CALPUFF and Postprocessors

CALPUFF and Postprocessors CALPUFF and Postprocessors


Table F-42 HILL.DAT File - Record Group Structure Record Group * Columns Variable Type Description 1 6-7 NH integer Hill ID number 1 9-10 NZ integer Number of critical elevations 1 21-30 HTP real Elevation of top of feature (user units) 1 31-45 HNAME character Hill name 2 ** 1-10 ZH real Critical elevation (user units) 2 11-20 XHW real X-coordinate of ellipse centroid (user units) 2 21-30 YHW real Y-coordinate of ellipse centroid (user units) 2 31-40 MAJORW real Orientation (deg) of major axis from North 2 41-50 MAJAXW real Semi-major axis length (user units) 2 51-60 MINAXW real Semi-minor axis length (user units) 3 ** 1-10 ZH real Critical elevation (again) 3 11-20 L(1) real X-coordinate of cut-off hill (user units) 3 21-30 L(2) real Y-coordinate of cut-off hill (user units) 3 31-40 MAJORL real Orientation (deg) of major axis of cut-off hill from North 3 41-50 EXPOMA real Inverse polynomial exponent for major axis 3 51-60 EXPOMI real Inverse polynomial exponent for minor axis 3 61-70 SCALMA real Inverse polynomial length scale for major axis 3 71-80 SCALMI real Inverse polynomial length scale for minor axis * Record groups are repeated for each hill in the file ** There are NZ records for group 2 followed by NZ records for group 3 MAR 2006 – CALPUFF F-189

Table F-43 HILLRCT.DAT File - Data Records (One record per CTSG receptor) Columns Variable Type Description 1-16 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-65 RNAME XR YR ZR GE NH * character real real real real integer Receptor name X-coordinate (user units) Y-coordinate (user units) Height above ground (user units) Ground-level elevation (user units) ID number of hill under this receptor * Receptors with NH=0 are ignored MAR 2006 – CALPUFF F-190

Table F-42<br />

HILL.DAT File - Record Group Structure<br />

Record<br />

Group *<br />

Columns Variable Type Description<br />

1 6-7 NH integer Hill ID number<br />

1 9-10 NZ integer Number of critical elevations<br />

1 21-30 HTP real Elevation of top of feature (user units)<br />

1 31-45 HNAME character Hill name<br />

2 ** 1-10 ZH real Critical elevation (user units)<br />

2 11-20 XHW real X-coordinate of ellipse centroid (user units)<br />

2 21-30 YHW real Y-coordinate of ellipse centroid (user units)<br />

2 31-40 MAJORW real Orientation (deg) of major axis from North<br />

2 41-50 MAJAXW<br />

real<br />

Semi-major axis length (user units)<br />

2 51-60 MINAXW real Semi-minor axis length (user units)<br />

3 ** 1-10 ZH real<br />

Critical elevation (again)<br />

3 11-20 L(1) real X-coordinate of cut-off hill (user units)<br />

3 21-30 L(2) real Y-coordinate of cut-off hill (user units)<br />

3 31-40 MAJORL real Orientation (deg) of major axis of cut-off hill<br />

from North<br />

3 41-50 EXPOMA real Inverse polynomial exponent for major axis<br />

3 51-60 EXPOMI real Inverse polynomial exponent for minor axis<br />

3 61-70 SCALMA real Inverse polynomial length scale for major axis<br />

3 71-80 SCALMI real Inverse polynomial length scale for minor axis<br />

* Record groups are repeated for each hill in the file<br />

** There are NZ records for group 2 followed by NZ records for group 3<br />

MAR 2006 – <strong>CALPUFF</strong><br />


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