CALPUFF and Postprocessors

CALPUFF and Postprocessors CALPUFF and Postprocessors


Table G-3 Sample PRTMET Control File (PRTMET.INP) !END! Print CALMET header run variables (e.g., grid definition, ...) (LHDV) Default: T ! LHDV = T ! Print full CALMET control file image (LMETCF) Default: F ! LMETCF = F ! Print meteorological station (X,Y) coordinates (LSFC) surface Default: F ! LSFC = F ! (LUPC) upper air Default: F ! LUPC = F ! (LPRC) precipitation Default: F ! LPRC = F ! Print nearest surface station ID for each grid point (LNEARS) Default: F ! LNEARS = F ! Print surface meteorological data (temp, rho, SW rad, rh, precip code) (LSURF) Default: F ! LSURF = F ! Print 2-D gridded domain characteristics (LLI) Leaf Area Index Default: F ! LLI = F ! (LLU) Landuse Default: F ! LLU = F ! (LTE) Terrain Default: F ! LTE = F ! (LZ0) Roughness Default: F ! LZ0 = F ! Format used when printing gridded domain characteristics (used only if corresponding LLI,LLU,LTE,LZ0 is true) 0 = use self-scaling exponential format 1 = use fixed decimal format (FLI) Leaf Area Index Default: 0 ! FLI = 0 ! (FLU) Landuse Default: 0 ! FLU = 0 ! (FTE) Terrain Default: 0 ! FTE = 0 ! (FZ0) Roughness Default: 0 ! FZ0 = 0 ! Print 2-D gridded meteorological data (LSTAB) PG stability Default: F ! LSTAB = F ! (LUSTR) u-star Default: F ! LUSTR = F ! (LMOLN) Monin-Obukhov L Default: F ! LMOLN = F ! (LWSTR) w-star Default: F ! LWSTR = F ! (LMXHT) mixing ht Default: F ! LMXHT = F ! (LPRAT) precip. rate Default: F ! LPRAT = F ! Format used when printing 2-D gridded meteorological data (used only if corresponding LSTAB,LUSTR,LMOLN,LWSTR,LMXHT,LPRAT is true) 0 = use self-scaling exponential format 1 = use fixed decimal format (FSTAB) PG stability Default: 0 ! FSTAB = 0 ! (FUSTR) u-star Default: 0 ! FUSTR = 0 ! (FMOLN) Monin-Obukhov L Default: 0 ! FMOLN = 0 ! (FWSTR) w-star Default: 0 ! FWSTR = 0 ! (FMXHT) mixing ht Default: 0 ! FMXHT = 0 ! (FPRAT) precip. rate Default: 0 ! FPRAT = 0 ! Present wind data as speed and direction (IPWS) Default: 1 ! IPWS = 1 ! 0 = present as U,V components 1 = present as wind speed, direction Scale factor to convert wind speed from m/s to other units (WSFAC) Default: 1.0 ! WSFAC = 1.0 ! 1.0 = m/s 1.944 = to knots 2.237 = to mph Format used when printing wind speeds 0 = use self-scaling exponential format 1 = use fixed decimal format (FWS) Default: 0 ! FWS = 0 ! Number of layers of 3-D meteorological data printed (Identify data for each layer in Subgroup 2b) (N3D) Default: 0 ! N3D = 0 ! ------------- Subgroup (2b) ------------- a,b DATA FOR EACH LAYER PRINTED (N3D entries) ----------------------------------------- c U,V or MAR 2006 -- PostProc G-10

