Table of Contents - The Atmospheric Studies Group at TRC

Table of Contents - The Atmospheric Studies Group at TRC Table of Contents - The Atmospheric Studies Group at TRC


Section 6: SMERGE Surface Data Meteorological Preprocessor 6-5

Section 6: SMERGE Surface Data Meteorological Preprocessor Table 6-3: SMERGE Input and Output Files Unit File Name Type Format Description ioprev user input file name Input unformatted or formatted iosurf user input file name output unformatted or formatted Previous SMERGE data file to which stations are to be added (Used only if CFLAG=y) Output data file created by SMERGE containing the processed hourly surface data (this file is the SURF.DAT input file to CALMET) io5 SMERGE. INP input formatted Control file containing user inputs io6 SMERGE.LST output formatted List file (line printer output file) Unit 7 user input file name input formatted Surface data in one of three NCDC formats for station #1 Unit 7 plus 1 user input file name input formatted Surface data in one of three NCDC formats for station #2 (Up to 150 new surface data files are allowed by SMERGE, although this may be limited by the number of files an operating system will allow open at one time. Multiple runs of SMERGE may be necessary.) 6-6

Section 6: SMERGE Surface D<strong>at</strong>a Meteorological Preprocessor<br />


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