Table of Contents - The Atmospheric Studies Group at TRC

Table of Contents - The Atmospheric Studies Group at TRC Table of Contents - The Atmospheric Studies Group at TRC


Section 1: Introduction FLUXBDY.DAT Boundary Data for Mass flux (optional) IO35 Formatted * Variable shown is the parameter controlling the FORTRAN unit number associated with the file. Usually, the value assigned to the parameter is consistent with the name (i.e., IO7 = 7). However, the value can be easily changed in the parameter file to accommodate reserved unit numbers on a particular system. 1-33

Section 1: Introduction Table 1-5: Summary of Input Data Used by CALPUFF Geophysical Data (CALMET.DAT) Gridded fields of: surface roughness lengths (z o ) land use categories terrain elevations leaf area indices Meteorological Data (CALMET.DAT) Gridded fields of: u, v, w wind components (3-D) air temperature (3-D) surface friction velocity (u * ) convective velocity scale (w * ) mixing height (z i ) Monin-Obukhov length (L) PGT stability class Precipitation rate Values of the following parameters at surface met. stations: air density (ρ a ) air temperature short-wave solar radiation relative humidity precipitation type Meteorological Data (ISCMET.DAT) Hourly or sub-hourly values (standard content) wind speed, flow direction temperature, stability class mixing height (z i ) for rural/urban Hourly or sub-hourly values (extended content) surface friction velocity (u * ), Monin-Obukhov length (L) surface roughness (z o ) precipitation code and rate potential temperature gradient 1-34

Section 1: Introduction<br />

FLUXBDY.DAT Boundary D<strong>at</strong>a for Mass flux (optional) IO35 Form<strong>at</strong>ted<br />

* Variable shown is the parameter controlling the FORTRAN unit number associ<strong>at</strong>ed with the file. Usually, the<br />

value assigned to the parameter is consistent with the name (i.e., IO7 = 7). However, the value can be easily<br />

changed in the parameter file to accommod<strong>at</strong>e reserved unit numbers on a particular system.<br />


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