Table of Contents - The Atmospheric Studies Group at TRC

Table of Contents - The Atmospheric Studies Group at TRC Table of Contents - The Atmospheric Studies Group at TRC


Section 9: CALPUFF Table 9-25: LNEMARB.DAT - Header Records - General Data Record Variable Type Description 1 DATASET character*16 Dataset name (LNEMARB.DAT) 1 DATAVER character*16 Dataset version (2.1) 1 DATAMOD character*64 Dataset message field 2 NCOMM integer Number of comment records to follow NEXT NCOMM Lines TITLE character *80 Title of file (up to 80 characters) and any other documentation for QA Map projection UTM : Universal Transverse Mercator TTM : Tangential Transverse Mercator LCC : Lambert Conformal Conic PS : Polar Stereographic NCOMM+3 PMAP * character*8 EM : Equatorial Mercator LAZA : Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area NCOMM+4 IUTMZN, UTMHEM integer, character*1 UTM zone, Hemisphere (N or S) read as format (i4,a1) ONLY for PMAP = UTM NCOMM+4 RLAT0, RLON0, XLAT1, XLAT2 character*16 Latitude, Longitude of map projection origin, and one or two Matching Latitude Parallels. (Degrees with N, S, E or W, e.g., 45.6N). ONLY for PMAP = LCC, LAZA, TTM, PS, or EM NCOMM+5 FEAST, FNORTH real False Easting and Northing (km). Included only if PMAP = TTM, LCC, or LAZA NCOMM+5 or 6 DATUM character*8 DATUM Code NCOMM+5 or 6 DATEN character*12 NIMA date (MM-DD-YYYY) for datum definitions NCOMM+6 or 7 XYUNIT character*4 Horizontal map units (KM or DEG) NCOMM+7 or 8 TZONE character*8 Time zone (UTC+hhmm) NCOMM+8 or 9 IBYEAR integer Year of beginning of data in the file (YYYY) NCOMM+8 or 9 IBJUL integer Julian day of beginning of data in the file (JJJ) NCOMM+8 or 9 IBHOUR integer Time-hour at beginning of data in the file (HH) NCOMM+8 or 9 IBSEC integer Time-second at beginning of data in the file (SSSS) NCOMM+8 or 9 IEYEAR integer Year of end of data in the file (YYYY) 9-182

Section 9: CALPUFF NCOMM+8 or 9 IEJUL integer Julian day of end of data in the file (JJJ) NCOMM+8 or 9 IEHOUR integer Time-hour at end of data in the file (HH) NCOMM+8 or 9 IESEC integer Time-second at end of data in the file (SSSS) NCOMM+9 or 10 NSRC integer Number of sources in the file NCOMM+9 or 10 NSE integer Number of species emitted Table 9-25 (Continued) LNEMARB.DAT - Header Record NCOMM+10 or 11 - Species List No. * Type a Description Sample Values 1 C*12 Species identifier for species 1 PM 2 C*12 Species identifier for species 2 PM10 . . . . . . . . . . . . NSE C*12 Species identifier for species "NSE" PM25 * "NSE" elements of CSLST5 array a C*12 = Character*12 LNEMARB.DAT - Header Record NCOMM+11 or 12 - Molecular Weights No. * Type a Description Sample Values 1 real Molecular weight for species 1 200. 2 real Molecular weight for species 2 200. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-183

Section 9: CALPUFF<br />

NCOMM+8 or 9 IEJUL integer Julian day <strong>of</strong> end <strong>of</strong> d<strong>at</strong>a in the file (JJJ)<br />

NCOMM+8 or 9 IEHOUR integer Time-hour <strong>at</strong> end <strong>of</strong> d<strong>at</strong>a in the file (HH)<br />

NCOMM+8 or 9 IESEC integer Time-second <strong>at</strong> end <strong>of</strong> d<strong>at</strong>a in the file (SSSS)<br />

NCOMM+9 or 10 NSRC integer Number <strong>of</strong> sources in the file<br />

NCOMM+9 or 10 NSE integer Number <strong>of</strong> species emitted<br />

<strong>Table</strong> 9-25 (Continued)<br />

LNEMARB.DAT - Header Record NCOMM+10 or 11 - Species List<br />

No. * Type a Description Sample Values<br />

1 C*12 Species identifier for species 1 PM<br />

2 C*12 Species identifier for species 2 PM10<br />

. . . .<br />

. . . .<br />

. . . .<br />

NSE C*12 Species identifier for species "NSE" PM25<br />

* "NSE" elements <strong>of</strong> CSLST5 array<br />

a C*12 = Character*12<br />

LNEMARB.DAT - Header Record NCOMM+11 or 12 - Molecular Weights<br />

No. * Type a Description Sample Values<br />

1 real Molecular weight for species 1 200.<br />

2 real Molecular weight for species 2 200.<br />

. . . .<br />

. . . .<br />

. . . .<br />


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