Table of Contents - The Atmospheric Studies Group at TRC

Table of Contents - The Atmospheric Studies Group at TRC Table of Contents - The Atmospheric Studies Group at TRC


Section 9: CALPUFF about the modeling grid, the date and time at the end of the period simulated, and all of the internal puff array data at the end of the simulation. Note that this file becomes the RESTARTB.DAT input file for the continuation run, and that all CALPUFF output files for the continuation run are “new”. For example, if a full year is simulated in four quarterly CALPUFF runs with three restart files, there will be four concentration files rather than one. 9.15.3 Concentration File (CONC.DAT) The CONC.DAT file is an unformatted data file containing concentrations of one or more species simulated by CALPUFF at each receptor, for each period in the run. The creation and contents of the CONC.DAT file are controlled by user-specified inputs in Input Group 5 of the control file (see Section 9.1). The control file variable ICON must be set equal to one in order to create the CONC.DAT file, and the file will contain only those species that are specifically “saved on disk”. CONC.DAT File - Header Records The CONC.DAT file consists of as many as NCOM+15 header records followed by a set of data records. The header records contain information describing the version of the model used in the run creating the file, horizontal and vertical grid data, a user-input title, a list of the species combinations stored in the output file, receptor information, and source names (see Table 9-52). NCOM, provided in record 2, defines the number of comment records that are present. Comment records are used to transfer the image of CALMET and CALPUFF control files used in the simulation for documentation and QA purposes. Sample FORTRAN read statements for the header records are: READ(iunit) DATASET,DATAVER,DATAMOD READ(iunit) NCOM DO n=1,NCOM READ(iunit) COMMENT ENDDO READ(iunit)CMODEL,VER,LEVEL,IBYR,IBJUL,IBHR,IBSEC,XBTZ, 1 IRLG,IAVG,NSECDT,NXM,NYM,DXKM,DYKM,IONE,XORIGKM,YORIGKM,NSSTA,IBCOMP,IECOMP, 2 JBCOMP,JECOMP,IBSAMP,JBSAMP,IESAMP,JESAMP,MESHDN,NPT1,NPT2,NAR1,NAR2,NLN1,NLN2, 3 NVL1,NVL2,MSOURCE,NREC,NCTREC,LSAMP,NSPOUT,LCOMPR, 4 I2DMET,IUTMZN,FEAST,FNORTH,RNLAT0,RELON0, 5 XLAT1,XLAT2,PMAP,UTMHEM,DATUM,DATEN, 6 CLAT0,CLON0,CLAT1,CLAT2 READ(iunit)TITLE READ(iunit)CSOUT IF(NDREC.GT.0) READ(iunit)XREC,YREC,ZREC IF(NCTREC.GT.0) READ(iunit)XRCT,YRCT,ZRCT,IHILL IF(NPT1.GT.0) READ(iunit)ISTYPE,CNAMPT1 IF(NPT2.GT.0) READ(iunit)ISTYPE,CNAMPT2 IF(NAR1.GT.0) READ(iunit)ISTYPE,CNAMAR1 IF(NAR2.GT.0) READ(iunit)ISTYPE,CNAMAR2 IF(N LN1.GT.0) READ(iunit)ISTYPE,CNAMLN1 IF(NLN2.GT.0) READ(iunit)ISTYPE,CNAMLN2 9-238

