CALPUFF and Postprocessors

CALPUFF and Postprocessors CALPUFF and Postprocessors


DFLX.DAT File - Data Records The DFLX.DAT data records consist of a set of "NDFOUT+1" records for each hour of the CALPUFF runs (NDFOUT is the number of species flagged as being stored in the output file). The first record of each set contains the date and hour of the data in the records which follow it. The next "NDFOUT" records contain predicted one-hour averaged dry deposition fluxes in g/m 2 /s for each relevant species (see Table F-55). Sample FORTRAN read statements for the data records (in uncompressed format) are: READ(iunit)nyrb,njulb,nhrb,nsecb,nyre,njule,nhre,nsece READ(iunit) istype,isnum,sname,sxkm,sykm +)) LOOP OVER DRY DEPOSITED SPECIES STORED ON DISK * * GRIDDED RECEPTOR DRY FLUXES * IF(LSGRID)READ(iunit)CDFG,DFLXG * * DISCRETE RECEPTOR DRY FLUXES * IF(NDREC.GT.0)READ(iunit)CDFD,DFLXD * .)) END LOOP OVER DRY DEPOSITED SPECIES STORED ON DISK where the following declarations apply: Character*15 CDFG,CDFD Real DFLXG(nxg,nyg),DFLXD(NDREC) and nxg = IESAMP - IBSAMP+1 nyg = JESAMP - JBSAMP+1 CALPUFF contains an option to compress the data by replacing strings of zeroes with a coded repetition factor. The factor is a negative number whose absolute value indicates the number of consecutive zeroes that have been replaced by the repetition factor. This method is especially useful in reducing the size of the output file when large segments of the receptor arrays lie upwind of the puffs during an hour, thereby producing long strings of zeroes in the output arrays. For example, the following record with data for 20 receptors requires 20 unpacked words: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.2, 3.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.7, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 These data in packed form would be represented in six words: -5., 1.2, 3.5, -6., 0.7, -6. MAR 2006 – CALPUFF F-233

Table F-55 Unformatted DFLX.DAT File - Data Records (Records 1 and 2 of each set) No. Variable Type Description (Record 1) 1 NYRB integer Year (4 digits) at start of averaging period 2 NJULB integer Julian day at start of averaging period 3 NHRB integer Hour (00-23 LST) at start of averaging period 4 NSECB integer Second (0000-3599 LST) at start of averaging period 5 NYRE integer Year (4 digits) at end of averaging period 6 NJULE integer Julian day at end of averaging period 7 NHRE integer Hour (00-23 LST) at end of averaging period 8 NSECE integer Second (0000-3599 LST) at start of averaging period No. Variable Type a Description (Record 2) 1 ISTYPE integer Source type 2 ISNUM integer Source number of this type 3 SNAME C*16 Source name 4 SXKM real Source X-coordinate (km) in the modeling map projection 5 SYKM real Source Y-coordinate (km) in the modeling map projection a C*16 = Character*16 (Next Data Record) (Included only if LSAMP = TRUE) No. Variable Type Description 1 CDFG C*15 Species name (characters 1-12) and variable flag (characters 13-15) of the data in this record. For example b , "SO2..........DF" corresponds to SO 2 dry flux. Next NXG*NYG DFLXG real array "IAVG" - hour averaged dry deposition fluxes (g/m 2 /s) for each gridded receptor MAR 2006 – CALPUFF F-234

DFLX.DAT File - Data Records<br />

The DFLX.DAT data records consist of a set of "NDFOUT+1" records for each hour of the <strong>CALPUFF</strong><br />

runs (NDFOUT is the number of species flagged as being stored in the output file). The first record of<br />

each set contains the date <strong>and</strong> hour of the data in the records which follow it. The next "NDFOUT"<br />

records contain predicted one-hour averaged dry deposition fluxes in g/m 2 /s for each relevant species (see<br />

Table F-55).<br />

Sample FORTRAN read statements for the data records (in uncompressed format) are:<br />

READ(iunit)nyrb,njulb,nhrb,nsecb,nyre,njule,nhre,nsece<br />

READ(iunit) istype,isnum,sname,sxkm,sykm<br />


*<br />



*<br />



*<br />


where the following declarations apply:<br />

Character*15 CDFG,CDFD<br />

Real DFLXG(nxg,nyg),DFLXD(NDREC)<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

nxg = IESAMP - IBSAMP+1<br />

nyg = JESAMP - JBSAMP+1<br />

<strong>CALPUFF</strong> contains an option to compress the data by replacing strings of zeroes with a coded repetition<br />

factor. The factor is a negative number whose absolute value indicates the number of consecutive zeroes<br />

that have been replaced by the repetition factor. This method is especially useful in reducing the size of<br />

the output file when large segments of the receptor arrays lie upwind of the puffs during an hour, thereby<br />

producing long strings of zeroes in the output arrays. For example, the following record with data for 20<br />

receptors requires 20 unpacked words:<br />

0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.2, 3.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,<br />

0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.7, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0<br />

These data in packed form would be represented in six words:<br />

-5., 1.2, 3.5, -6., 0.7, -6.<br />

MAR 2006 – <strong>CALPUFF</strong><br />


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