Table of Contents - The Atmospheric Studies Group at TRC

Table of Contents - The Atmospheric Studies Group at TRC Table of Contents - The Atmospheric Studies Group at TRC


Section 6: SMERGE Surface Data Meteorological Preprocessor Table 6-4: Sample SMERGE Control File Inputs (SMERGE.INP) SMERGE.INP 2.1 Hour Start and End Times with Seconds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SMERGE PROCESSOR CONTROL FILE -------------------------------------- CALMET accepts data for a number of 'surface meteorology stations' in a single SURF.DAT file. SMERGE creates this file from several single-station files of hourly data. Use SMERGE one or more times to build the SURF.DAT file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INPUT GROUP: 0 -- Input and Output File Names ----------------------------------------------------- -------------- Subgroup (0a) -------------- Number of formatted Surface Station files provided in Subgroup 0b. Up to MXFF are allowed in 1 application, although this may be limited by your operating system. MXFF is set in PARAMS.SMG, which is compiled into SMERGE.EXE. (NFF) No Default ! NFF = 1 ! Other Input and Output Files: ----------------------------- Default Name Type File Name ------------ ---- --------- PREV.DAT input ! PREVDAT = Firstrun.dat ! SURF.DAT output ! SURFDAT = Surf.dat ! SMERGE.LST output ! RUNLST = Smerge2.lst ! All file names will be converted to lower case if LCFILES = T Otherwise, if LCFILES = F, file names will be converted to UPPER CASE (LCFILES) Default: T ! LCFILES = T ! T = lower case F = UPPER CASE NOTE: File/path names can be up to 70 characters in length !END! ------------- Subgroup (0b) ------------- The following NFF formatted Surface Station files are processed. Enter NFF 4-line groups identifying the file name (SFCMET), the station number (IFSTN), the station elevation (optional) in meters (XELEV), and the time zone of the data (ASTZ) for each file, followed by a group terminator. 6-7

Section 6: SMERGE Surface Data Meteorological Preprocessor NOTE: ASTZ identifies the time zone used in the dataset. The TD3505 and TD9956 data are prepared in UTC time rather than local time, so ASTZ = UTC+0000. is expected for these. 6-8

Section 6: SMERGE Surface D<strong>at</strong>a Meteorological Preprocessor<br />

NOTE: ASTZ identifies the time zone used in the d<strong>at</strong>aset. <strong>The</strong><br />

TD3505 and TD9956 d<strong>at</strong>a are prepared in UTC time r<strong>at</strong>her than<br />

local time, so ASTZ = UTC+0000. is expected for these.<br />


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