CALPUFF and Postprocessors

CALPUFF and Postprocessors CALPUFF and Postprocessors


COASTLN.DAT File - Header Record The header record of the COASTLN.DAT file contain the name, version, and label of the data set, the UTM zone of the coordinates, and the number of coastlines defined in the file (see Table F-45). A sample Fortran read statement for the header record is: READ(iunit,*)FNAMEC,NCOAST,IUTMCST,VRSCST,LABCST where the following declaration applies: CHARACTER*12 FNAMEC,VRSCST,LABCST. MAR 2006 – CALPUFF F-193

Table F-45 COASTLN.DAT - Header Record - General Data No. Variable Type a Description Sample Values 1 FNAMEC C*12 Data set name COASTLN 2 NCOAST integer Number of coastlines in the file 2 3 ITUMCST integer UTM zone in which coastline coordinates are specified (enter 0 if using Lambert conformal coordinates) 4 VRSCST C*12 Data set version = CALPUFF version 5 5 LABCST C*12 Data set label Test 19 a C*12 = Character*12 MAR 2006 – CALPUFF F-194

COASTLN.DAT File - Header Record<br />

The header record of the COASTLN.DAT file contain the name, version, <strong>and</strong> label of the data set, the<br />

UTM zone of the coordinates, <strong>and</strong> the number of coastlines defined in the file (see Table F-45). A<br />

sample Fortran read statement for the header record is:<br />


where the following declaration applies:<br />


MAR 2006 – <strong>CALPUFF</strong><br />


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