Table of Contents - The Atmospheric Studies Group at TRC

Table of Contents - The Atmospheric Studies Group at TRC Table of Contents - The Atmospheric Studies Group at TRC


Section 9: CALPUFF 9-240

Section 9: CALPUFF Table 9-52 (Continued) Unformatted CONC.DAT file - Header Record NCOM+3 - General Data No. Variable Type a Description Sample Values 1 CMODEL C*12 Model name CALPUFF 2 VER C*12 Model version number 5.72 3 LEVEL C*12 Model level number 031017 4 IBYR integer Starting year of the run 1980 5 IBJUL integer Starting Julian day 183 6 IBHR integer Time at start of first period (hour 00-23 LST) 8 7 IBSEC integer Time at start of first period (second 0000-3600 ) 0000 8 XBTZ real Base time zone (LST+XBTZ=UTC) 6.0 9 IRLG integer Length of run (timesteps) 10 10 IAVG integer Averaging time (timesteps) of output concentrations 2 11 NSECDT integer Length of a timestep (seconds) 1800 12 NXM integer Number of grid points in meteorological grid (X direction) 13 NYM integer Number of grid points in meteorological grid (Y direction) 20 20 14 DXKM real Grid spacing (km) in the X direction 5. 15 DYKM real Grid spacing (km) in the Y direction 5. 16 IONE integer Number of receptor layers (must be equal to one for CALPUFF runs) 17 XORIGKM real Reference X coordinate (km) of the southwest corner of grid cell (1,1) of the meteorological grid 18 YORIGKM real Reference Y coordinate (km) of the southwest corner of grid cell (1,1) of the meteorological grid 1 190. 440. 19 NSSTA integer Number of surface meteorological stations 5 20 IBCOMP integer Start of computational grid in X direction 1 21 IECOMP integer End of computational grid in X direction 20 22 JBCOMP integer Start of computation grid in the Y direction 1 23 JECOMP integer End of computational grid in Y direction 20 9-241

Section 9: CALPUFF<br />


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