CALPUFF and Postprocessors

CALPUFF and Postprocessors CALPUFF and Postprocessors


BAEMARB.DAT File - Data Records The BAEMARB.DAT file contains two types of data records. A set of time-invariant records (see Table F-22) are read after the header records. These records specify the time-invariant source names and the emissions units for each source. The units must be either 'g/m2/s' or 'g/s', no other character strings will be accepted. Two additional fields are read as real variables, but are not used in the current version of the model. A set of time-varying data follows (see Table F-23). The time-varying records contain the coordinates of four vertices that define the perimeter of the source, effective release height, ground elevation, temperature, effective vertical velocity, effective radius, initial vertical spread, and an emission rate for each species. Note that the four vertices must be centered in sequence around the perimeter; all four "x" coordinates followed by all four "y" coordinates. Sample Fortran read statements for time-invariant data records are: +)))QLoop over sources * * READ(iunit,*)CID,BAEMUNIT,TIDATA * .)))QEnd loop over sources where the following declarations apply: CHARACTER*16 CID,BAEMUNIT REAL TIDATA (2) Sample Fortran read statements for time-varying data records are: +)))QLoop over time periods * * READ(iunit,*)IBDAT,IBTIM,IEDAT,IETIM * * +)))QLoop over sources * * * * READ(iunit,*)CID,VERTX,VERTY,HT,ELEV,TEMPK,WEFF,REFF,SIGZ,QEMIT * * * .)))QEnd loop over sources * .)))QEnd loop over time periods where the following declarations apply: CHARACTER*16 CID REAL VERTX(4),VERTY(4) REAL QEMIT(nse3) MAR 2006 – CALPUFF F-135

Table F-22 BAEMARB.DAT - Time-Invariant Data Record Contents (Repeated for each source) No. Variable No. Variable Type a Description 1 1 CID C*16 Source identifier (16 characters = 4 words) 1 2 BAEMUNIT C*16 Source Emission Rate Units (`g/m2/sr or `g/sr) 1 3 TIDATA(1) real User defined flag (not used) 1 4 TIDATA(2) real User defined flag (not used) a C*16 = Character*16 MAR 2006 – CALPUFF F-136

BAEMARB.DAT File - Data Records<br />

The BAEMARB.DAT file contains two types of data records. A set of time-invariant records (see Table<br />

F-22) are read after the header records. These records specify the time-invariant source names <strong>and</strong> the<br />

emissions units for each source. The units must be either 'g/m2/s' or 'g/s', no other character strings will<br />

be accepted. Two additional fields are read as real variables, but are not used in the current version of the<br />

model. A set of time-varying data follows (see Table F-23). The time-varying records contain the<br />

coordinates of four vertices that define the perimeter of the source, effective release height, ground<br />

elevation, temperature, effective vertical velocity, effective radius, initial vertical spread, <strong>and</strong> an emission<br />

rate for each species. Note that the four vertices must be centered in sequence around the perimeter; all<br />

four "x" coordinates followed by all four "y" coordinates.<br />

Sample Fortran read statements for time-invariant data records are:<br />

+)))QLoop over sources<br />

*<br />


*<br />

.)))QEnd loop over sources<br />

where the following declarations apply:<br />


REAL TIDATA (2)<br />

Sample Fortran read statements for time-varying data records are:<br />

+)))QLoop over time periods<br />

*<br />


*<br />

* +)))QLoop over sources<br />

* *<br />


* *<br />

* .)))QEnd loop over sources<br />

*<br />

.)))QEnd loop over time periods<br />

where the following declarations apply:<br />


REAL VERTX(4),VERTY(4)<br />

REAL QEMIT(nse3)<br />

MAR 2006 – <strong>CALPUFF</strong><br />


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