CALPUFF and Postprocessors

CALPUFF and Postprocessors CALPUFF and Postprocessors


G.6 CALPOST Input Files G.6.1 User Control File (CALPOST.INP) User-specified inputs to CALPOST are read from a control file whose default name is CALPOST.INP. A description of each input variable is shown in Table G-21, and a sample input file is presented in Table G- 22. This control file uses the same self-documenting control file format as CALPUFF. See Section F.1 for a description of the control file input conventions. Selections may be made by either editing an existing control file, or by using the CALPOST GUI. Note that you can generate a Anew@ control file with all of the standard options and comments by saving the ANEW.INP@ file from the GUI to disk. G.6.2 CALPUFF Output Files (MODEL.DAT and VISB.DAT) The program reads the concentration/deposition flux data from an unformatted data file (default name: MODEL.DAT) that is generated by the CALPUFF model (or CALGRID). CALPUFF also generates a file containing relative humidity data (default name: VISB.DAT), which is read by CALPOST if needed for the visibility option selected. The structure of these files is described in Section F-13. G.6.3 Background Concentrations/Deposition Fluxes (BACK.DAT) As an option, a spatially uniform, hourly background concentration/deposition flux can be added to modeled concentrations/deposition fluxes before averages are processed in CALPOST. These values are provided in a formatted ASCII file (default name: BACK.DAT) prepared by the user. Table G-23 lists the record structure for this file, and a partial listing of a sample file is presented in Table G-24. Units for the background values may be different from those requested from CALPOST. Therefore, the scaling factor placed in the header record is an important feature. It converts the native units for the background concentrations to g/m 3 , or it converts the native units for background deposition fluxes to g/m 2 /s. These are the internal units used in the CALPUFF output file. Any units conversion specified in the control file (parameter IPRTU) can then be applied uniformly to both the CALPUFF and background values. Note that the multiplicative and additive scaling factors (A, B) are not applied to the background values. G.6.4 Visibility Measurements (VSRN.DAT) CALPOST allows the use of visibility measurements to establish hourly background extinction for use in assessing the change in visibility resulting from modeled emissions. Two formats are supported for these data, and both are taken from the data files available on CD-ROM from the Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments (IMPROVE) program. When background extinction method number 4 is selected in the control file (MVISBK = 4), transmissometer measurements must be provided in the MAR 2006 -- PostProc G-60

IMPROVE format. Example records for this file are listed in Table G-25. When background extinction method number 5 is selected in the control file (MVISBK = 5), nephelometer measurements must be provided in the IMPROVE format. Example records for this file are listed in Table G-26. CALPOST uses the content of one field in the file header record to identify which type of file is provided (it must be consistent with the MVISBK selection). The first 26 characters are read, and the characters in position 24-26 must be >INS= for the nephelometer data file. Subsequent data records are read using the following statements, where the variable Ameas@ is the extinction coefficient (Mm -1 ): Transmissometer Data C read(in5,102) iyr,ijday,ihr,meas,ivflag,irh 102 format(7x,i2,5x,i3,1x,i2,2x,i5,22x,i2,17x,i2) Nephelometer Data C read(in5,101) iyr,ijday,ihr,meas,ivflag,rh 101 format(7x,i2,5x,i3,1x,i2,8x,i6,8x,i2,40x,40x,40x,11x,f7.2) If similar measurements are available from other sources, they may be used in CALPOST by adhering to this file structure. Note that the transmissometer measurements are assumed to provide the total extinction coefficient, whereas the nephelometer measurements provide just the extinction coefficient due to particle scattering. MAR 2006 -- PostProc G-61

G.6 CALPOST Input Files<br />

G.6.1 User Control File (CALPOST.INP)<br />

User-specified inputs to CALPOST are read from a control file whose default name is CALPOST.INP. A<br />

description of each input variable is shown in Table G-21, <strong>and</strong> a sample input file is presented in Table G-<br />

22. This control file uses the same self-documenting control file format as <strong>CALPUFF</strong>. See Section F.1<br />

for a description of the control file input conventions. Selections may be made by either editing an<br />

existing control file, or by using the CALPOST GUI. Note that you can generate a Anew@ control file<br />

with all of the st<strong>and</strong>ard options <strong>and</strong> comments by saving the ANEW.INP@ file from the GUI to disk.<br />

G.6.2 <strong>CALPUFF</strong> Output Files (MODEL.DAT <strong>and</strong> VISB.DAT)<br />

The program reads the concentration/deposition flux data from an unformatted data file (default name:<br />

MODEL.DAT) that is generated by the <strong>CALPUFF</strong> model (or CALGRID). <strong>CALPUFF</strong> also generates a<br />

file containing relative humidity data (default name: VISB.DAT), which is read by CALPOST if needed<br />

for the visibility option selected. The structure of these files is described in Section F-13.<br />

G.6.3 Background Concentrations/Deposition Fluxes (BACK.DAT)<br />

As an option, a spatially uniform, hourly background concentration/deposition flux can be added to<br />

modeled concentrations/deposition fluxes before averages are processed in CALPOST. These values are<br />

provided in a formatted ASCII file (default name: BACK.DAT) prepared by the user. Table G-23 lists<br />

the record structure for this file, <strong>and</strong> a partial listing of a sample file is presented in Table G-24.<br />

Units for the background values may be different from those requested from CALPOST. Therefore, the<br />

scaling factor placed in the header record is an important feature. It converts the native units for the<br />

background concentrations to g/m 3 , or it converts the native units for background deposition fluxes to<br />

g/m 2 /s. These are the internal units used in the <strong>CALPUFF</strong> output file. Any units conversion specified in<br />

the control file (parameter IPRTU) can then be applied uniformly to both the <strong>CALPUFF</strong> <strong>and</strong> background<br />

values. Note that the multiplicative <strong>and</strong> additive scaling factors (A, B) are not applied to the background<br />

values.<br />

G.6.4 Visibility Measurements (VSRN.DAT)<br />

CALPOST allows the use of visibility measurements to establish hourly background extinction for use in<br />

assessing the change in visibility resulting from modeled emissions. Two formats are supported for these<br />

data, <strong>and</strong> both are taken from the data files available on CD-ROM from the Interagency Monitoring of<br />

Protected Visual Environments (IMPROVE) program. When background extinction method number 4 is<br />

selected in the control file (MVISBK = 4), transmissometer measurements must be provided in the<br />

MAR 2006 -- PostProc<br />


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