Table of Contents - The Atmospheric Studies Group at TRC

Table of Contents - The Atmospheric Studies Group at TRC Table of Contents - The Atmospheric Studies Group at TRC


Section 10: POSTPROCESSORS # Number of Data Points in Hourly RH Average RH-PR Estimated Precision of Relative Humidity 10-83

Section 10: POSTPROCESSORS 10.6 Output Files 10.6.1 List File (CALPOST.LST) The list file has four logical sections. The first section contains an image of the control file inputs; the second section contains a summary of these inputs and it documents the content of the CALPUFF output file that is processed; the third section contains the tabulations of CALPOST results requested by the user; and the fourth section reports the peak value(s) obtained for each averaging time processed. An example list file is shown in Table 10-20, with the first logical section removed (the image of the input control file). Each table contains specific reference to the averaging time, the pollutant species (CALPOST processes a single species at a time), concentration/deposition units, receptor locations, and the date and time (marked at the end of the averaging period). When visibility is assessed, the modeled extinction in inverse megameters (1/Mm) is processed and reported just like concentration or deposition. In addition, the peak daily average visibility reduction is reported for each day processed, characterized as either a percent change in extinction (from background), or as a change in deciview. 10.6.2 Visibility File (DAILY_VISIB_VUNAM.DAT) When visibility processing is selected and plot-files are requested, the peak daily average visibility reduction tabulations written to the list file are written to disk as a visibility file as well. This facilitates the use of subsequent analysis tools, such as spreadsheets. The record format is the same as that used in the list file. 10.6.3 Plot-file(s) CALPOST can generate a set of optional plot-files containing the "top N" highest concentrations/deposition fluxes at each receptor, the number of exceedances of user-specified threshold values at each receptor and averaging time, or the values of concentration/deposition flux for userspecified time periods. Two formats are available for these plot-files. The first, called DATA format, is of the form: receptor (X, Y), value1, ... , value4 as described in Table 10-21. This comma-delimited format is suitable for both gridded and discrete receptor data. It is compatible with many of the popular PC-based graphics and analysis packages. An example of this format is shown in Table 10-22. The second format, called the GRID format is appropriate for gridded receptor fields only. It is directly compatible with the contouring option of the Surfer plotting package (i.e., it bypasses the need to first interpolate the data to a regular rectangular grid by the plotting package). Its record structure is described in Table 10-23, and an example is shown in Table 10-24. 10-84

Section 10: POSTPROCESSORS<br />

# Number <strong>of</strong> D<strong>at</strong>a Points in Hourly RH Average<br />

RH-PR Estim<strong>at</strong>ed Precision <strong>of</strong> Rel<strong>at</strong>ive Humidity<br />


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