Table of Contents - The Atmospheric Studies Group at TRC

Table of Contents - The Atmospheric Studies Group at TRC Table of Contents - The Atmospheric Studies Group at TRC


Section 8: CALMET Model Files Table 8-23 (Continued) MM5/RUC Derived Gridded Wind Data File Format (3D.DAT) HEADER RECORDS Header Record #NCOMM+5 (not used by RUC) Variable No. Variable Type Description 5 IFRAD Integer MM5 atmospheric radiation scheme 0: none 1: simple cooling 2: cloud-radiation (Dudhia) 3: CCM2 4: RRTM longwave 6 ISOIL Integer MM5 soil model 0: none 1: multi-layer 2: Noah LS model 3: Pleim-Xiu LSM 7 IFDDAN Integer 1: FDDA grid analysis nudging - 0: no FDDA 8 IFDDAOB Integer 1: FDDA observation nudging - 0: no FDDA 9- FLAGS_2D Integer 1/0: Flags for output variables in 2D.DAT (not used in 3D.DAT) Format(30i3) Note: Set to zero for model output other than MM5 8-105

Section 8: CALMET Model Files Table 8-23 (Continued) MM5/RUC Derived Gridded Wind Data File Format (3D.DAT) HEADER RECORDS Header Record #NCOMM+6 Variable No. Variable Type Description 1 IBYRM integer Beginning year of the data in the file 2 IBMOM integer Beginning month of the data in the file 3 IBDYM integer Beginning day of the data in the file 4 IBHRM integer Beginning hour (GMT) of the data in the file 5 NHRSMM5 integer Length of period (hours) of the data in the file 6 NXP integer Number of grid cells in the X direction in the extraction subdomain 7 NYP integer Number of grid cells in the Y direction in the extraction subdomain 8 NZP integer Number of layers in the MM5 domain (half sigma levels) (same as number of vertical levels in data records) format (i4, 3i2,i5,3i4) Header Record #NCOMM+7 Variable No. Variable Type Description 1 NX1 integer I-index (X direction) of the lower left corner of the extraction subdomain 2 NY1 integer J-index (Y direction) of the lower left corner of the extraction subdomain 3 NX2 integer I-index (X direction) of the upper right corner of the extraction subdomain 4 NY2 integer J-index (Y direction) of the upper right corner of the extraction subdomain 8-106

Section 8: CALMET Model Files<br />

<strong>Table</strong> 8-23 (Continued)<br />

MM5/RUC Derived Gridded Wind D<strong>at</strong>a File Form<strong>at</strong> (3D.DAT)<br />


Header Record #NCOMM+5 (not used by RUC)<br />

Variable No. Variable Type Description<br />

5 IFRAD Integer MM5 <strong>at</strong>mospheric radi<strong>at</strong>ion scheme<br />

0: none<br />

1: simple cooling<br />

2: cloud-radi<strong>at</strong>ion (Dudhia)<br />

3: CCM2<br />

4: RRTM longwave<br />

6 ISOIL Integer<br />

MM5 soil model<br />

0: none<br />

1: multi-layer<br />

2: Noah LS model<br />

3: Pleim-Xiu LSM<br />

7 IFDDAN Integer 1: FDDA grid analysis nudging - 0: no FDDA<br />

8 IFDDAOB Integer 1: FDDA observ<strong>at</strong>ion nudging - 0: no FDDA<br />

9- FLAGS_2D Integer 1/0: Flags for output variables in 2D.DAT (not<br />

used in 3D.DAT)<br />

Form<strong>at</strong>(30i3)<br />

Note: Set to zero for model output other than<br />

MM5<br />


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