CALPUFF and Postprocessors

CALPUFF and Postprocessors CALPUFF and Postprocessors


Table F-19 (Concluded) PTEMARB.DAT - Time-Varying Data Record Contents (Next "NSRC2" records) Next NSE2 No. Variable Type a Description 1 CID C*16 Source identifier (must match values in time-invariant records) 2 TEMPK real Exit temperature (deg. K) 3 VEXIT real Exit velocity (m/s) 4 SIGY real Initial sigma-y (m) for source 5 SIGZ real Initial sigma-z (m) for source QEMIT real array Emission rates (g/s) for each species in the order specified in Header Record 2 a C*16 = Character*16 MAR 2006 – CALPUFF F-127

F.4 Buoyant Area Source Emissions File With Arbitrarily Varying Emissions (BAEMARB.DAT) The BAEMARB.DAT file contains buoyant area source emissions data for sources with detailed, arbitrarily varying emissions parameters. This file can be generated from the output of the Forest Service's Emissions Production Model (EPM) using a reformatting and preprocessing program provided with CALPUFF. In the BAEMARB.DAT file, values for the source parameters and emission rates can be specified for each time step in the run. Plume rise is computed within the CALPUFF model for each source using the numerical plume rise algorithm. BAEMARB.DAT is a free-formatted ASCII data file (see Table F-20 for an example) consisting of four header records, followed by a set of data records containing source information. The time-invariant data records contain character source identifiers and units labels . The time varying emissions and source parameter data follow in subsequent records. One data record per source is required for each time period (e.g.,usually at hourly intervals). Multiple BAEMARB.DAT files may be provided if groups of sources possess very different timevariability. For example, group 1 may require hourly data records for the entire simulation period, while group 2 may produce emissions for only a few weeks during the simulation. Using a second file for group 2 is more economical to prepare because a single data record can be used to prescribe a long period with no (or constant) emissions. Each such file must cover the entire modeling period, no source may appear in more than one file, and the species list must be identical among these files. The data in the BAEMARB.DAT file are independent of the horizontal and vertical grid systems being used in the model. The horizontal coordinates are specified in terms of UTM or Lambert conformal coordinates. The vertical layers receiving the emissions of the source are based on the plume rise of the source computed internally by the model. However, the BAEMARB.DAT file does contain timedependent data specifying the emission parameters for a particular time period. NOTE: There are structural differences between the BAEMARB.DAT file accepted by the current version of CALPUFF and that accepted by earlier versions, so anyone familiar with the previous versions must be certain to review the contents of the next few pages! CALPUFF will test the variable VRS3 contained in the header of BAEMARB.DAT to see that it identifies the correct version. If the file uses an older format, changing VRS3 to the correct value will disable this check, and the results of the CALPUFF application may be in error. Do not use an “old” version of this data file unless you are certain that the format is correct. MAR 2006 – CALPUFF F-128

Table F-19 (Concluded)<br />

PTEMARB.DAT - Time-Varying Data Record Contents<br />

(Next "NSRC2" records)<br />

Next<br />

NSE2<br />

No. Variable Type a Description<br />

1 CID C*16 Source identifier (must match values in time-invariant records)<br />

2 TEMPK real Exit temperature (deg. K)<br />

3 VEXIT real Exit velocity (m/s)<br />

4 SIGY real Initial sigma-y (m) for source<br />

5 SIGZ real Initial sigma-z (m) for source<br />

QEMIT real array Emission rates (g/s) for each species in the order specified in<br />

Header Record 2<br />

a C*16 = Character*16<br />

MAR 2006 – <strong>CALPUFF</strong><br />


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