CALPUFF and Postprocessors

CALPUFF and Postprocessors CALPUFF and Postprocessors


Table F-52 (Continued) Unformatted CONC.DAT file - Header Record NCOM+3 - General Data No. Variable Type a Description Sample Values 51 PMAP C*8 Map projection UTM 52 UTMHEM C*4 Hemisphere (N or S) for UTM projection N 53 DATUM C*8 Datum code WGS-84 54 DATEN C*12 NIMA date (MM-DD-YYYY) for datum definitions 10-10-2002 55 CLAT0 C*16 Latitude of origin of map projection 45.8N 56 CLON0 C*16 Longitude of origin of map projection 75.2W 57 CLAT1 C*16 Matching latitude #1 of map projection 30N 58 CLAT2 C*16 Matching latitude #2 of map projection 60N a C*N = Character*N MAR 2006 – CALPUFF F-211

Table F-52 (Continued) Unformatted CONC.DAT file - Header Header Record NCOM+4 - Run Title No. Variable Type a Description 1 TITLE (3) C*80 User-specified run title (three lines of up to 80 characters/line) a C*80 = Character*80 Header Record NCOM+5 - List of Species in Output File No. Variable Type a Description 1-NSPEC CSOUT array C*15 Species name (characters 1-12) and layer (characters 13-15) of concentrations stored in the output file. For example b , "SO2...........1" indicates SO 2 concentrations in Layer 1; "DIOXINP.......1" indicates dioxin in particulate form in Layer 1. CALPUFF concentrations are always computed at ground-level, so therefore are labeled as Layer 1, but there can be up to NZ layers in CALGRID.). a C*15 = Character*15 b Dots (....) indicate spaces. MAR 2006 – CALPUFF F-212

Table F-52 (Continued)<br />

Unformatted CONC.DAT file - Header Record NCOM+3 - General Data<br />

No. Variable Type a Description Sample<br />

Values<br />

51 PMAP C*8 Map projection UTM<br />

52 UTMHEM C*4 Hemisphere (N or S) for UTM projection N<br />

53 DATUM C*8 Datum code WGS-84<br />

54 DATEN C*12 NIMA date (MM-DD-YYYY) for datum definitions 10-10-2002<br />

55 CLAT0 C*16 Latitude of origin of map projection 45.8N<br />

56 CLON0 C*16 Longitude of origin of map projection 75.2W<br />

57 CLAT1 C*16 Matching latitude #1 of map projection 30N<br />

58 CLAT2 C*16 Matching latitude #2 of map projection 60N<br />

a<br />

C*N = Character*N<br />

MAR 2006 – <strong>CALPUFF</strong><br />


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