which the promissory note<br />

exceeded $101 (i.e., the PUC of the shares). Again, this deemed dividend would have been<br />

subject to Part XIII withholding tax.<br />

If, prior to emigrating from Canada, the taxpayer by-passed Brother and simply transferred the<br />

shares to Holdco in exchange for a promissory note, section 84.1 would have deemed the<br />

taxpayer to have received a dividend equal to the amount by which the promissory note<br />

exceeded $101 (i.e., the PUC and ACB of the shares).<br />

If the taxpayer wound-up Canco prior to emigrating from Canada, subsection 84(2) would have<br />

deemed the taxpayer to have received a dividend equal to the amount by which the FMV of the<br />

property distributed on the winding-up exceeded $101 (i.e., the PUC of the shares).<br />

Accordingly, in each alternative (other than a third-party sale which was not available), the<br />

taxpayer would have been deemed to have received a dividend taxable under either Part I or<br />

Part XIII of the Act.<br />

The Decision – Subsection 84(2)<br />

The first issue considered by Mr. Justice Hershfield was whether subsection 84(2) applied to recharacterize<br />

as a dividend the amount received by the taxpayer for the Canco shares.<br />

As summarised by Mr. Justice Hershfield, the Crown advanced three arguments in support of its<br />

position that subsection 84(2) applied in the circumstances. Specifically, the Crown relied on:<br />

• the phrase “in any manner whatever” in the preamble of subsection 84(2);<br />

• the Tax Court of Canada’s earlier decision in RMM; and<br />

• a “purposive rather than literal construction of the subject provision”. 44<br />

Each of these arguments was rejected by Mr. Justice Hershfield.<br />

43<br />

44<br />

Provided the shares were still taxable Canadian property at the time of the wind-up, section 119 would have<br />

applied to permit a credit of Part XIII withholding tax paid in respect of the winding-up dividend against the tax, if<br />

any, payable by the taxpayer on the capital gain that arose on the deemed disposition of the shares on<br />

emigration.<br />

Supra, note 5, at para. 47.<br />

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In response to the Crown’s first argument, Mr. Justice Hershfield concluded that the express<br />

language of subsection 84(2) “ensures that it is only a shareholder at the time of the distribution<br />

or appropriation who can be deemed to be the recipient of the dividend”. 45<br />

In the case at bar, the property that the taxpayer received at the beginning of the series of<br />

transactions was the Brother Note, which was not property of Canco. When amounts were<br />

subsequently paid by Canco to the taxpayer, the taxpayer was no longer a shareholder of<br />

Canco and the taxpayer received the amounts qua creditor. Further, Canco’s property was<br />

distributed by way of dividend to Holdco. Mr. Justice Hershfield held that the phrase “in any<br />

manner whatever” relied on by the Crown does not have the effect of “redirecting” to whom<br />

dividends are paid; rather, “[i]t is the manner of effecting the distribution to the shareholder at<br />

the time of that distribution that the subject provision is aimed”. 46 Accordingly, it was not<br />

relevant that the Brother Note was repaid using Canco funds.<br />

As for the Crown’s reliance on RMM where Mr. Justice Bowman, as he then was, concluded<br />

that subsection 84(2) applied, Mr. Justice Hershfield acknowledged that the facts in RMM were<br />

not easily distinguished from the case at bar. However, he noted that the decision in RMM<br />

stands in contrast to Mr. Justice Bonner’s decision in McNichol where the facts were also similar<br />

to those in issue. While Mr. Justice Bowman sought to distinguish McNichol in RMM, Mr.<br />

Justice Hershfield rejected the distinction and concluded that “the McNichol approach which<br />

was to look to section 245 when subsection 84(2) does not apply on a strict construction of its<br />

language, is the correct approach”. 47<br />

In respect of the Crown’s third argument, Mr. Justice Hershfield concluded that a “purposive<br />

contextual analysis” of subsection 84(2) did not support a less literal interpretation of the<br />

provision. He stated (at paragraphs 66 and 67):<br />

In my view, there is nothing in the language of subsection 84(2) that warrants a finding of a<br />

rationale other than liquidating distributions out of a corporation’s earnings to its shareholders –<br />

holding a particular class of shares – are to be treated as dividends to the extent the distribution<br />

exceeds the paid-up capital of the particular class of shares held by persons receiving the<br />

distribution. […]<br />

[…] The surplus strip here was having the Appellant’s shares acquired with corporate funds<br />

funnelled through a related corporation as a tax-free dividend. This classic strip in the old<br />

system was subject to a specific anti-avoidance provision; namely section 138A of the old, pre-<br />

1972 Act. That provision was replaced in 1972 with section 247 which was repealed in 1988.<br />

The section that survived is, of course, section 245. That is the provision to look at in these<br />

circumstances. Essentially that is what Justice Bonner concluded in McNichol and I agree.<br />

(italics original)<br />

And later (at paragraph 82):<br />

In the circumstances of this case, there is nothing in subsection 84(2) of the Act that invites the<br />

