CALPUFF and Postprocessors

CALPUFF and Postprocessors CALPUFF and Postprocessors


Table F-35 Sample Hourly Ozone Data File (OZONE.DAT) 'OZONE', 3, 11, 1980001, 0, 1980002, 0, '5', 'Test' 'STATION 1', 168.000, 3840.000 'STATION 2', 200.000, 3880.000 'STATION 3', 180.000, 3860.000 1980, 001, 0, 9999., 62., 50. 1980, 001, 1, 9999., 9999., 9999. 1980, 001, 2, 68., 61., 9999. 1980, 001, 3, 66., 9999., 9999. 1980, 001, 4, 9999., 9999., 53. 1980, 001, 5, 9999., 9999., 9999. 1980, 001, 6, 9999., 9999., 9999. 1980, 001, 7, 9999., 9999., 9999. 1980, 001, 8, 69., 68., 60. 1980, 001, 9, 72., 75., 65. 1980, 001, 10, 74., 78., 69. 1980, 001, 11, 87., 85., 74. 1980, 001, 12, 102., 99., 84. 1980, 001, 13, 109., 105., 92. 1980, 001, 14, 120., 118., 102. 1980, 001, 15, 116., 116., 95. 1980, 001, 16, 103., 100., 97. 1980, 001, 17, 98., 90., 88. 1980, 001, 18, 89., 82., 83. 1980, 001, 19, 9999., 9999., 80. 1980, 001, 20, 9999., 9999., 78. 1980, 001, 21, 9999., 9999., 74. 1980, 001, 22, 9999., 9999., 69. 1980, 001, 23, 9999., 9999., 69. 1980, 002, 00, 9999., 9999., 68. MAR 2006 – CALPUFF F-177

OZONE.DAT File - Header Record The header records of the OZONE.DAT file contain the name, version, and label of the data set, the number of ozone stations, and starting and ending time periods of data in the file (see Table F-36). A sample Fortran read statement for the header record is: READ(iunit,*)FNAMEO,NOZSTA,IUTMOZ,IBDATO,IBTIMO,IEDATO, 1 IETIMO,VRSOZ,LABOZ where the following declaration applies: CHARACTER*12 FNAMEO,VRSOZ,LABOZ. MAR 2006 – CALPUFF F-178

OZONE.DAT File - Header Record<br />

The header records of the OZONE.DAT file contain the name, version, <strong>and</strong> label of the data set, the<br />

number of ozone stations, <strong>and</strong> starting <strong>and</strong> ending time periods of data in the file (see Table F-36). A<br />

sample Fortran read statement for the header record is:<br />



where the following declaration applies:<br />


MAR 2006 – <strong>CALPUFF</strong><br />


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