CALPUFF and Postprocessors

CALPUFF and Postprocessors CALPUFF and Postprocessors


Table F-25 (Concluded) LNEMARB.DAT - Header Record 4 - Molecular Weights No. * Type a Description Sample Values 1 real Molecular weight for species 1 200. 2 real Molecular weight for species 2 200. . . . . . . . . . . NSE5 real Molecular weight for species "NSE5" . . 200. * "NSE5" elements of XMWEM5 array MAR 2006 – CALPUFF F-145

LNEMARB.DAT File - Data Records The LNEMARB.DAT file contains two types of data records. A set of time-invariant records (see Table F-26) are read after the header records, to specify parameters used in modeling all line sources in the file, and the number of time-invariant names used to identify each line source. A set of time-varying data follows (see Table F-27). The first record in this group identifies the time period. The second identifies the number of groups of active line sources. Thereafter, a block of records must be supplied for each active group. The first of these identifies the number of active lines, and the average characteristics of this group of active lines. The remaining time-varying records in the block complete the description for each active line: the character name given to the line, the coordinates of the end-points, the release height, the elevation of the ground, and an emission rate for each species. Sample Fortran read statements for time-invariant data records are: READ(iunit,*)MXNSEG,NLRISE +)))QLoop over maximum number of lines (NSRC5) comprising all groups * * READ(iunit,*)CID * .)))QEnd loop over lines where the following declarations apply: CHARACTER*16 CID Sample Fortran read statements for time-varying data records are: +)))QLoop over time periods * * READ(iunit,*)IBDAT,IBTIM,IEDAT,IETIM * READ(iunit,*)NGROUPS * * +)))QLoop over groups * * * * READ(iunit,*)NLINES,XL,HBL,WBL,WML,DXL,FPRIMEL * * * * +)))QLoop over active lines (NLINES) * * * * * * READ(iunit,*)CID,XBEGL,YBEGL,XENDL,YENDL,HTL,ELEVL,QL * * * * * .)))QEnd loop over active lines * * * .)))QEnd loop over groups * .)))QEnd loop over time periods where the following declarations apply: CHARACTER*16 CID REAL QL(nse5) MAR 2006 – CALPUFF F-146

LNEMARB.DAT File - Data Records<br />

The LNEMARB.DAT file contains two types of data records. A set of time-invariant records (see Table<br />

F-26) are read after the header records, to specify parameters used in modeling all line sources in the file,<br />

<strong>and</strong> the number of time-invariant names used to identify each line source. A set of time-varying data<br />

follows (see Table F-27). The first record in this group identifies the time period. The second identifies<br />

the number of groups of active line sources. Thereafter, a block of records must be supplied for each<br />

active group. The first of these identifies the number of active lines, <strong>and</strong> the average characteristics of<br />

this group of active lines. The remaining time-varying records in the block complete the description for<br />

each active line: the character name given to the line, the coordinates of the end-points, the release height,<br />

the elevation of the ground, <strong>and</strong> an emission rate for each species.<br />

Sample Fortran read statements for time-invariant data records are:<br />

READ(iunit,*)MXNSEG,NLRISE<br />

+)))QLoop over maximum number of lines (NSRC5) comprising all groups<br />

*<br />

* READ(iunit,*)CID<br />

*<br />

.)))QEnd loop over lines<br />

where the following declarations apply:<br />


Sample Fortran read statements for time-varying data records are:<br />

+)))QLoop over time periods<br />

*<br />


* READ(iunit,*)NGROUPS<br />

*<br />

* +)))QLoop over groups<br />

* *<br />


* *<br />

* * +)))QLoop over active lines (NLINES)<br />

* * *<br />


* * *<br />

* * .)))QEnd loop over active lines<br />

* *<br />

* .)))QEnd loop over groups<br />

*<br />

.)))QEnd loop over time periods<br />

where the following declarations apply:<br />


REAL QL(nse5)<br />

MAR 2006 – <strong>CALPUFF</strong><br />


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