CRA or this Court to change either who the recipient of the benefit is, or the legal status or<br />

capacity of the recipient. To re-characterize or ignore the Appellant’s legal status in this case<br />

invites consideration of the application of section 245 of the Act. Subsection 245(5) allows just<br />

45<br />

46<br />

47<br />

Ibid., at para. 50 (emphasis added).<br />

Ibid., at para. 48 (emphasis added).<br />

Ibid., at para. 59.<br />

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that in certain circumstances. In those circumstances, and only in those circumstances, should<br />

the subject transactions be recharacterized. Put another way, where GAAR would not apply to<br />

re-characterize the legal effect of a series of transactions, other provisions of the Act should not<br />

be too readily stretched to give that result where a strict reading of them does not invite such a<br />

result. (emphasis added)<br />

Before moving on to a discussion of whether GAAR applied, Mr. Justice Hershfield addressed<br />

the CRA’s position in respect of pipeline planning. While the reader is referred to the text of the<br />

decision for the complete discussion which spans nearly a dozen paragraphs, it suffices to note<br />

for purposes of this paper that Mr. Justice Hershfield stated, in part, as follows (at paragraphs<br />

77 through 80):<br />

[…] The post-mortem pipeline, like the case at bar, attempts to avoid dividend treatment by<br />

employing steps that ensure that the tax planner receives the liquidating dividend qua creditor.<br />

The choice is made to accept capital gains treatment on death as opposed to dividend treatment<br />

on the estate's receipt of corporate assets.<br />

The CRA has issued advance income tax rulings that such post-mortem pipeline transactions<br />

will not be subject to subsection 84(2) if the liquidating distribution does not take place within<br />

one year and the deceased's company continues to carry on its pre-death activities during that<br />

period.<br />

This post-mortem plan clearly parallels the Appellant’s tax plan in the case at bar. Both plans<br />

provide access to a corporation’s earnings in a manner that avoids dividend treatment. As well,<br />

both situations deal with a time of reconciliation – death and departure from Canada. The<br />

conditions imposed on the post-mortem transactions, if imposed in the case at bar, would show<br />

that the CRA’s assessing practice was consistent in trying to apply subsection 84(2). The<br />

message seems to be: do the strip slowly enough to pass a contrived smell test and you will be<br />

fine.<br />

This is not a satisfactory state of affairs in my view. The clearly arbitrary conditions imposed are<br />

not invited by the express language in subsection 84(2). I suggest that they are conditions<br />

imposed by the administrative need not to let go of, indeed the need to respect, the assessing<br />

practice seemingly dictated by RRM. Make it “look” less artificial and the threat of subsection<br />

84(2) disappears. This unsatisfactory state of affairs more properly disappears once it is<br />

accepted that subsection 84(2) must be read more literally in all cases and GAAR applied in<br />

cases of abuse. (emphasis added; footnotes omitted)<br />

While these comments were not necessary to Mr. Justice Hershfield’s conclusion that<br />

subsection 84(2) did not apply in the context of the case at bar and, strictly speaking, are obiter,<br />

they should nonetheless be pleasing to post-mortem planners.<br />

The Decision – GAAR<br />

It is trite law that three requirements must be established to permit the application of the GAAR:<br />

• there must be a “tax benefit”;<br />

• the transaction giving rise to the tax benefit must be an “avoidance transaction”; and<br />

• the avoidance transaction must be “abusive”.<br />

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If Mr. Justice Hershfield’s GAAR analysis in MacDonald seems less tightly reasoned than his<br />

comments on subsection 84(2), this may be attributable to the manner in which the parties<br />

framed the arguments in respect of GAAR. As stated by Mr. Justice Hershfield (at paragraph<br />

30):<br />

Nowhere in the Reply does the Respondent expressly identify the “tax benefit” that needs to be<br />

identified for the purposes of section 245. Implicitly, however, given the assumption in […] the<br />

Reply […], the benefit must be taken to be the use of capital losses and loss carry forwards that<br />

could not have been used had subsection 84(2) applied. That was certainly the position taken<br />

at trial although the general avoidance of dividend treatment sought to be imposed under<br />

subsection 84(2), regardless of the particular tax benefit achieved by avoiding it, seems to be an<br />

underlying and relevant concern to the Respondent in this case.<br />

Mr. Justice Hershfield begins his GAAR analysis by commenting that to look beyond the clear<br />

tax benefit identified by the Crown (i.e., the creation of a capital gain enabling the use of capital<br />

losses which resulted in a reduction of tax payable) would not be consistent with the analytical<br />

approach set out by the Supreme Court of Canada in Canada Trustco and Copthorne. 48 As<br />

such, readers may have expected a comment similar to Madam Justice Woods’ admonition in<br />

Global Equity 49 to the effect that readers should be cautious before concluding that the GAAR<br />

does not apply to transactions of this type since the result may have been different if different<br />

arguments had been raised by the Crown. However, Mr. Justice Hershfield instead engaged in<br />

a sort of two-track GAAR analysis, considering both the use of the Losses and “the issue of<br />

surplus stripping per se”. As stated by Mr. Justice Hershfield (at paragraphs 100 and 101):<br />

