Table of Contents - The Atmospheric Studies Group at TRC

Table of Contents - The Atmospheric Studies Group at TRC Table of Contents - The Atmospheric Studies Group at TRC


Section 9: CALPUFF NCOM+3 19 YORIGR real Y coordinate (m) of southwest corner of grid cell (1,1) a char*N = Character*N 9-126

Section 9: CALPUFF Table 9-4 (Continued) CALMET.DAT file - Header Records Header Record No. Variable No. Variable Type a Description NCOM+3 20 IWFCOD integer Wind field module used (0=objective analysis, 1=diagnostic model) NCOM+3 21 NSSTA integer Number of surface meteorological stations NCOM+3 22 NUSTA integer Number of upper air stations NCOM+3 23 NPSTA integer Number of precipitation stations NCOM+3 24 NOWSTA integer Number of over water stations NCOM+3 25 NLU integer Number of land use categories NCOM+3 26 IWAT1 integer Range of land use categories NCOM+3 27 IWAT2 integer Corresponding to water surfaces (IWAT1 or IWAT2, inclusive) NCOM+3 28 LCALGRD logical Flag indicating if the full set of meteorological parameters required by CALGRID are contained in the file (LCALGRD is normally set to TRUE for CALPUFF applications) NCOM+3 29 PMAP b char*8 Map projection b UTM : Universal Transverse Mercator TTM : Tangential Transverse Mercator LCC : Lambert Conformal Conic PS : Polar Stereographic EM : Equatorial Mercator LAZA : Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area NCOM+3 30 DATUM char*8 DATUM Code for grid coordinates NCOM+3 31 DATEN char*12 NIMA date (MM-DD-YYYY) for datum definitions NCOM+3 32 FEAST real False Easting (km) for PMAP = TTM, LCC, or LAZA NCOM+3 33 FNORTH real False Northing (km) for PMAP = TTM, LCC, or LAZA NCOM+3 34 UTMHEM char*4 Hemisphere for UTM projection (N or S) NCOM+3 35 IUTMZN integer UTM zone for PMAP = UTM 9-127

Section 9: CALPUFF<br />

NCOM+3 19 YORIGR real Y coordin<strong>at</strong>e (m) <strong>of</strong> southwest corner <strong>of</strong> grid cell<br />

(1,1)<br />

a char*N = Character*N<br />


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