Table of Contents - The Atmospheric Studies Group at TRC

Table of Contents - The Atmospheric Studies Group at TRC Table of Contents - The Atmospheric Studies Group at TRC


Section 8: CALMET Model Files Table 8-4 (Continued) Input Group 1 Variable Type Description Default Value LCALGRD Logical Store extra data fields required by special modules in CALPUFF and in CALGRID (enter T or F) T=3-D fields of vertical velocity and temperature stored in output file F=these data fields are not stored in the output file (LCALGRD must be T to run CALGRID or to use the subgrid scale complex terrain option in CALPUFF) ITEST Integer Flag to stop run after setup phase (1 = stops run after SETUP, 2 = run continues) T 2 Input Group 2 - Grid Control Parameters Variable Type Description Default Value PMAP* character*8 Map projection UTM UTM : Universal Transverse Mercator TTM : Tangential Transverse Mercator LCC : Lambert Conformal Conic PS : Polar Stereographic EM : Equatorial Mercator LAZA : Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area FEAST real False Easting (km) for PMAP = TTM, LCC, or LAZA 0.0 FNORTH real False Northing (km) for PMAP = TTM, LCC, or LAZA IUTMZN integer UTM zone for PMAP = UTM UTMHEM character*1 Hemisphere for UTM projection (N or S) RLAT0 character*16 Reference latitude (degrees) of origin of map projection. Enter numerical value followed by N for North Latitude or S for South Latitude. Used only if PMAP= TTM, LCC, PS, EM, or LAZA 0.0 - N - 8-33

Section 8: CALMET Model Files Table 8-4 (Continued) Input Group 1 Variable Type Description Default Value RLON0 character*16 Reference longitude (degrees) of origin of map projection. Enter numerical value followed by E for East Longitude or W for West Longitude. Used only if PMAP= TTM, LCC, PS, EM, or LAZA XLAT1 XLAT2 character*16 Latitudes (degrees) of the two matching parallels for map projection (Used only if PMAP= LCC or PS). Enter numerical value followed by N for North Latitude or S for South Latitude. - - DATUM character*8 DATUM Code for grid coordinates. WGS-G NX integer Number of grid cells in the X direction - NY integer Number of grid cells in the Y direction - Input Group 2 - Grid Control Parameters Variable Type Description Default Value DGRIDKM real Horizontal grid spacing (km) - XORIGKM real Reference X coordinate* (km) of the southwest corner of grid cell (1,1) YORIGKM real Reference Y coordinate* (km) of the southwest corner of grid cell (1,1) - - NZ integer Number of vertical layers - ZFACE real array Cell face heights (m). Note: Cell center height of layer "i" is (ZFACE(i+1) + ZFACE(i))/2. NZ+1 values must be entered. * PMAP projections PS, EM, and LAZA are NOT AVAILABLE in CALMET - Table 8-4 (Continued) Input Group 3 - Output Options Variable Type Description Default Value LSAVE logical Disk output control variable. If LSAVE=T, the gridded wind fields are stored in an output disk file (CALMET.DAT). T 8-34

Section 8: CALMET Model Files<br />

<strong>Table</strong> 8-4 (Continued)<br />

Input <strong>Group</strong> 1<br />

Variable Type Description Default Value<br />

LCALGRD Logical Store extra d<strong>at</strong>a fields required by special modules in<br />

CALPUFF and in CALGRID<br />

(enter T or F)<br />

T=3-D fields <strong>of</strong> vertical velocity and<br />

temper<strong>at</strong>ure stored in output file<br />

F=these d<strong>at</strong>a fields are not stored in the<br />

output file<br />

(LCALGRD must be T to run CALGRID or<br />

to use the subgrid scale complex terrain<br />

option in CALPUFF)<br />

ITEST Integer Flag to stop run after setup phase<br />

(1 = stops run after SETUP, 2 = run continues)<br />

T<br />

2<br />

Input <strong>Group</strong> 2 - Grid Control Parameters<br />

Variable Type Description Default Value<br />

PMAP* character*8<br />

Map projection<br />

UTM<br />

UTM : Universal Transverse Merc<strong>at</strong>or<br />

TTM : Tangential Transverse Merc<strong>at</strong>or<br />

LCC : Lambert Conformal Conic<br />

PS : Polar Stereographic<br />

EM : Equ<strong>at</strong>orial Merc<strong>at</strong>or<br />

LAZA : Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area<br />

FEAST real False Easting (km) for PMAP = TTM, LCC, or LAZA 0.0<br />

FNORTH real False Northing (km) for PMAP = TTM, LCC, or<br />

LAZA<br />

IUTMZN integer<br />

UTM zone for PMAP = UTM<br />

UTMHEM character*1<br />

Hemisphere for UTM projection (N or S)<br />

RLAT0 character*16 Reference l<strong>at</strong>itude (degrees) <strong>of</strong> origin <strong>of</strong> map<br />

projection. Enter numerical value followed by N for<br />

North L<strong>at</strong>itude or S for South L<strong>at</strong>itude. Used only if<br />

PMAP= TTM, LCC, PS, EM, or LAZA<br />

0.0<br />

-<br />

N<br />

-<br />


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