Table of Contents - The Atmospheric Studies Group at TRC

Table of Contents - The Atmospheric Studies Group at TRC Table of Contents - The Atmospheric Studies Group at TRC


Section 2: Geophysical Data Processors Read in a second fractional land use file (LLU2) Default: F ! LLU2 = F ! T = supplemental fractional land use read from LU2.DAT F = no supplemental fractional land use data are available 2-53

Section 2: Geophysical Data Processors Table 2-14 (continued) Sample MAKEGEO Control File (MAKEGEO.INP) Daily Snow Data Processing Control US daily SNODAS gridded snow data can be used to modify the surface landuse properties in the modeling grid to create one or more GEO.DAT files that can be used in individual CALMET runs during the winter. Process snow data (LSNOW) Default: F ! LSNOW = F ! T = Process SNODAS snow data F = Do not process SNODAS snow data Format for Time-Varying GEO.DAT output (Used only if LSNOW = T) (IFMTGEO) Default: 1 ! IFMTGEO = 1 ! 1 = One GEO.DAT file for each day. In this format the date stamp will be added to the GEO.DAT file name listed in Group 0. For example, if the name chosen for the output file is geo1km.dat, the name of the daily file for January 10, 2008 would be geo1km_20080110.dat 2 = One time-varying GEO.DAT file for all days in compressed format. (Not Available at this time) Beginning and Ending dates (YYYYMMDD) for daily GEO.DAT (Used only if LSNOW = T) (IDATEBEG) No Default ! IDATEBEG = 20110404 ! (IDATEBEG) No Default ! IDATEEND = 20110404 ! !END! QA information for 1 cell in the grid can be written to the list file. Identify the cell by its grid location (IX,IY). No QA output is generated if either index is outside your grid. For example, using 0 for either turns the QA output off. Location of grid cell for QA output (IXQA) Default: 0 ! IXQA = 20 ! (IYQA) Default: 0 ! IYQA = 15 ! !END! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INPUT GROUP: 2 -- Map Projection and Grid Information for Output -------------- Projection ---------- Map projection for all X,Y (km) (PMAP) Default: UTM ! PMAP = UTM ! UTM : Universal Transverse Mercator TTM : Tangential Transverse Mercator LCC : Lambert Conformal Conic PS : Polar Stereographic EM : Equatorial Mercator 2-54

Section 2: Geophysical D<strong>at</strong>a Processors<br />

Read in a second fractional land use file<br />

(LLU2) Default: F ! LLU2 = F !<br />

T = supplemental fractional land use read from LU2.DAT<br />

F = no supplemental fractional land use d<strong>at</strong>a are available<br />


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