Section 9: CALPUFF IF(NVL1.GT.0) READ(iunit)ISTYPE,CNAMVL1 IF(NVL2.GT.0) READ(iunit)ISTYPE,CNAMVL2 where the following declarations apply: Character*132 COMMENT Character*80 TITLE(3) Character*64 DATAMOD Character*16 DATASET, DATAVER, CLAT0, CLON0, CLAT1, CLAT2 Character*16 CNAMPT1(MXPT1),CNAMPT2(MXPT2), CNAMAR1(MXAREA),CNAMAR2(MXAREA) Character*16 CNAMLN1(MXLINES),CNAMLN2(MXLNGRP), CNAMVL1(MXVOL),CNAMVL2(MXVOL) Character*15 CSOUT(NSPOUT) Character*12 CMODEL,VER,LEVEL, DATEN Character*8 PMAP, DATUM Character*4 UTMHEM Real XREC(NREC),YREC(NREC),ZREC(NREC) Real XRCT(NCTREC),YRCT(NCTREC),ZRCT(NCTREC) Integer IHILL(NCTREC) Logical LCOMPR Table 9-52: Unformatted CONC.DAT file - Header Header Record 1 – Dataset Definition No. Variable Type Description Sample Values 1 DATASET Character*16 Dataset name CONC.DAT 2 DATAVER Character *16 Dataset version 2.1 3 DATAMOD Character *64 Dataset message field - Header Record 2 to (NCOM+2) – Comments No. Variable Type Description Sample Values 1 NCOM integer Number of comment records to follow - 1 COMMENT Character *132 Comment (repeated NCOM times) - 9-239

Section 9: CALPUFF<br />

about the modeling grid, the d<strong>at</strong>e and time <strong>at</strong> the end <strong>of</strong> the period simul<strong>at</strong>ed, and all <strong>of</strong> the internal puff<br />

array d<strong>at</strong>a <strong>at</strong> the end <strong>of</strong> the simul<strong>at</strong>ion. Note th<strong>at</strong> this file becomes the RESTARTB.DAT input file for the<br />

continu<strong>at</strong>ion run, and th<strong>at</strong> all CALPUFF output files for the continu<strong>at</strong>ion run are “new”. For example, if a<br />

full year is simul<strong>at</strong>ed in four quarterly CALPUFF runs with three restart files, there will be four<br />

concentr<strong>at</strong>ion files r<strong>at</strong>her than one.<br />

9.15.3 Concentr<strong>at</strong>ion File (CONC.DAT)<br />

<strong>The</strong> CONC.DAT file is an unform<strong>at</strong>ted d<strong>at</strong>a file containing concentr<strong>at</strong>ions <strong>of</strong> one or more species<br />

simul<strong>at</strong>ed by CALPUFF <strong>at</strong> each receptor, for each period in the run. <strong>The</strong> cre<strong>at</strong>ion and contents <strong>of</strong> the<br />

CONC.DAT file are controlled by user-specified inputs in Input <strong>Group</strong> 5 <strong>of</strong> the control file (see Section<br />

9.1). <strong>The</strong> control file variable ICON must be set equal to one in order to cre<strong>at</strong>e the CONC.DAT file, and<br />

the file will contain only those species th<strong>at</strong> are specifically “saved on disk”.<br />

CONC.DAT File - Header Records<br />

<strong>The</strong> CONC.DAT file consists <strong>of</strong> as many as NCOM+15 header records followed by a set <strong>of</strong> d<strong>at</strong>a records.<br />

<strong>The</strong> header records contain inform<strong>at</strong>ion describing the version <strong>of</strong> the model used in the run cre<strong>at</strong>ing the<br />

file, horizontal and vertical grid d<strong>at</strong>a, a user-input title, a list <strong>of</strong> the species combin<strong>at</strong>ions stored in the<br />

output file, receptor inform<strong>at</strong>ion, and source names (see <strong>Table</strong> 9-52). NCOM, provided in record 2,<br />

defines the number <strong>of</strong> comment records th<strong>at</strong> are present. Comment records are used to transfer the image<br />

<strong>of</strong> CALMET and CALPUFF control files used in the simul<strong>at</strong>ion for document<strong>at</strong>ion and QA purposes.<br />

Sample FORTRAN read st<strong>at</strong>ements for the header records are:<br />


READ(iunit) NCOM<br />

DO n=1,NCOM<br />

READ(iunit) COMMENT<br />

ENDDO<br />








READ(iunit)TITLE<br />

READ(iunit)CSOUT<br />







IF(N LN1.GT.0) READ(iunit)ISTYPE,CNAMLN1<br />



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