It was clearly open to the Minister to assess the subject transactions on the basis that the tax<br />

benefit was the elimination of Part XIII tax.<br />

Reliance could readily have been made on the comparable to the Appellant moving to the<br />

United States without engaging in the share sale, using his capital losses, then winding up PC<br />

after the move. […] However, that comparable is not the subject of this appeal. […] Still, as I<br />

have suggested before, I am not satisfied that my analysis will be complete if all I do is focus on<br />

the tax benefit relied upon by the Minister in this case. The GAAR analysis will only be<br />

complete, in my view, if I address the Respondent’s underlying concern in this appeal head-on,<br />

namely the issue of surplus stripping per se.<br />

While the reader is referred to the text of the decision for details of the GAAR analysis and the<br />

basis on which the Court concluded that GAAR did not apply in the case at bar, the authors note<br />

that Mr. Justice Hershfield:<br />

• concluded that it was “doubtful whether in an integrated corporate/shareholder tax<br />

system, a surplus strip per se can be said to abuse the spirit and object of the Act read<br />

as a whole”; 50<br />

48<br />

49<br />

50<br />

Copthorne Holdings Ltd. v. The Queen, 2012 DTC 5007 (SCC) [“Copthorne”].<br />

Global Equity Fund Ltd. v. The Queen, 2011 DTC 1350 (TCC) [“Global Equity”]. Global Equity was not a<br />

surplus stripping case; rather, the decision considered whether GAAR applied to a series of transactions<br />

designed to generate a business loss that was applied to eliminate most of the taxpayer’s tax payable for the<br />

1999, 2000 and 2001 taxation years.<br />

Supra, note 5, at para. 101.<br />

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• did not consider the use of related party transactions on substantially arm’s length terms<br />

or the use of Canco funds to repay the Brother Note to be relevant factors in his<br />

determination that the impugned transactions were not abusive; and<br />

• noted that the GAAR framework should achieve a fair result. 51<br />

The Crown has appealed the decision in respect of both subsection 84(2) and the GAAR.<br />

Relevance of the Decision<br />

As noted above, Mr. Justice Hershfield’s obiter comments in respect of pipeline planning should<br />

be pleasing to post-mortem planners. However, the real significance of Mr. Justice Hershfield’s<br />

decision is likely his conclusion that “subsection 84(2) must be read more literally in all cases<br />

and GAAR applied in cases of abuse”. 52 If this conclusion – which the authors think is correct –<br />

is confirmed by the Federal Court of Appeal, it should be a significant victory for post-mortem<br />

planners regardless of the Federal Court of Appeal’s decision on GAAR since the arguments<br />

against the application of the GAAR in the context of post-mortem planning are – in the view of<br />

the authors – significantly stronger than those in MacDonald. 53<br />

Practical Advice Regarding Pipelines in Light of CRA’s Position<br />

While the authors are of the view that, in the normal course, the CRA’s position that subsection<br />

84(2) may apply to deem the estate to have received a dividend in a typical pipeline transaction<br />

is not well-founded, they note as follows:<br />

• In many cases, where the deceased did not wholly-own the corporation (e.g., where a<br />

prior estate freeze had been undertaken), it may be possible to implement a pipeline<br />

without it being necessary to wind up, discontinue or reorganize any business carried on<br />

by the corporation.<br />

• To avoid the audit risk, where viable in implementing a pipeline, it is preferable to fall<br />

within the circumstances in which the CRA has ruled favourably. 54<br />

• Where this is not viable, it may be helpful to structure pipeline transactions such that<br />

they include a subsection 88(1) wind-up so that subsection 84(2) is expressly stated not<br />

to apply on the wind-up. 55<br />

51<br />

52<br />

53<br />

54<br />

See, for example, paragraph 139 of the decision where Mr. Justice Hershfield stated as follows:<br />

In closing, I add that in not applying GAAR to the share sale I am mindful of what was<br />

enunciated on more than one occasion in Canada Trustco; namely, the analysis of GAAR<br />

requires consideration of fairness. Indeed in the opening paragraph of Canada Trustco, the<br />

Supreme Court of Canada said the GAAR framework should achieve fair results. The<br />

allowance of this appeal ensures a fair result. A tax plan that ensures the reconciliation of<br />

genuine capital losses should not be the subject of a GAAR assessment, at least in these<br />

circumstances, unless the Act expressly denies it.<br />

Supra, note 5, at para. 80.<br />

See supra, note 36.<br />

E.g., keeping the corporation in existence as a separate entity for at least a year and having it continue its<br />

business, and only thereafter repaying the promissory note progressively over time.<br />

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• Recent commentary suggests that in appropriate cases it may be helpful to complete the<br />

transactions within the estate’s first taxation year so that subsection 164(6) capital loss<br />

carry-back planning may be available as a “fallback” option. 56<br />


Background<br />

As discussed above, subsection 164(6) capital loss carry-back planning is another technique<br />

employed by tax practitioners to relieve against the double taxation that can arise under the Act<br />

as a result of the deemed disposition on death.<br />

Subsection 164(6) is an exceptional provision in that it allows, in some circumstances, a capital<br />

loss sustained by the estate to be carried back to the deceased’s terminal return and applied<br />

against the capital gain that arose as a consequence of the deemed disposition on death. The<br />

provision requires that the loss be sustained in the estate’s first taxation year, 57 and is subject to<br />

numerous stop-loss rules.<br />

In a 2006 Tax for the Owner-Manager article, 58 Nick Moraitis and Manu Kakkar discussed a<br />

potential circularity problem with estate loss carry-backs owing to the drafting of subsections<br />

