Table of Contents - The Atmospheric Studies Group at TRC

Table of Contents - The Atmospheric Studies Group at TRC Table of Contents - The Atmospheric Studies Group at TRC


Section 10: POSTPROCESSORS Table 10-8 (Concluded) Sample CALSUM List File (CALSUM.LST) Data from header records of File #1 CMODEL: CALPUFF VER: 5.727 LEVEL: 050309 IBYR: 1990 IBJUL: 9 IBHR: 4 IBSEC: 0 NSECDT: 3600 XBTZ: 5.00000000 IRLG: 4 IAVG: 1 PMAP: UTM DATUM: NAS-C NX: 99 NY: 99 DXKM: 1.00000000 DYKM: 1.00000000 IONE: 1 XORIGKM: 310.000000 YORIGKM: 4820.00000 NSSTA: 5 IBCOMP: 1 IECOMP: 99 JBCOMP: 1 JECOMP: 99 IBSAMP: 29 IESAMP: 48 JBSAMP: 40 JESAMP: 70 MESHDN: 1 NREC: 0 NCTREC: 0 LSGRID: T NSPOUT: 7 MSOURCE: 0 File NPTS NAREAS NLINES NVOLS 1 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 SPECIES: SO2 1 SO4 1 NO 1 NO2 1 HNO3 1 NO3 1 PM10 1 Sources identified in all files processed Source type 1 STK1 STK1 Number of periods processed: 4 10-15

Section 10: POSTPROCESSORS 10.3 POSTUTIL POSTUTIL operates on one or more CALPUFF concentration or wet/dry deposition flux files to create a new file that can be analyzed by CALPOST. Species in the new file may include all species in these files, they may be a subset of these, or they may be new species constructed as weighted combinations of the modeled species. If nitrates are modeled, the partition between nitric acid and nitrate can be recalculated based on total available sulfate and ammonia. Specific capabilities and options include: User-selected processing period. User-selected chemical species to process. User-selected chemical species to output. User-defined (new) chemical species to construct and output (e.g., total S and Total N deposition). Option to sum wet and dry deposition fluxes to a total flux species. Option to repartition nitric acid/nitrate based on total available sulfate and ammonia. Option to scale all concentration/deposition flux data by means of a linear function of the form: a*X + b (where X is concentration or deposition, and a,b are user-supplied constants). Option to add an hourly, receptor-specific background concentration/deposition flux. Typical uses for POSTUTIL include: Scaling and summing results obtained from CALPUFF applications to different source groups. This is similar to CALSUM, but the files that are combined do not need to contain the same species. Negative scale factors can be used to obtain difference fields suitable for assessing increment consumption. Combining species sets modeled in different CALPUFF applications, as when MESOPUFF II chemical transformation is modeled in one CALPUFF application, and secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation is modeled in another CALPUFF application (both would be needed in one file to assess visibility). Summing wet and dry deposition fluxes to obtain the total deposition flux as a new species. Computing the total sulfur and the total nitrogen deposition flux associated with ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate. Repartitioning nitrates to be consistent with the total available sulfate and ammonia due to all sources and background, prior to assessing visibility with CALPOST. Table 10-9 lists the default name of each input and output file associated with POSTUTIL. 10-16

Section 10: POSTPROCESSORS<br />

<strong>Table</strong> 10-8 (Concluded)<br />

Sample CALSUM List File (CALSUM.LST)<br />

D<strong>at</strong>a from header records <strong>of</strong> File #1<br />


VER: 5.727<br />

LEVEL: 050309<br />

IBYR: 1990<br />

IBJUL: 9<br />

IBHR: 4<br />

IBSEC: 0<br />

NSECDT: 3600<br />

XBTZ: 5.00000000<br />

IRLG: 4<br />

IAVG: 1<br />

PMAP: UTM<br />

DATUM: NAS-C<br />

NX: 99<br />

NY: 99<br />

DXKM: 1.00000000<br />

DYKM: 1.00000000<br />

IONE: 1<br />

XORIGKM: 310.000000<br />

YORIGKM: 4820.00000<br />

NSSTA: 5<br />

IBCOMP: 1<br />

IECOMP: 99<br />

JBCOMP: 1<br />

JECOMP: 99<br />

IBSAMP: 29<br />

IESAMP: 48<br />

JBSAMP: 40<br />

JESAMP: 70<br />

MESHDN: 1<br />

NREC: 0<br />

NCTREC: 0<br />

LSGRID: T<br />

NSPOUT: 7<br />

MSOURCE: 0<br />


1 1 0 0 0<br />

2 1 0 0 0<br />

SPECIES: SO2 1 SO4 1 NO 1 NO2 1 HNO3 1<br />

NO3 1 PM10 1<br />

Sources identified in all files processed<br />

Source type 1<br />

STK1<br />

STK1<br />

Number <strong>of</strong> periods processed: 4<br />


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