Table G-3 Sample PRTMET Control File (PRTMET.INP) LAYER WS,WD W TEMPERATURE ----- ----- ----- ----- * X = 3, 1, 0, 0 * *END* ------------- a 0 = do not print this variable for this layer 1 = print this variable for this level b Each line is treated as a separate input subgroup and therefore must end with an input group terminator. c U,V or WS,WD format is selected by variable IPWS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INPUT GROUP: 3 -- Snapshot Output Plotfiles -------------- ------------- Subgroup (3a) ------------- Snapshot plotfiles can be created automatically for each CALMET layer, and each hour in the processing period identified in Group 1. The plotfiles are compatible with the SURFER graphics system and are given names that include the date-time and model layer. Filenames are of the form YYYY_JJJ_HHMM(UTC+HHMM)_LZZ.* YYYY = Year (Local Standard Time, LST) JJJ = Julian Day (LST) HHMM = Hour & minute (LST) (UTC+HHMM) = LST definition (e.g. EST = UTC-0500) ZZ = CALMET layer (00 for 2D variables) Create plotfiles for each hour (LVECT) Wind Vectors (*.wsp,*.wdr) Default: F ! LVECT = F ! -- or -- (*.usp,*.vsp) -- or -- (*.vec) (LTEMP) Temperature (*.deg) Default: F ! LTEMP = F ! (LPREC) Precipitation (*.prc) Default: F ! LPREC = F ! (LMIXH) Mixing Height (*.mix) Default: F ! LMIXH = F ! (LIPGT) PGT Stability (*.pgt) Default: F ! LIPGT = F ! Force snapshot files to be ASCII (text), otherwise files containing non-integer data will be written as BINARY to reduce file size. (LSNAPTXT) Default: T ! LSNAPTXT = F ! Type of file created for the Wind Vector option (MVECT) Default: 0 ! MVECT = 1 ! 0 = *.vec (SURFER POST file) 1 = *.wsp, *.wdr (speed and direction SURFER GRD files) 2 = *.usp, *.vsp (U and V speed SURFER GRD files) Number of layers of 3-D meteorological data written to plot files. (Identify layers in Subgroup 3b) If set to 0, only layer 1 is provided. (NZPLOT) Default: 0 ! NZPLOT = 0 ! Specific snapshot plotfiles can be created for selected CALMET layers and hours in the processing period identified in Group 1. The plotfiles are compatible with the SURFER graphics system and are given names by the user. Number of snapshot plotfiles explicitly defined in Subgroup 3c (NSNAP) Default: 0 ! NSNAP = 0 ! !END! ------------- Subgroup (3b) ------------- a,b LAYERS PLOTTED (NZPLOT entries) ---------------------------------- LAYER WIND TEMPERATURE ----- ---- ----------- * X = 3, 1, 0 * *END* ------------- a 0 = do not print this variable for this layer 1 = print this variable for this level MAR 2006 -- PostProc G-11

Table G-3<br />

Sample PRTMET Control File (PRTMET.INP)<br />


----- ----- ----- -----<br />

* X = 3, 1, 0, 0 * *END*<br />

-------------<br />

a<br />

0 = do not print this variable for this layer<br />

1 = print this variable for this level<br />

b<br />

Each line is treated as a separate input subgroup <strong>and</strong> therefore<br />

must end with an input group terminator.<br />

c<br />

U,V or WS,WD format is selected by variable IPWS<br />

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

INPUT GROUP: 3 -- Snapshot Output Plotfiles<br />

--------------<br />

-------------<br />

Subgroup (3a)<br />

-------------<br />

Snapshot plotfiles can be created automatically for each CALMET layer, <strong>and</strong><br />

each hour in the processing period identified in Group 1. The plotfiles<br />

are compatible with the SURFER graphics system <strong>and</strong> are given names that<br />

include the date-time <strong>and</strong> model layer. Filenames are of the form<br />


YYYY = Year (Local St<strong>and</strong>ard Time, LST)<br />

JJJ = Julian Day (LST)<br />

HHMM = Hour & minute (LST)<br />

(UTC+HHMM) = LST definition (e.g. EST = UTC-0500)<br />

ZZ = CALMET layer (00 for 2D variables)<br />

Create plotfiles for each hour<br />

(LVECT) Wind Vectors (*.wsp,*.wdr) Default: F ! LVECT = F !<br />

-- or -- (*.usp,*.vsp)<br />

-- or -- (*.vec)<br />

(LTEMP) Temperature (*.deg) Default: F ! LTEMP = F !<br />

(LPREC) Precipitation (*.prc) Default: F ! LPREC = F !<br />

(LMIXH) Mixing Height (*.mix) Default: F ! LMIXH = F !<br />

(LIPGT) PGT Stability (*.pgt) Default: F ! LIPGT = F !<br />

Force snapshot files to be ASCII (text), otherwise files<br />

containing non-integer data will be written as BINARY<br />

to reduce file size.<br />

(LSNAPTXT) Default: T ! LSNAPTXT = F !<br />

Type of file created for the Wind Vector option<br />

(MVECT) Default: 0 ! MVECT = 1 !<br />

0 = *.vec (SURFER POST file)<br />

1 = *.wsp, *.wdr (speed <strong>and</strong> direction SURFER GRD files)<br />

2 = *.usp, *.vsp (U <strong>and</strong> V speed SURFER GRD files)<br />

Number of layers of 3-D meteorological data written to plot files.<br />

(Identify layers in Subgroup 3b)<br />

If set to 0, only layer 1 is provided.<br />

(NZPLOT) Default: 0 ! NZPLOT = 0 !<br />

Specific snapshot plotfiles can be created for selected CALMET layers <strong>and</strong><br />

hours in the processing period identified in Group 1. The plotfiles<br />

are compatible with the SURFER graphics system <strong>and</strong> are given names by the<br />

user.<br />

Number of snapshot plotfiles explicitly defined in Subgroup 3c<br />

(NSNAP) Default: 0 ! NSNAP = 0 !<br />

!END!<br />

-------------<br />

Subgroup (3b)<br />

-------------<br />

a,b<br />


----------------------------------<br />


----- ---- -----------<br />

* X = 3, 1, 0 * *END*<br />

-------------<br />

a<br />

0 = do not print this variable for this layer<br />

1 = print this variable for this level<br />

MAR 2006 -- PostProc<br />


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