Mike Millis, M.D., Boston Children's Hospital

Mike Millis, M.D., Boston Children's Hospital Mike Millis, M.D., Boston Children's Hospital


Acknowledgements • Classic Teachers: Pauwels; Bombelli, Maquet • Basic Researchers: Mankin, Buckwalter, Grodzinky et al • Great Joint-Saving Surgeons: Ganz, Mueller, Ninomiya, Salter, Sugioka,Wagner * Mentors: Ganz, Hall, Harris, Wagner • Colleagues: Felson, Jaramillo, Kim and CHB Hip Unit, Leunig, Murphy, Poss, Santore et al; ANCHOR Group • Our patients

“It seems clear that either osteoarthritis of the hip does not exist as a primary disease entity or if it does, is extraordinarily rare.” William H. Harris

“It seems clear that either osteoarthritis of the<br />

hip does not exist as a primary disease entity<br />

or if it does, is extraordinarily rare.”<br />

William H. Harris

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