CALPUFF and Postprocessors

CALPUFF and Postprocessors CALPUFF and Postprocessors


Table F-3 (Continued) CALPUFF Control File Inputs - Input Group 5 Output Options In addition to the variables described above, Input Group 5 also contains a table of species with a series of flags indicating if the pollutant's concentration and wet/dry flux fields are to be printed to the output list file (CALPUFF.LST) and/or stored in the output disk files (CONC.DAT, DFLX.DAT, WFLX.DAT, and MASSFLX.DAT). The format of the species output table is shown below. A value of 0 indicates "no", and a value of 1 indicates "yes". Note that the names provided here must be the ouput species names, which would be the species-group names if any species were grouped in Input Group 4. SPECIES (or GROUP for combined species) LIST FOR OUTPUT OPTIONS ---- CONCENTRATIONS ---- ------ DRY FLUXES ------ ------ WET FLUXES ------ -- MASS FLUX -- SPECIES /GROUP PRINTED SAVED ON DISK PRINTED SAVED ON DISK PRINTED SAVED ON DISK SAVED ON DISK ------- ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ --------------- ! SO2 = 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ! ! NOX = 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ! ! PM10 = 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ! Species BCON, which is required when using the boundary condition option (MBCON > 0), does not need to be saved on disk or written to the list file. Select all zeroes for species BCON to avoid creating output files that are larger than needed: ! BCON = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ! MAR 2006 – CALPUFF F-57

Table F-3 (Continued) CALPUFF Control File Inputs - Input Group 6 Subgrid Scale Complex Terrain (CTSG) Inputs Variable Type Description Default Value (Input Group 6a - General CTSG Parameters) NHILL integer Number of subgrid scale terrain features 0 NCTREC integer Number of special subgrid scale complex terrain receptors 0 MHILL integer Terrain and receptor data for CTSG hills input in CTDM format (1 = data created by CTDM processors and read from HILL.DAT and HILLRCT.DAT files; 2 = hill data created by OPTHILL & input below in Subgroup (6b)). - XHILL2M real Factor to convert horizontal dimensions to meters (used only if MHILL = 1) 1.0 ZHILL2M XCTDMKM YCTDMKM real real real Factor to convert vertical dimensions to meters (used only if MHILL = 1) X-origin of CTDM system relative to CALPUFF coordinate system, in Kilometers (MHILL = 1) Y-origin of CTDM system relative to CALPUFF coordinate system, in Kilometers (MHILL = 1) (Input Group 6b - Hill Information) XC real UTM X coordinate (km) of the center of the hill on the meteorological grid YC real UTM Y coordinate (km) of the center of the hill on the meteorological grid THETAH real Orientation of the major axis of the hill (in degrees) clockwise from north ZGRID real Height (m) of the "zero-plane" of the grid above mean sea level - RELIEF real Height (m) of the crest of the hill above the grid elevation - EXPO1 real Hill shape exponent for the major axis of the hill - EXPO2 real Hill shape exponent for the minor axis of the hill - SCALE1 real Horizontal length scale of the hill along the major axis - SCALE2 real Horizontal length scale of the hill along the minor axis - AMAX1 real Maximum allowed axis length of the major axis of the hill - AMAX2 real Maximum allowed axis length of the minor axis of the hill - 1.0 - - - - - MAR 2006 – CALPUFF F-58

Table F-3 (Continued)<br />

<strong>CALPUFF</strong> Control File Inputs - Input Group 6<br />

Subgrid Scale Complex Terrain (CTSG) Inputs<br />

Variable Type Description Default Value<br />

(Input Group 6a - General CTSG Parameters)<br />

NHILL integer Number of subgrid scale terrain features 0<br />

NCTREC integer Number of special subgrid scale complex terrain receptors<br />

0<br />

MHILL<br />

integer<br />

Terrain <strong>and</strong> receptor data for CTSG hills input in CTDM format (1<br />

= data created by CTDM processors <strong>and</strong> read from HILL.DAT <strong>and</strong><br />

HILLRCT.DAT files; 2 = hill data created by OPTHILL & input<br />

below in Subgroup (6b)).<br />

-<br />

XHILL2M<br />

real<br />

Factor to convert horizontal dimensions to meters (used only if<br />

MHILL = 1)<br />

1.0<br />

ZHILL2M<br />



real<br />

real<br />

real<br />

Factor to convert vertical dimensions to meters<br />

(used only if MHILL = 1)<br />

X-origin of CTDM system relative to <strong>CALPUFF</strong> coordinate system,<br />

in Kilometers (MHILL = 1)<br />

Y-origin of CTDM system relative to <strong>CALPUFF</strong> coordinate system,<br />

in Kilometers (MHILL = 1)<br />

(Input Group 6b - Hill Information)<br />

XC real UTM X coordinate (km) of the center of the hill on the<br />

meteorological grid<br />

YC real UTM Y coordinate (km) of the center of the hill on the<br />

meteorological grid<br />

THETAH real Orientation of the major axis of the hill (in degrees) clockwise from<br />

north<br />

ZGRID real Height (m) of the "zero-plane" of the grid above mean sea level -<br />

RELIEF real Height (m) of the crest of the hill above the grid elevation -<br />

EXPO1 real Hill shape exponent for the major axis of the hill -<br />

EXPO2 real Hill shape exponent for the minor axis of the hill -<br />

SCALE1 real Horizontal length scale of the hill along the major axis -<br />

SCALE2 real Horizontal length scale of the hill along the minor axis -<br />

AMAX1 real Maximum allowed axis length of the major axis of the hill -<br />

AMAX2 real Maximum allowed axis length of the minor axis of the hill -<br />

1.0<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

MAR 2006 – <strong>CALPUFF</strong><br />


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