40(3.6), 40(3.61) and 164(6). This summer at the 2012 STEP Round Table, the CRA was<br />

asked to comment on the interaction of these provisions and, in so doing, expressed a view that<br />

could render subsection 164(6) capital loss carry-back planning unavailable for many estates.<br />

The authors comment below on the issue raised at the 2012 STEP Round Table and the CRA’s<br />

response. In summary, it is the authors’ view that:<br />

• given the text, context and purpose of subsections 40(3.6), 40(3.61) and 164(6), the<br />

provisions should be interpreted in a manner which does not give rise to the circularity<br />

issue identified in the Moraitis/Kakkar Article and addressed in the CRA’s recent<br />

response;<br />

• if, however, contrary to what in the authors’ view is the better interpretation, the<br />

provisions are to be interpreted so as to give rise to the circularity issue due to a<br />

technical flaw in the drafting of subsection 40(3.61), a legislative fix is required so as not<br />

to frustrate the underlying purpose and policy of the provisions; and<br />

55<br />

56<br />

57<br />

58<br />

Paragraph 88(1)(d.1). In this case, the issue should then focus on GAAR; whether there has been a misuse or<br />

abuse for purposes of section 245 notwithstanding: (i) the deemed disposition on death; (ii) the provisions of<br />

section 84.1; and (iii) that the estate should not normally be regarded as an “accommodation party” in facilitating<br />

a surplus strip.<br />

Stuart Bellefer, “Summary of the CRA Round Table Held at the 13th National STEP Canada Conference”<br />

(August 2011) 199 CCH Estate Planner Newsletter, 4-6 (which notes that it would generally be necessary to latefile<br />

the subsection 164(6) designation, which would require that a fairness request be brought by the taxpayer<br />

pursuant to subsection 220(3.2) and Income Tax Regulation 600(b)).<br />

The provision does not refer to the first calendar year following the death of the deceased. Planners should be<br />

careful not to inadvertently trigger an early taxation year by, for example, running afoul of the “anti-stuffing” rules<br />

in the proposed amendments to the definition of “testamentary trust” in subsection 108(1).<br />

Nick Moraitis and Manu Kakkar, “Potential Circularity Problem with Estate Loss Carryback”, (July 2006) 6:3 Tax<br />

for the Owner-Manager (ctf.ca) (the “Moraits/Kakkar Article”).<br />

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• if the provisions are to be interpreted iteratively, the CRA’s suspicion that the incidence<br />

of the circularity issue is “likely quite limited” is incorrect and, as discussed below, may<br />

be based on an incomplete understanding of the issue.<br />

Subsections 40(3.6) and (3.61)<br />

Where a taxpayer disposes a corporation’s shares to that corporation, the taxpayer’s loss is<br />

generally deemed to be nil pursuant to the provisions of subsection 40(3.6) if the corporation is<br />

“affiliated” 59 with the taxpayer immediately after the disposition.<br />

However, subsection 40(3.6) is subject to subsection 40(3.61). Subsection 40(3.61) provides<br />

that where an election is made under subsection 164(6) to treat all or any portion of an estate’s<br />

capital loss (determined without reference to subsections 40(3.4) and (3.6)) from the disposition<br />

of a share as a capital loss of the deceased taxpayer, subsections 40(3.4) and (3.6) will apply to<br />

the estate only to the extent that the amount of the capital loss exceeds the loss to which the<br />

election applies. 60<br />

The purpose of subsection 40(3.61) is to provide relief from subsections 40(3.4) and (3.6) in the<br />

context of subsection 164(6) capital loss-carry back planning. As stated in the December 2004<br />

Technical Notes:<br />

Section 40 provides rules for determining a taxpayer's gain or loss from the disposition of a<br />

property. The Act contains a number of rules that defer recognition of a loss in certain<br />

circumstances, such as the rules set out in subsections 40(3.4) and (3.6). In broad terms these<br />

defer a taxpayer's loss where, despite a disposition by the taxpayer, the loss property remains<br />

within—or an identical property is acquired by—the population of persons who are affiliated with<br />

the taxpayer.<br />

Proposed amendments to subsection 251.1(1), concerning when a person is affiliated with a<br />

trust, could in some typical estate and post-mortem arrangements cause these loss-deferral<br />

rules to apply. For example, an individual who is the majority interest beneficiary of the estate of<br />

a deceased taxpayer will be affiliated with the estate under the proposed amendments, as would<br />

be the estate and a corporation controlled by that individual. As a result, a loss arising, for<br />

instance, from a redemption by the corporation of a share held by the estate would be deemed<br />

to be nil by subsection 40(3.6). This would include a loss arising in the course of administering<br />

the estate that would otherwise be capable of being carried back under subsection 164(6). That<br />

subsection allows a deceased taxpayer's legal representative to elect to treat certain losses of<br />

the taxpayer's estate for its first taxation year as losses of the taxpayer for the taxpayer's last<br />

taxation year.<br />

New subsection 40(3.61) will ensure that subsections 40(3.4) and (3.6) do not apply to any<br />

portion of an estate's capital loss carried back under subsection 164(6). (emphasis added)<br />

