CALPUFF and Postprocessors

CALPUFF and Postprocessors CALPUFF and Postprocessors


COASTLN.DAT File - Data Records The COASTLN.DAT file contains "NCOAST" groups of coastal coordinates and related data. Each group of records consists of a single data header record (see Table F-46) followed by a variable number of data records (see Table F-47) containing the X and Y coordinates of each point used to define the coastline. The number of coastlines (NCOAST) must not exceed the maximum number specified in the parameter file (MXCOAST), and the number of points used to define a coastline must not exceed its maximum (MXPTCST). See the PARAMS.PUF file for the specification of the MXCOAST and MXPTCST variables. Sample Fortran read statements for COASTLN.DAT data records are: +))) Loop over "NCOAST" coastlines (i) * * READ(iunit,*)ADIR, ALABEL * * +))) Loop over data points (j) * * * * READ(iunit,*)XKM(i,j), YKM(i,j) * * * .))) End loop over data points * .))) End loop over coastlines where the following declarations apply: REAL XKM(mxcoast,mxptcst),YKM(mxcoast,mxptcst) CHARACTER*2 ADIR CHARACTER*12 ALABEL MAR 2006 – CALPUFF F-195

Table F-46 COASTLN.DAT - Data Header Record Contents (Data header and data point set repeated for each coastline) No. Variable Type a Description 1 ADIR C*2 Flag indicating which side of the coastline water is located as one moves in the direction of the data points in the file (WR indicates water is on right side, WL indicates water is on left side). 2 ALABEL C*16 Character identifier or name of the water body a C*2 = Character*2 C*16= Character*16 MAR 2006 – CALPUFF F-196

Table F-46<br />

COASTLN.DAT - Data Header Record Contents<br />

(Data header <strong>and</strong> data point set repeated for each coastline)<br />

No. Variable Type a Description<br />

1 ADIR C*2 Flag indicating which side of the coastline water is<br />

located as one moves in the direction of the data<br />

points in the file (WR indicates water is on right<br />

side, WL indicates water is on left side).<br />

2 ALABEL C*16 Character identifier or name of the water body<br />

a C*2 = Character*2<br />

C*16= Character*16<br />

MAR 2006 – <strong>CALPUFF</strong><br />


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