CALPUFF and Postprocessors

CALPUFF and Postprocessors CALPUFF and Postprocessors


Table G-20 (concluded) CALPOST Input and Output Files Unit File Name Type Format Description mapu mapu EXCEED_ASPEC_ttHR_CONC_ XUNAM.DAT EXCEED_ASPEC_ttHR_CONC_ XUNAM.GRD yyyy_Mmm_Ddd_hh00(UTCszzzz )_L00_ASPEC_ttHR_CONC.DAT yyyy_Mmm_Ddd_hh00(UTCszzzz )_L00_ASPEC_ttHR_CONC.GRD output formatted Exceedance Plot File in DATA format Exceedance Plot File in GRID format output formatted Echo Plot File in DATA format Echo Plot File in GRID format mapu DAILY_VISIB_VUNAM.DAT output formatted Daily Peak Summary of Visibility Filenames for optional files are constructed using a template that includes a pathname, optional user-supplied character(s), and automatically generated characters, where tt = averaging period (e.g. 03) yyyy = year mm = month dd = day hh = ending hour (00-23) szzzz = time added to UTC to obtain base time (szzzz = -0500 for time zone 5) DAT = DATA format (comma-delimited ASCII file in x, y, value1, value2, ... , value4 format) GRD = GRID format (only for gridded receptors) compatible with Surfer7 plotting software MAR 2006 -- PostProc G-58

CALPOST generates an output list file (default name: CALPOST.LST) and a set of optional files. The names for the optional files follow a fixed template, with one or more characters reserved for the user to specify in order to distinguish output from multiple applications. For example, a plot-file in GRID format containing the highest second-high 24-hour average concentration of species ASPEC at each receptor would be called: RANK(02)_ASPEC_24HR_CONC_TEST1.grd where "TEST1" is the user-specified run identifier. If the user does not enter a run identifier, the file would be called: RANK(02)_ASPEC_24HR_CONC.grd A plot-file in DATA format containing the number of exceedances of a 3-hour concentration threshold specified by the user for species ASPEC with a run identifier "TEST2" would be called: EXCEED_ASPEC_03HR_CONC_TEST2.dat Plot-files in GRID format containing 8-hour average concentrations of species ASPEC for Julian Day 112 in 1995 (April 22) in base time zone 5 (EST in the USA) would be called 1995_M04_D22_hh08(UTC-0500)_L00_ASPEC_08HR_CONC.GRD 1995_M04_D22_hh16(UTC-0500)_L00_ASPEC_08HR_CONC.GRD 1995_M04_D23_hh00(UTC-0500)_L00_ASPEC_08HR_CONC.GRD A visibility analysis with a run identifier "TOTAL" would generate the plot-file: DAILY_VISIB_TOTAL.DAT As with CALPUFF and CALMET, CALPOST is configured by means of a parameter file, called PARAMS.PST, in which all of the array dimensions related to the number of gridded, discrete, and complex terrain receptors, the number of "top N" tables allowed, and the Fortran unit numbers associated with each input and output file are specified. If for a particular application, the user needs to increase the number of discrete receptors, for example, beyond the current maximum, a change to the value of the discrete receptor parameter in PARAMS.PST will automatically re-size all arrays related to this parameter upon recompilation of the CALPOST code. MAR 2006 -- PostProc G-59

Table G-20 (concluded)<br />

CALPOST Input <strong>and</strong> Output Files<br />

Unit File Name Type Format Description<br />

mapu<br />

mapu<br />





yyyy_Mmm_Ddd_hh00(UTCszzzz<br />

)_L00_ASPEC_ttHR_CONC.DAT<br />

yyyy_Mmm_Ddd_hh00(UTCszzzz<br />

)_L00_ASPEC_ttHR_CONC.GRD<br />

output formatted Exceedance Plot File in DATA format<br />

Exceedance Plot File in GRID format<br />

output formatted Echo Plot File in DATA format<br />

Echo Plot File in GRID format<br />

mapu DAILY_VISIB_VUNAM.DAT output formatted Daily Peak Summary of Visibility<br />

Filenames for optional files are constructed using a template that includes a pathname, optional user-supplied character(s), <strong>and</strong><br />

automatically generated characters, where<br />

tt = averaging period (e.g. 03)<br />

yyyy = year mm = month dd = day hh = ending hour (00-23)<br />

szzzz = time added to UTC to obtain base time (szzzz = -0500 for time zone 5)<br />

DAT = DATA format (comma-delimited ASCII file in x, y, value1, value2, ... , value4 format)<br />

GRD = GRID format (only for gridded receptors) compatible with Surfer7 plotting software<br />

MAR 2006 -- PostProc<br />


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