CALPUFF and Postprocessors

CALPUFF and Postprocessors CALPUFF and Postprocessors


Table G-2 (Concluded) PRTMET Control File Inputs (PRTMET.INP) Input group Variable Type Description (3a) LVECT logical Create plot files of wind vectors for each CALMET layer each hour (T: Yes ; F: No) LTEMP Logical Create plot files of temperature for each CALMET layer each hour (T: Yes ; F: No) LWSPE Logical Create plot files of wind speed for each CALMET layer each hour (T: Yes ; F: No) LPREC Logical Create plot files of precipitation for each CALMET layer each hour (T: Yes ; F: No) LMIXH Logical Create plot files of mixing height for each CALMET layer each hour (T: Yes ; F: No) LIPGT logical Create plot files of PGT class for each CALMET layer each hour (T: Yes ; F: No) NSNAP integer Number of snapshot plot files to be created. NSNAP x 2- line entries FILESNAP XXXX Character*132 Char*4= Integer, integer Output file name Layer number, time (hour) for variable XXXX to plot. Variable XXXX options: VECT (wind field, vector plot), UVEL (u-component of wind velocity, VVEL (v-component of wind velocity),WVEL(w-component of wind velocity),, TEMP (temperature),WDIR (Wind direction), WSPE(wind speed), IPGT (PGT class), USTA(Friction velocity), MONL(Monin- Obukhov length, WSTA( convective velocity), MIXH (mixing height), PREC(precipitation rate) (4a) NMEAN integer Number of averaged field plot files to be created. IBEGAV integer Beginning hour of the averaging period (IBEGIN=1 corresponds to IYR, IMO, IDAY, IHR) IENDAV integer Ending hour of the averaging period. (4b) FILEMEAN Character*132 Output file name (average fields) NMEAN x 2-line entries XXXX Char*4 = integer Variable to plot (same variable options as for snapshots), layer number MAR 2006 -- PostProc G-8

Table G-3 Sample PRTMET Control File (PRTMET.INP) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRTMET PROCESSOR CONTROL FILE ----------------------------- PRTMET reads the binary meteorological data file produced by CALMET (CALMET.DAT), and reports selected information in formats amenable to quantitative analysis, QA review, or visualization. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a INPUT GROUP: 0 -- Input and Output Files -------------- Default Name Type File Name ------------ ---- --------- CALMET.DAT input ! METDAT =met1.dat ! PRTMET.LST output ! RUNLST =prtmet1.lst ! PRTTIME.DAT output ! PRTTIME =oct1_all_hours.dat ! Note: PRTTIME is a time-series file created only if a single point is selected for processing/printing in Input Group 1. 2D and 3D variables specified in Input Group 2 are written each period for this point. All file names will be converted to lower case if LCFILES = T Otherwise, if LCFILES = F, file names will be converted to UPPER CASE (LCFILES) Default: T ! LCFILES = F ! T = lower case F = UPPER CASE NOTE: File/path names can be up to 132 characters in length ------------- a Additional output files may be defined in Input Groups 3 and 4 when specific snapshot plots or average field plots are requested. !END! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INPUT GROUP: 1 -- Run control parameters -------------- --- Processing Period --- Starting date: Year (IBYR) -- No default ! IBYR = 1990 ! Month (IBMO) -- No default ! IBMO = 7 ! Day (IBDY) -- No default ! IBDY = 8 ! [00-23] Hour (IBHR) -- No default ! IBHR = 18 ! Ending date: Year (IEYR) -- No default ! IEYR = 1990 ! Month (IEMO) -- No default ! IEMO = 7 ! Day (IEDY) -- No default ! IEDY = 9 ! [00-23] Hour (IEHR) -- No default ! IEHR = 6 ! --------------- NOTE: The hour is defined by the time at the end of the hour --- Processing Options --- Time interval between printed/plotted fields (hr) Enter 1 to print every hour, enter 2 to print every second hour, etc. (ICHR) Default: 1 ! ICHR = 1 ! Portion of meteorological grid to print/plot Enter beginning (NBX,NBY) and ending (NEX,NEY) cell indices (enter 0 to indicate entire grid). (NBX) Default: 0 ! NBX = 0 ! (NBY) Default: 0 ! NBY = 0 ! (NEX) Default: 0 ! NEX = 0 ! (NEY) Default: 0 ! NEY = 0 ! !END! Note: If only one gridpoint is specified, variables selected in Input Group 2 are written to a separate time-series output file defined in Input Group 0. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INPUT GROUP: 2 -- Listfile Output Options -------------- ------------- Subgroup (2a) ------------- MAR 2006 -- PostProc G-9

Table G-2 (Concluded)<br />

PRTMET Control File Inputs (PRTMET.INP)<br />

Input group Variable Type Description<br />

(3a) LVECT logical Create plot files of wind vectors for each<br />

CALMET layer each hour (T: Yes ; F: No)<br />

LTEMP Logical Create plot files of temperature for each<br />

CALMET layer each hour (T: Yes ; F: No)<br />

LWSPE Logical Create plot files of wind speed for each CALMET<br />

layer each hour (T: Yes ; F: No)<br />

LPREC Logical Create plot files of precipitation for each<br />

CALMET layer each hour (T: Yes ; F: No)<br />

LMIXH Logical Create plot files of mixing height for each<br />

CALMET layer each hour (T: Yes ; F: No)<br />

LIPGT logical Create plot files of PGT class for each CALMET<br />

layer each hour (T: Yes ; F: No)<br />

NSNAP integer Number of snapshot plot files to be created.<br />

NSNAP x 2-<br />

line entries<br />


XXXX<br />

Character*132<br />

Char*4=<br />

Integer, integer<br />

Output file name<br />

Layer number, time (hour) for variable XXXX to<br />

plot. Variable XXXX options: VECT (wind field,<br />

vector plot), UVEL (u-component of wind<br />

velocity, VVEL (v-component of wind<br />

velocity),WVEL(w-component of wind velocity),,<br />

TEMP (temperature),WDIR (Wind direction),<br />

WSPE(wind speed), IPGT (PGT class),<br />

USTA(Friction velocity), MONL(Monin-<br />

Obukhov length, WSTA( convective velocity),<br />

MIXH (mixing height), PREC(precipitation rate)<br />

(4a) NMEAN integer Number of averaged field plot files to be created.<br />

IBEGAV integer Beginning hour of the averaging period<br />

(IBEGIN=1 corresponds to IYR, IMO, IDAY,<br />

IHR)<br />

IENDAV integer Ending hour of the averaging period.<br />

(4b)<br />


Character*132<br />

Output file name (average fields)<br />

NMEAN x<br />

2-line<br />

entries<br />

XXXX<br />

Char*4 =<br />

integer<br />

Variable to plot (same variable options as for<br />

snapshots), layer number<br />

MAR 2006 -- PostProc<br />


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