Interaction of Subsections 40(3.6), 40(3.61) and 164(6) – the “Circularity” Issue<br />

As discussed in more detail in the Moraitis/Kakkar Article, if subsections 40(3.6), 40(3.61) and<br />

164(6) are applied iteratively, the realization by the estate of any capital gain in the estate’s first<br />

59<br />

60<br />

Section 251.1.<br />

Subsection 40(3.4) is another stop-loss rule which may apply to defer the recognition of a capital loss sustained<br />

by a corporation, trust or partnership in circumstances where the transferred property (or property identical to<br />

such property) is acquired by the transferor or a person affiliated with the transferor within a specified period.<br />

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taxation year will have the effect of grinding to nil the amount of the loss that can be carried<br />

back pursuant to subsection 164(6), even if the loss is substantial and the gain is only nominal.<br />

By way of example, assume the following:<br />

• Ms. Y dies owning:<br />

o<br />

a portfolio of managed publicly-traded securities, which securities are assumed<br />

(for illustrative purposes) not to have had any accrued gain or loss on death; and<br />

o all of the shares of a private corporation, YCo, with PUC of $100,000.<br />

• The shares of YCo were held by Ms. Y as capital property for purposes of the Act and<br />

had an ACB to Ms. Y of $100,000 and an FMV immediately prior to Ms. Y’s death of<br />

$1,000,000. Accordingly, the deemed disposition of the YCo shares gives rise to a<br />

$900,000 capital gain in Ms. Y’s terminal year.<br />

• In the estate’s first taxation year, YCo redeems 50% of the shares held by the estate for<br />

$500,000. 61 As a result of the redemption, the estate sustains a $450,000 capital loss.<br />

The estate is also deemed to have received a $450,000 dividend (i.e., the amount by<br />

which the redemption proceeds exceed the PUC of the shares that were redeemed).<br />

The estate should be entitled to elect pursuant to subsection 164(6) to apply the loss sustained<br />

on the redemption against the gain realized on the disposition on death.<br />

However, assume further that, in the ordinary course, a nominal capital gain (e.g., $1) is<br />

realized on the publicly-traded securities such that the net capital loss of the estate in its first<br />

taxation year is $449,999 rather than $450,000.<br />

Prior to the application of subsection 40(3.6), the maximum amount that the estate would be<br />

able to elect to carry back pursuant to subsection 164(6) is $449,999 (i.e., the estate’s net<br />

capital loss for its first taxation year assuming that subsection 40(3.6) does not apply).<br />

Subsection 40(3.61) provides that subsection 40(3.6) will apply in respect of the loss on the<br />

redemption to the extent that the amount of the loss (i.e., $450,000) exceeds the portion of the<br />

loss to which the subsection 164(6) election applies (i.e., $449,999). As a consequence, $1 of<br />

the loss on the redemption is denied pursuant to subsection 40(3.6).<br />

If subsections 40(3.6), 40(3.61) and 164(6) are interpreted iteratively (i.e., in a manner giving<br />

rise to the circularity concern), one must recalculate the amount of the subsection 164(6)<br />

election to account for the amount of the loss denied pursuant to subsection 40(3.6). This<br />

recalculation, in turn, will affect the subsection 40(3.61) calculation and so on, with the end<br />

result that no amount may be carried back pursuant to subsection 164(6).<br />

As discussed in more detail below under the heading “Statutory Interpretation”, in the authors’<br />

view, this interpretation should be rejected since it leads to an absurd result that is clearly<br />

contrary to the context and purpose of subsections 40(3.61) and 164(6).<br />

61<br />

As YCo’s sole shareholder, the estate is affiliated with YCo pursuant to section 251.1 both prior to and following<br />

the redemption.<br />

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2012 STEP Conference<br />

At the 2012 STEP Conference, the CRA was asked whether it would administratively ignore<br />

subsections 40(3.6) and (3.61) when determining the net capital loss for purposes of subsection<br />

164(6).<br />

The specific question posed to the CRA and the CRA’s response were as follows:<br />

QUESTION 5<br />

There can be an issue when an estate elects under subsection 164(6) to apply a capital loss to<br />

the terminal return of the deceased. It is possible to create “circularity” under 164(6), when an<br />

estate carries back a loss but then realizes a capital gain on other assets in its first taxation<br />

year. See Nick Moraitis and Manu Kakkar's Taxfind article "Potential Circularity Problem with<br />

