Table of Contents - The Atmospheric Studies Group at TRC

Table of Contents - The Atmospheric Studies Group at TRC Table of Contents - The Atmospheric Studies Group at TRC


Section 7: Prognostic Meteorological Interfaces Table 7-33 (Continued) Mesoscale Model 3-D Data File (3D.DAT) HEADER RECORDS Header Record # NCOMM+4 Variable No. Variable Type Description 1 MAPTXT char*3 Map projection LCC: Lambert Land Conformal Projection 2 RLATC real Center latitude (positive for northern hemisphere) 3 RLONC real Center longitude (positive for eastern hemisphere) 4 TRUELAT1 real First true latitude 5 TRUELAT2 real Second true latitude 6 X1DMN real SW dot point X coordinate (km, Grid 1,1) in original domain 7 Y1DMN real SW dot point Y coordinate (km, Grid 1,1) in original domain 8 DXY real Grid size (km) 9 NX integer Number of grids in X-direction (West-East) in original domain 10 NY integer Number of grids in Y-direction (South-North) in original domain 11 NZ integer Number of sigma layers in original domain Format(a4,f9.4,f10.4,2f7.2,2f10.3,f8.3,2i4,i3) 7-72

Section 7: Prognostic Meteorological Interfaces Table 7-33 (Continued) Mesoscale Model 3-D Data File (3D.DAT) HEADER RECORDS Header Record #NCOMM+5 (Note: Values set to zero for models other than MM5) Variable No. Variable Type Description 1 INHYD Integer 0: hydrostatic MM5 run - 1: non-hydrostatic 2 IMPHYS Integer MM5 moisture options. 1: dry 2: removal of super saturation 3: warm rain (Hsie) 4: simple ice scheme (Dudhia) 5: mixed phase (Reisner) 6: mixed phase with graupel (Goddard) 7: mixed phase with graupel (Reisner) 8: mixed phase with graupel (Schultz) 3 ICUPA Integer MM5 cumulus parameterization 1: none 2: Anthes-Kuo 3: Grell 4: Arakawa-Schubert 5: Fritsch-Chappel 6: Kain-Fritsch 7: Betts-Miller 8: Kain-Fritsch 4 IBLTYP Integer MM5 planetary boundary layer (PBL) scheme 0: no PBL 1: bulk PBL 2: Blackadar PBL 3: Burk-Thompson PBL 4: ETA PBL 5: MRF PBL 6: Gayno-Seaman PBL 7: Pleim-Chang PBL 7-73

Section 7: Prognostic Meteorological Interfaces<br />

<strong>Table</strong> 7-33 (Continued)<br />

Mesoscale Model 3-D D<strong>at</strong>a File (3D.DAT)<br />


Header Record # NCOMM+4<br />

Variable No. Variable Type Description<br />

1 MAPTXT char*3 Map projection<br />

LCC: Lambert Land Conformal Projection<br />

2 RLATC real Center l<strong>at</strong>itude (positive for northern hemisphere)<br />

3 RLONC real Center longitude (positive for eastern hemisphere)<br />

4 TRUELAT1 real First true l<strong>at</strong>itude<br />

5 TRUELAT2 real Second true l<strong>at</strong>itude<br />

6 X1DMN real SW dot point X coordin<strong>at</strong>e (km, Grid 1,1) in original<br />

domain<br />

7 Y1DMN real SW dot point Y coordin<strong>at</strong>e (km, Grid 1,1) in original<br />

domain<br />

8 DXY real Grid size (km)<br />

9 NX integer Number <strong>of</strong> grids in X-direction (West-East) in<br />

original domain<br />

10 NY integer Number <strong>of</strong> grids in Y-direction (South-North) in<br />

original domain<br />

11 NZ integer Number <strong>of</strong> sigma layers in original domain<br />

Form<strong>at</strong>(a4,f9.4,f10.4,2f7.2,2f10.3,f8.3,2i4,i3)<br />


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