CALPUFF and Postprocessors

CALPUFF and Postprocessors CALPUFF and Postprocessors


Table G-26 Sample Nephelometer File (VSRN.DAT) (Partial Listing) SITE YYYYMMDD JD HHMM INS BSP PREC V A RAW-M RAW-SD # N/A SD/M DEL MAX RH 0123456789mPM0T YINTER SLOPE AT AT-SD # AT-PR CT CT-SD # CT-PR RH RH-SD # RH-PR N/A MOZ2 19941009 282 0000 048 22 0.140 0 43.33 1.60 12 -99.0 10.0 50 5000 90 0C0000000000000 -18.9 1.12 -3.58 0.19 12 1.00 -3.01 0.14 12 1.00 85.17 1.06 12 2.00XXXX MOZ2 19941009 282 0100 048 17 0.140 0 38.87 1.36 12 -99.0 10.0 50 5000 90 0C0000000000000 -18.9 1.12 -3.67 0.23 12 1.00 -2.79 0.10 12 1.00 82.03 0.93 12 2.00XXXX MOZ2 19941009 282 0200 048 18 0.140 0 40.24 0.71 12 -99.0 10.0 50 5000 90 0C0000000000000 -18.8 1.12 -3.94 0.10 12 1.00 -2.94 0.05 12 1.00 84.49 0.72 12 2.00XXXX MOZ2 19941009 282 0300 048 19 0.140 0 40.54 1.47 12 -99.0 10.0 50 5000 90 0C0000000000000 -18.7 1.12 -4.07 0.07 12 1.00 -3.06 0.04 12 1.00 84.49 1.40 12 2.00XXXX MOZ2 19941009 282 0400 048 16 0.140 0 38.57 1.72 10 -99.0 10.0 50 5000 90 0A2000000000003 -18.7 1.12 -4.30 0.11 12 1.00 -3.19 0.09 9 1.00 82.56 0.84 12 2.00XXXX MOZ2 19941009 282 0500 048 18 0.140 0 39.50 1.40 12 -99.0 10.0 50 5000 90 0C0000000000000 -18.7 1.12 -4.40 0.21 12 1.00 -3.33 0.13 12 1.00 82.87 1.13 12 2.00XXXX MOZ2 19941009 282 0600 048 15 0.140 0 37.24 1.04 12 -99.0 10.0 50 5000 90 0C0000000000000 -18.7 1.12 -4.16 0.16 12 1.00 -3.05 0.20 12 1.00 79.12 1.44 12 2.00XXXX MOZ2 19941009 282 0700 048 13 0.140 0 35.60 1.34 12 -99.0 10.0 50 5000 90 0C0000000000000 -18.7 1.12 -3.62 0.43 12 1.00 -2.23 0.41 12 1.00 76.14 2.20 12 2.00XXXX MOZ2 19941009 282 0800 048 10 0.140 0 32.62 1.26 12 -99.0 10.0 50 5000 90 0C0000000000000 -18.7 1.12 -2.02 0.48 12 1.00 -0.29 0.63 11 1.00 69.82 1.82 12 2.00XXXX MOZ2 19941009 282 0900 048 10 0.140 0 32.75 1.42 12 -99.0 10.0 50 5000 90 0C0000000000000 -18.7 1.12 -0.69 0.31 12 1.00 1.32 0.33 12 1.00 65.75 1.18 12 2.00XXXX MOZ2 19941009 282 1000 048 10 0.140 0 32.94 1.73 10 -99.0 10.0 50 5000 90 0A2000000000003 -18.7 1.12 0.24 0.30 12 1.00 2.03 0.40 9 1.00 63.34 1.71 12 2.00XXXX MOZ2 19941009 282 1100 048 15 0.140 0 37.18 1.47 12 -99.0 10.0 50 5000 90 0C0000000000000 -18.8 1.12 1.23 0.29 12 1.00 3.13 0.28 12 1.00 66.90 1.48 12 2.00XXXX MOZ2 19941009 282 1200 048 15 0.140 0 37.44 1.76 12 -99.0 10.0 50 5000 90 0C0000000000000 -19.1 1.12 2.13 0.23 12 1.00 4.27 0.27 12 1.00 64.31 1.93 12 2.00XXXX MOZ2 19941009 282 1300 048 12 0.140 0 35.03 1.17 12 -99.0 10.0 50 5000 90 0C0000000000000 -19.3 1.12 2.74 0.32 12 1.00 4.74 0.35 12 1.00 57.82 4.01 10 2.00XXXX MOZ2 19941009 282 1400 048 9 0.140 0 32.69 0.83 12 -99.0 10.0 50 5000 90 0C0000000000000 -19.6 1.12 3.86 0.34 12 1.00 5.73 0.34 12 1.00 51.25 2.95 12 2.00XXXX MOZ2 19941009 282 1500 048 10 0.140 0 33.59 0.98 12 -99.0 10.0 50 5000 90 0C0000000000000 -19.8 1.12 4.35 0.17 12 1.00 5.94 0.20 12 1.00 50.14 1.11 12 2.00XXXX MOZ2 19941009 282 1600 048 10 0.140 0 34.10 1.64 12 -99.0 10.0 50 5000 90 0C0000000000001 -20.1 1.12 3.82 0.22 12 1.00 5.25 0.23 11 1.00 51.88 1.66 12 2.00XXXX MOZ2 19941009 282 1700 048 11 0.140 0 34.78 1.66 10 -99.0 10.0 50 5000 90 0A2000000000002 -20.3 1.12 2.18 0.75 12 1.00 3.46 0.93 10 1.00 57.44 2.77 12 2.00XXXX MOZ2 19941009 282 1800 048 11 0.140 0 35.13 0.73 12 -99.0 10.0 50 5000 90 0C0000000000000 -20.4 1.12 1.12 0.22 12 1.00 2.01 0.23 12 1.00 58.90 1.04 12 2.00XXXX MOZ2 19941009 282 1900 048 10 0.140 0 34.22 0.96 12 -99.0 10.0 50 5000 90 0C0000000000000 -20.4 1.12 0.71 0.13 12 1.00 1.56 0.11 12 1.00 56.36 1.23 12 2.00XXXX MOZ2 19941009 282 2000 048 10 0.140 0 34.27 1.51 12 -99.0 10.0 50 5000 90 0C0000000000000 -20.4 1.12 0.02 0.13 12 1.00 0.89 0.16 12 1.00 56.45 0.99 12 2.00XXXX MOZ2 19941009 282 2100 048 9 0.140 0 33.52 0.64 12 -99.0 10.0 50 5000 90 0C0000000000000 -20.4 1.12 -0.17 0.06 12 1.00 0.61 0.06 12 1.00 55.21 0.41 12 2.00XXXX MOZ2 19941009 282 2200 048 9 0.140 0 33.48 0.89 12 -99.0 10.0 50 5000 90 0C0000000000000 -20.5 1.12 -0.33 0.04 12 1.00 0.43 0.03 12 1.00 54.33 1.55 12 2.00XXXX MOZ2 19941009 282 2300 048 8 0.140 0 32.90 0.77 10 -99.0 10.0 50 5000 90 0A2000000000003 -20.5 1.12 -0.26 0.08 12 1.00 0.50 0.07 9 1.00 47.41 0.78 12 2.00XXXX MOZ2 19941010 283 0000 048 8 0.140 0 32.44 0.63 12 -99.0 10.0 50 5000 90 0C0000000000000 -20.4 1.12 -0.42 0.16 12 1.00 0.41 0.11 12 1.00 48.51 1.46 12 2.00XXXX Field Description SITE Site Abbreviation YYYYMMDD Date (4-digit year/month/day) JD Julian Date HHMM Time using a 24-hour clock in hour/minute format INS Nephelometer Serial Number BSP bsp (Mm -1 ) C Particle scattering coefficient = Total - Rayleigh PREC bsp Estimated Precision (%/100) V bsp Validity Code(0=valid, 1=interference, 2=invalid, 9=suspect) A bsp Interference Code RAW-M Raw Nephelometer Hourly Average (Counts) RAW-SD Standard Deviation of Raw Nephelometer Average (Counts) # Number of Data Points in Hourly Nephelometer Average N/A (Not Used) SD/M Standard Deviation/Mean Interference Threshold DEL bsp Rate of Change Interference Threshold MAX Maximum bsp Interference Threshold RH Relative Humidity Interference Threshold 0123456789mPMOT Composite Nephelometer Code Summary YINTER Y-intercept of Calibration Line Used to Calculate bsp SLOPE Slope of Calibration Line Used to Calculate bsp AT Average Ambient Temperature (°C) AT-SD Standard Deviation of Hourly AT Average # Number of Data Points in Hourly AT Average AT-PR Estimated Precision of Ambient Temperature CT Average Nephelometer Chamber Temperature (°C) CD-SD Standard Deviation of Hourly CT Average # Number of Data Points in Hourly CT Average CT-PR Estimated Precision of Chamber Temperature RH Average Relative Humidity (%) RH-SD Standard Deviation of Hourly RH Average # Number of Data Points in Hourly RH Average RH-PR Estimated Precision of Relative Humidity MAR 2006 -- PostProc G-82

