CALPUFF and Postprocessors

CALPUFF and Postprocessors CALPUFF and Postprocessors


VOLEMARB.DAT File - Data Records The VOLEMARB.DAT file contains two types of data records. A set of time-invariant records (see Table F-30) are read after the header records. These records specify the source names, and a user-defined index (read but not used). A set of time-varying data follows (see Table F-31). The time-varying records contain the source location, its effective height above ground, the elevation (MSL) at the location, the initial F y and F z , and the emission rate for each species. Sample Fortran read statements for time-invariant data records in the unformatted file are: +)))QLoop over sources * * READ(iunit)CID,TIDATA * .)))QEnd loop over sources and sample Fortran read statements for time-invariant data records in the formatted file are: +)))QLoop over sources * * READ(iunit,*)CID,TIDATA * .)))QEnd loop over sources where the following declarations apply: CHARACTER*16 CID REAL TIDATA Sample Fortran read statements for time-varying data records in the unformatted file are: +)))QLoop over time periods * * READ(iunit)IBDAT,IBTIM,IEDAT,IETIM * * +)))QLoop over sources * * * * READ(iunit)CID,XKM,YKM,HTAGL,ELMSL,SIGYI,SIGZI,QEMIT * * * .)))QEnd loop over sources * .)))QEnd loop over time periods MAR 2006 – CALPUFF F-159

and sample Fortran read statements for time-varying data records in the formatted file are: +)))QLoop over time periods * * READ(iunit,*)IBDAT,IBTIM,IEDAT,IETIM * * +)))QLoop over sources * * * * READ(iunit,*)CID,XKM,YKM,HTAGL,ELMSL,SIGYI,SIGZI,QEMIT * * * .)))QEnd loop over sources * .)))QEnd loop over time periods where the following declarations apply: CHARACTER*16 CID REAL QEMIT(nse4) MAR 2006 – CALPUFF F-160

<strong>and</strong> sample Fortran read statements for time-varying data records in the formatted file are:<br />

+)))QLoop over time periods<br />

*<br />


*<br />

* +)))QLoop over sources<br />

* *<br />


* *<br />

* .)))QEnd loop over sources<br />

*<br />

.)))QEnd loop over time periods<br />

where the following declarations apply:<br />


REAL QEMIT(nse4)<br />

MAR 2006 – <strong>CALPUFF</strong><br />


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