Estate Loss Carryback" published by the CTF. How would CRA interpret 164(6) in such<br />

circumstances Would you administratively ignore subsections 40(3.6) and 40(3.61) when<br />

determining the net capital loss for purposes of 164(6)<br />

CRA Response<br />

[…]<br />

We have reviewed the article referred to in your question and agree, based on a technical<br />

reading of the above provisions, that it is possible for a circularity issue to arise. If the estate<br />

realizes capital gains during its first taxation year, those gains must be applied against the loss<br />

on the share disposition, in accordance with the requirements of subsection 164(6), in order to<br />

determine the amount that can be carried back. Where this occurs, the application of subsection<br />

40(3.61) will result in an amount of loss stopped pursuant to subsection 40(3.6), which in turn<br />

will reduce the amount available for the subsection 164(6) election, and the circular nature of<br />

these provisions becomes an issue.<br />

To date, however, the Income Tax Rulings Directorate has not been informed of an actual case<br />

in which this issue has arisen. We suspect that the incidence of this potential circularity issue is<br />

likely quite limited, for a number of reasons:<br />

1. One would expect that typically, estates should not realize significant gains in their<br />

first taxation years, as assets acquired at the time of death would generally be acquired<br />

at fair market value pursuant to subsection 70(5).<br />

2. The ability to distribute assets of the estate to its beneficiaries on a rollover basis<br />

pursuant to subsection 107(2), where applicable, would avoid the generation of gains in<br />

the estate in respect of such asset dispositions.<br />

3. Given that the issue was identified in the above-referenced article, many practitioners<br />

are no doubt aware of it and are ensuring that capital gains are deferred beyond the first<br />

taxation year of the estate.<br />

We would appreciate if any of your members encounter such an example, that it be provided to<br />

CRA, so that we can review the issue further on a case-by-case basis.<br />

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Statutory Interpretation<br />

The principles governing the interpretation of tax statutes have been considered in a number of<br />

decisions of the Supreme Court of Canada. 62 In Canada Trustco, the Court summarized the<br />

approach to statutory interpretation as follows (at paragraph 10):<br />

It has been long established as a matter of statutory interpretation that “the words of an Act are<br />

to be read in their entire context and in their grammatical and ordinary sense harmoniously with<br />

the scheme of the Act, the object of the Act, and the intention of Parliament”: see 65302 British<br />

Columbia Ltd. v. Canada, 1999 CanLII 639 (S.C.C.), [1999] 3 S.C.R. 804, at para. 50. The<br />

interpretation of a statutory provision must be made according to a textual, contextual and<br />

purposive analysis to find a meaning that is harmonious with the Act as a whole. When the<br />

words of a provision are precise and unequivocal, the ordinary meaning of the words play a<br />

dominant role in the interpretive process. On the other hand, where the words can support<br />

more than one reasonable meaning, the ordinary meaning of the words plays a lesser role. The<br />

relative effects of ordinary meaning, context and purpose on the interpretive process may vary,<br />

but in all cases the court must seek to read the provisions of an Act as a harmonious whole.<br />

(emphasis added.)<br />

The Court added the caution that “[e]ven where the meaning of particular provisions may not<br />

appear to be ambiguous at first glance, statutory context and purpose may reveal or resolve<br />

latent ambiguities”. 63<br />

More recently, in Placer Dome, 64 the Supreme Court of Canada affirmed the statements in<br />

Canada Trustco and provided the following guidance regarding the appropriate role of legislative<br />

purpose in statutory interpretation (at paragraphs 22 and 23):<br />

[W]here the words of a statute give rise to more than one reasonable interpretation, the ordinary<br />

meaning of words will play a lesser role, and greater recourse to the context and purpose of the<br />

Act may be necessary: Canada Trustco, at para. 10. Moreover, as McLachlin C.J. noted at<br />

para. 47, “[e]ven where the meaning of particular provisions may not appear to be ambiguous at<br />

first glance, statutory context and purpose may reveal or resolve latent ambiguities.” The Chief<br />

Justice went on to explain that in order to resolve explicit and latent ambiguities in taxation<br />

legislation, “the courts must undertake a unified textual, contextual and purposive approach to<br />

statutory interpretation”.<br />

The interpretive approach is thus informed by the level of precision and clarity with which a<br />

taxing provision is drafted. Where such a provision admits of no ambiguity in its meaning or in<br />

its application to the facts, it must simply be applied. Reference to purpose of the provision<br />

“cannot be used to create an unexpressed exception to clear language” […] Where, as in this<br />

case, the provision admits of more than one reasonable interpretation, greater emphasis must<br />

be placed on the context, scheme and purpose of the Act. Thus, legislative purpose may not be<br />

used to supplant clear statutory language, but to arrive at the most plausible interpretation of an<br />

ambiguous statutory provision. (emphasis added)<br />

The meaning of the text of subsection 40(3.61), even without regard to context and purpose, is<br />

uncertain. Subsection 40(3.61) clearly contemplates that subsection 164(6) applies before<br />

62<br />

63<br />

64<br />

See, for example, Antosko v. The Queen, 94 DTC 6314 (SCC); Canada Trustco, supra, note 28; and Placer<br />

Dome, infra, note 64.<br />

Supra, note 28, at para. 47.<br />

Placer Dome Canada Ltd. v. Ontario (Minister of Finance), 2006 DTC 6532 (SCC).<br />

