CALPUFF and Postprocessors

CALPUFF and Postprocessors CALPUFF and Postprocessors


This process is simplified somewhat if a batch file is used to manage the filenames. One such batch file for DOS (RUNOPT.BAT) is included with the testcase. It requires three filenames as arguments: RUNOPT file1 file2 file3 where file1 OPTHILL.EXE executable program file file2 user.inp input file file3 user.out output file The batch file copies file2 to OPTHILL.INP, runs OPTHILL.EXE which creates OPTHILL.LST, then renames OPTHILL.LST to the name supplied as file3. For the example above, axis #1 would be processed by typing the command: RUNOPT OPTHILL.EXE AXIS1.INP AXIS1.LST With these results, hill information that is independent of the choice of coordinate system and the modeling grid for the wind model can be specified: xc,yc (m) thetah (deg) (depends on choice of coordinates) 69E zgrid (m) (depends on grid for wind model) relief (m) 300. expo (1) 1.91 expo (2) 1.24 scale (1) (m) 1523. scale (2) (m) 2896. axmax (1) (m) 2000. axmax (2) (m) 1500. Note that scale(2) is almost twice scale(1), even though axis 1 corresponds to the longer axis of the hill. This can occur because the "scale" parameter is a property of the entire inverse-polynomial function (Equation F-1), rather than just the portion of the function that is fit to the profile of the terrain. In Figure F-1, the shape of the terrain might best conform to the upper 10% of the polynomial function, in which case the "scale" parameter would exceed "axmax." In this example application of the OPTHILL program, we see that axmax(2) is substantially less than axmax(1), whereas scale(2) exceeds scale(1), indicating that a comparatively smaller portion of the polynomial function represents the terrain profile along the minor axis. MAR 2006 – CALPUFF F-283

G. POSTPROCESSORS The CALMET meteorological model generates a large unformatted meteorological data file which includes hourly gridded wind fields and temperature at multiple levels and hourly gridded surface meteorological fields such as PGT (Pasquill-Gifford-Turner) stability class, friction velocity, Monin- Obukhov length, mixing height, convective velocity scale, and precipitation rate. A postprocessor is designed to access this file: PRTMET is a postprocessor intended to aid in the analysis of the CALMET output data file by allowing the user to display selected portions of the meteorological data. After making one or more CALPUFF simulations, hourly concentrations and/or deposition fluxes for each species at each receptor exist in several unformatted data files. A single CALPUFF application can produce four such files: CONC.DAT (concentrations in g/m 3 ); WFLUX.DAT (wet deposition fluxes in g/m 2 /s); DFLUX.DAT (dry deposition fluxes in g/m 2 /s); and VISB.DAT (relative humidity for visibility analyses). When a period is simulated as a sequence of shorter-period CALPUFF applications, as when a year is simulated in chunks of about four weeks, for example, each of the shorter runs produces its own set of files. When certain groups of sources need to be characterized separately, individual CALPUFF applications are required for each group, again producing a set of data files for each application. Similarly, certain species may be modeled separately, producing more output data files. Data in all of these files must be processed to obtain results that can be used to characterize air quality impacts in terms of multiple-hour averages, increment consumption, threshold exceedences, visibility reduction, total deposition, and so forth. Postprocessors designed for this work include: APPEND CALSUM POSTUTIL CALPOST is a postprocessor which appends two or more sequential CALPUFF concentration, wet flux, dry flux or relative humidity (visibility) files in time. is a postprocessor which sums and scales concentrations or wet/dry fluxes from two or more source groups from different CALPUFF runs. is a postprocessor which operates on one or more CALPUFF concentration and wet/dry flux files to create new species as weighted combinations of modeled species; to sum wet and dry deposition fluxes; to merge species from different runs into a single output file; to sum and scale results from different runs; to repartition nitric acid/nitrate based on total available sulfate and ammonia; and to add time/space-varying background. is a postprocessor which operates on one CALPUFF concentration or wet/dry deposition flux file to perform visibility calculations; to average and summarize concentrations and deposition fluxes; to determine ranked concentration/ flux/light extinction values; and to create list files and plot files. MAR 2006 -- PostProc G-1

This process is simplified somewhat if a batch file is used to manage the filenames. One such batch file<br />

for DOS (RUNOPT.BAT) is included with the testcase. It requires three filenames as arguments:<br />

RUNOPT file1 file2 file3<br />

where<br />

file1 OPTHILL.EXE executable program file<br />

file2 user.inp input file<br />

file3 user.out output file<br />

The batch file copies file2 to OPTHILL.INP, runs OPTHILL.EXE which creates OPTHILL.LST, then<br />

renames OPTHILL.LST to the name supplied as file3. For the example above, axis #1 would be<br />

processed by typing the comm<strong>and</strong>:<br />


With these results, hill information that is independent of the choice of coordinate system <strong>and</strong> the<br />

modeling grid for the wind model can be specified:<br />

xc,yc (m)<br />

thetah (deg)<br />

(depends on choice of coordinates)<br />

69E<br />

zgrid (m)<br />

(depends on grid for wind model)<br />

relief (m) 300.<br />

expo (1) 1.91<br />

expo (2) 1.24<br />

scale (1) (m) 1523.<br />

scale (2) (m) 2896.<br />

axmax (1) (m) 2000.<br />

axmax (2) (m) 1500.<br />

Note that scale(2) is almost twice scale(1), even though axis 1 corresponds to the longer axis of the hill.<br />

This can occur because the "scale" parameter is a property of the entire inverse-polynomial function<br />

(Equation F-1), rather than just the portion of the function that is fit to the profile of the terrain. In Figure<br />

F-1, the shape of the terrain might best conform to the upper 10% of the polynomial function, in which<br />

case the "scale" parameter would exceed "axmax." In this example application of the OPTHILL program,<br />

we see that axmax(2) is substantially less than axmax(1), whereas scale(2) exceeds scale(1), indicating<br />

that a comparatively smaller portion of the polynomial function represents the terrain profile along the<br />

minor axis.<br />

MAR 2006 – <strong>CALPUFF</strong><br />


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