G.7 CALPOST Output Files G.7.1 List File (CALPOST.LST) The list file has four logical sections. The first section contains an image of the control file inputs; the second section contains a summary of these inputs and it documents the content of the CALPUFF output file that is processed; the third section contains the tabulations of CALPOST results requested by the user; and the fourth section reports the peak value(s) obtained for each averaging time processed. An example list file is shown in Table G-27, with the first logical section removed (the input file for this example was shown in Table G-22). Each table contains specific reference to the averaging time, the pollutant species (CALPOST processes a single species at a time), concentration/deposition units, receptor locations, and the date and time (marked at the end of the averaging period). When visibility is assessed, the modeled extinction in inverse megameters (1/Mm) is processed and reported just like concentration or deposition. In addition, the peak daily average visibility reduction is reported for each day processed, characterized as either a percent change in extinction (from background), or as a change in deciview. G.7.2 Visibility File (DAILY_VISIB_VUNAM.DAT) When visibility processing is selected and plot-files are requested, the peak daily average visibility reduction tabulations written to the list file are written to disk as a visibility file as well. This facilitates the use of subsequent analysis tools, such as spreadsheets. The record format is the same as that used in the list file. The user may accept the default filename (V24.DAT), or augment the default name with up to five additional characters. G.7.3 Plot-file(s) CALPOST can generate a set of optional plot-files containing the "top N" highest concentrations/deposition fluxes at each receptor, the number of exceedances of user-specified threshold values at each receptor and averaging time, or the values of concentration/deposition flux for userspecified time periods. Two formats are available for these plot-files. The first, called DATA format, is of the form: receptor (X, Y), value1, ... , value4 as described in Table G-28. This comma-delimited format is suitable for both gridded and discrete receptor data. It is compatible with many of the popular PC-based graphics and analysis packages. An example of this format is shown in Table G-29. The second format, called the GRID format is appropriate for gridded receptor fields only. It is directly compatible with the contouring option of the Surfer7 plotting package (i.e., it bypasses the need to first interpolate the data to a regular rectangular grid by the plotting package). Its record structure is described in Table G-30, and an example is shown in Table G-31. MAR 2006 -- PostProc G-83