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subsection 40(3.6) is considered. In the authors’ view, it is not self-evident that the combination<br />

of subsections 40(3.6), 40(3.61) and 164(6) requires an iterative reading of the provisions (i.e., a<br />

reading which seems absurd even without regard to context and purpose). Rather, given the<br />

provisions of subsection 40(3.61), even without regard to context and purpose, the provisions<br />

are arguably intended to be read with subsection 164(6) determining the carry-back and<br />

subsection 40(3.6) denying the portion of the loss that is not carried back (the “Alternative<br />

Reading”).<br />

Having regard to the context and purpose of subsections 40(3.61) and 164(6), the authors are<br />

of the view that:<br />

• the iterative reading clearly leads to an absurd result;<br />

• in interpreting the provisions, it should be assumed that the absurd result was not<br />

intended unless no other reading is possible;<br />

• another reading (i.e., the Alternative Reading) is possible and should be preferred since<br />

it better gives effect to context and purpose.<br />

Extent of the Issue<br />

The authors do not agree with the CRA’s statement that the incidence of the circularity issue is<br />

“likely quite limited” if the iterative reading applied.<br />

Further, in the authors’ view, the reasons given by the CRA in support of this statement suggest<br />

that the CRA’s assessment of the prevalence of the issue may be based on an incomplete<br />

understanding of the issue. More particularly, the authors note as follows:<br />

• Reason 1. “One would expect that typically, estates should not realize significant gains<br />

in their first taxation years, as assets acquired at the time of death would generally be<br />

acquired at fair market value pursuant to subsection 70(5).”<br />

Comment: As noted above, it is immaterial whether the estate realizes<br />

“significant” gains. The concern is that given the drafting of the provisions, even<br />

a nominal gain may preclude the estate from carrying back any amount pursuant<br />

to subsection 164(6) if the provisions are interpreted iteratively.<br />

• Reason 2. “The ability to distribute assets of the estate to its beneficiaries on a rollover<br />

basis pursuant to subsection 107(2), where applicable, would avoid the generation of<br />

gains in the estate in respect of such asset dispositions.”<br />

Comment: In many cases, estate assets must be liquidated in order to fund<br />

estate expenses or to comply with instructions set out by the testator.<br />

Furthermore, a tax-deferred rollover pursuant to subsection 107(2) is generally<br />

not available in respect of distributions to beneficiaries who are not resident in<br />

Canada for purposes of the Act.<br />

• Reason 3. “Given the issue was identified in the above-referenced article, many<br />

practitioners are no doubt aware of it and are ensuring that capital gains are deferred<br />

beyond the first taxation year of the estate.”

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Comment: Often practitioners are not contacted until months after the death of<br />

the taxpayer and it is not uncommon for the estate to have realized capital gains<br />

in the interim. The realization of gains is especially common in circumstances in<br />

which the assets of the estate include a portfolio of publicly-traded securities.<br />

Need for a Legislative Fix<br />

As noted above, given the text, context and purpose of subsections 40(3.6), 40(3.61) and<br />

164(6), it is the authors’ view that the provisions should be interpreted in a manner which does<br />

not give rise to the circularity issue identified in the Moraitis/Kakkar Article and commented on<br />

by the CRA at the 2012 STEP Round Table.<br />

If, however, contrary to what in the authors’ view is the better interpretation, the provisions are<br />

to be interpreted so as to give rise to the circularity issue due to a technical flaw in the drafting<br />

of subsection 40(3.61), a legislative fix is required so as not to frustrate the underlying purpose<br />

and policy of the provisions. To this end, the need for such a fix would be especially acute<br />

having regard to:<br />

• the widespread nature of the issue;<br />

• the impracticalities of requiring that the estate not realize any capital gains in its first<br />

taxation year;<br />

• the draconian consequences if even a nominal gain is realized;<br />

• the fact that the purpose of subsection 164(6) planning is to relieve against double<br />

taxation; and<br />

• the recent positions of the CRA taking a relatively narrow view as to the availability of<br />

pipeline planning.<br />

In any event, assuming that the authors are correct in their interpretation of the provisions (i.e.,<br />

assuming that the Alternative Reading governs such that the circularity issue does not arise), a<br />

legislative fix might nonetheless be appropriate in respect of two related issues – namely:<br />

• whether the entire gross capital loss should be available for carry-back rather than just<br />

the net amount (i.e., $450,000 rather $449,999 in the example set out above); and<br />

• whether subsection 40(3.61) should be extended to apply to subsection 70(6) spouse<br />

trusts, alter ego trusts and joint spousal or common-law partner trusts as recommended<br />

by the CBA-CICA Joint Committee on Taxation in February 2005. 65<br />

Practical Advice Regarding Subsection 164(6) in Light of CRA’s Position<br />

While the CRA’s position in respect of subsections 40(3.6), 40(3.61) and 164(4) remains<br />

uncertain, the 2012 STEP Conference response has placed tax practitioners on notice that the<br />

65<br />

See also question 8 of the 2012 British Columbia Tax Conference CRA Round Table where the CRA was asked<br />

whether it had any comments or further information to add in respect of the Committee’s submission.<br />

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CRA might take the position that even a nominal capital gain will have the effect of grinding to<br />

nil the amount of the loss that can be carried back pursuant to subsection 164(6).<br />

While the authors are of the view that this interpretation should be rejected since it leads to an<br />

absurd result that is clearly contrary to the context and purpose of subsections 40(3.61) and<br />

164(6), they note as follows:<br />

• the CRA has invited practitioners who encounter scenarios where the grind might apply<br />

to contact CRA so that the issue can be reviewed further on a case-by-case basis; 66<br />

• if an advisor is consulted in respect of a possible post-mortem plan, the advisor:<br />

o<br />

o<br />

should counsel the executors/trustees to avoid incurring any capital gains if<br />

possible until after the estate’s first taxation year; and<br />

will need to assess the risk of the grind applying in assessing planning<br />

alternatives;<br />

• the discussion highlights the fact that subsection 164(6) is a highly technical provision<br />

that will not be available in all circumstances; 67<br />

• the relief (if any) afforded by subsection 40(3.61) does not apply in respect of subsection<br />

70(6) spouse trusts, alter ego trusts and joint spousal or common-law partner trusts; and<br />

• consideration could be given to structuring the planning to fit within subsection 69(5). 68<br />

More generally, practitioners are reminded that post-mortem planning can be complicated,<br />

expensive and time-sensitive, but can be greatly facilitated by advance planning. To this end, it<br />

is difficult to overstate the importance of good corporate and tax records, as well as the<br />

importance of having an integrated estate plan that is reviewed regularly in light of changing<br />

circumstances.<br />


Prior to Budget 2012, the Act required that the recipient of a dividend from a Canadiancontrolled<br />

private corporation (a “CCPC”) be notified at the time the dividend was paid that the<br />

dividend was an eligible dividend. Late designations were not permitted, even where the<br />

corporation had sufficient income taxed at the general corporate rate to make an eligible<br />

dividend designation. Further, the Act did not permit a corporation to designate only a portion of<br />

a dividend paid as an eligible dividend.<br />

Budget 2012 proposed two helpful relieving measures which have since been enacted.<br />

66<br />

67<br />

68<br />

The authors note that they have made a general submission in this respect.<br />

Note also that, in some circumstances, the deceased will have sufficient loss carryforwards or tax credits to<br />

shelter the gain on death such that the subsection 164(6) loss carry-back is of no benefit to the deceased.<br />

Subsection 69(5) provides, in part, that where property of a corporation has been appropriated in any manner<br />

whatever to, or for the benefit of, a shareholder, on the winding-up of the corporation, subsections 40(3.4) and<br />

(3.6) do not apply in respect of any property disposed of on the winding-up.<br />

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Pursuant to subsection 89(14), it is now possible for a corporation paying a taxable dividend to<br />

designate, at the time it pays the dividend, any portion of the dividend as an eligible dividend. 69<br />

The portion of the dividend so designated will qualify for the enhanced dividend tax credit<br />

(“DTC”) and the remaining portion will qualify for the regular DTC.<br />

Pursuant to subsection 89(14.1), late designations are possible provided that: (i) the designation<br />

is made within three years of payment of the dividend, and (ii) the Minister is of the opinion that<br />

the circumstances are such that it would be just and equitable to accept the designation.<br />

* * *<br />

69<br />

A corporation designates a portion of a dividend it pays at any time to be an eligible dividend by notifying in<br />

writing at that time each person or partnership to whom the dividend is paid that the portion of the dividend is an<br />

eligible dividend.<br />

560600/422632<br />

MT DOCS 11864055v1G<br />



INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 1<br />

Pipeline Planning .................................................................................................................. 1<br />

Subsection 164(6) Capital Loss Planning............................................................................ 2<br />

Eligible Dividend Designations Following Budget 2012 ..................................................... 2<br />

PIPELINE PLANNING ................................................................................................................ 3<br />

Background – Post-Mortem Tax Planning ........................................................................... 3<br />

How and When Capital Loss Carry-Back Planning and Pipeline Planning are Used ....... 4<br />

CRA’s Position Regarding Pipelines ................................................................................... 5<br />

Provisions and Scheme of the Act Relevant to Pipelines .................................................. 8<br />

Recent Jurisprudence ........................................................................................................ 10<br />

McClarty Family Trust ......................................................................................................... 10<br />

MacDonald 11<br />

The Facts 12<br />

Comparables ....................................................................................................................... 13<br />

The Decision – Subsection 84(2) ....................................................................................... 14<br />

The Decision – GAAR ......................................................................................................... 16<br />

Relevance of the Decision .................................................................................................. 18<br />

Practical Advice Regarding Pipelines in Light of CRA’s Position ................................... 18<br />

SUBSECTION 164(6) CAPITAL LOSS CARRY-BACK PLANNING ........................................ 19<br />

Background ......................................................................................................................... 19<br />

Subsections 40(3.6) and 40(3.61) ....................................................................................... 20<br />

ELIGIBLE DIVIDEND DESIGNATIONS FOLLOWING BUDGET 2012 .................................... 26<br />

560600/422632<br />

MT DOCS 11864055v1G<br />


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