G.7 CALPOST Output Files<br />

G.7.1<br />

List File (CALPOST.LST)<br />

The list file has four logical sections. The first section contains an image of the control file inputs; the<br />

second section contains a summary of these inputs <strong>and</strong> it documents the content of the <strong>CALPUFF</strong> output<br />

file that is processed; the third section contains the tabulations of CALPOST results requested by the user;<br />

<strong>and</strong> the fourth section reports the peak value(s) obtained for each averaging time processed. An example<br />

list file is shown in Table G-27, with the first logical section removed (the input file for this example was<br />

shown in Table G-22).<br />

Each table contains specific reference to the averaging time, the pollutant species (CALPOST processes a<br />

single species at a time), concentration/deposition units, receptor locations, <strong>and</strong> the date <strong>and</strong> time (marked<br />

at the end of the averaging period). When visibility is assessed, the modeled extinction in inverse<br />

megameters (1/Mm) is processed <strong>and</strong> reported just like concentration or deposition. In addition, the peak<br />

daily average visibility reduction is reported for each day processed, characterized as either a percent<br />

change in extinction (from background), or as a change in deciview.<br />

G.7.2<br />

Visibility File (DAILY_VISIB_VUNAM.DAT)<br />

When visibility processing is selected <strong>and</strong> plot-files are requested, the peak daily average visibility<br />

reduction tabulations written to the list file are written to disk as a visibility file as well. This facilitates<br />

the use of subsequent analysis tools, such as spreadsheets. The record format is the same as that used in<br />

the list file. The user may accept the default filename (V24.DAT), or augment the default name with up<br />

to five additional characters.<br />

G.7.3<br />

Plot-file(s)<br />

CALPOST can generate a set of optional plot-files containing the "top N" highest<br />

concentrations/deposition fluxes at each receptor, the number of exceedances of user-specified threshold<br />

values at each receptor <strong>and</strong> averaging time, or the values of concentration/deposition flux for userspecified<br />

time periods. Two formats are available for these plot-files. The first, called DATA format, is<br />

of the form: receptor (X, Y), value1, ... , value4 as described in Table G-28. This comma-delimited<br />

format is suitable for both gridded <strong>and</strong> discrete receptor data. It is compatible with many of the popular<br />

PC-based graphics <strong>and</strong> analysis packages. An example of this format is shown in Table G-29. The<br />

second format, called the GRID format is appropriate for gridded receptor fields only. It is directly<br />

compatible with the contouring option of the Surfer7 plotting package (i.e., it bypasses the need to first<br />

interpolate the data to a regular rectangular grid by the plotting package). Its record structure is described<br />

in Table G-30, <strong>and</strong> an example is shown in Table G-31.<br />

MAR 2006 -- PostProc<br />


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