CALPUFF and Postprocessors

CALPUFF and Postprocessors CALPUFF and Postprocessors


Table F-17 (Concluded) PTEMARB.DAT - Header Record 4 - Molecular Weights No. * Type a Description Sample Values 1 real Molecular weight for species 1 64. (SO2) 2 real Molecular weight for species 2 96. (SO4) . . . . . . . . . . . . NSE2 real Molecular weight for species "NSE2" 46. (NOX as NO2) * "NSE2" elements of XMWEM2 array MAR 2006 – CALPUFF F-123

PTEMARB.DAT File - Data Records The PTEMARB.DAT file contains two types of data records. A set of time-invariant records (see Table F-18) are read after the header records. These records specify the time-invariant source parameters, including the source coordinates, stack height, diameter, momentum flux factor, and building data for sources subject to building downwash. The vertical momentum flux factor may be either 1.0 (full vertical momentum flux), or 0.0 (no vertical momentum). Use 0.0 to simulate the effect of stack structures like rainhats. A set of time-varying data follows (see Table F-19). The time-varying records contain the stack temperature, exit velocity, initial plume size (F y and F z ), and emission rate for each species. Sample Fortran read statements for time-invariant data records in the unformatted file are: +)))QLoop over sources * * READ(iunit)CID,TIDATA * READ(iunit)BHT (only if TIDATA(6) = 1) * READ(iunit)BWD (only if TIDATA(6) = 1) * .)))QEnd loop over sources where the following declarations apply: CHARACTER*16 CID REAL TIDATA(8), BHT(36), BWD(36) Sample Fortran read statements for time-varying data records in the unformatted file are: +)))QLoop over time periods * * READ(iunit)IBDAT,IBTIM,IEDAT,IETIM * * +)))QLoop over sources * * * * READ(iunit)CID,TEMPK,VEXIT,SIGY,SIGZ,QEMIT * * * .)))QEnd loop over sources * .)))QEnd loop over time periods where the following declarations apply: CHARACTER*16 CID REAL QEMIT(nse2) MAR 2006 – CALPUFF F-124

PTEMARB.DAT File - Data Records<br />

The PTEMARB.DAT file contains two types of data records. A set of time-invariant records (see Table<br />

F-18) are read after the header records. These records specify the time-invariant source parameters,<br />

including the source coordinates, stack height, diameter, momentum flux factor, <strong>and</strong> building data for<br />

sources subject to building downwash. The vertical momentum flux factor may be either 1.0 (full vertical<br />

momentum flux), or 0.0 (no vertical momentum). Use 0.0 to simulate the effect of stack structures like<br />

rainhats. A set of time-varying data follows (see Table F-19). The time-varying records contain the stack<br />

temperature, exit velocity, initial plume size (F y <strong>and</strong> F z ), <strong>and</strong> emission rate for each species.<br />

Sample Fortran read statements for time-invariant data records in the unformatted file are:<br />

+)))QLoop over sources<br />

*<br />

* READ(iunit)CID,TIDATA<br />

* READ(iunit)BHT (only if TIDATA(6) = 1)<br />

* READ(iunit)BWD (only if TIDATA(6) = 1)<br />

*<br />

.)))QEnd loop over sources<br />

where the following declarations apply:<br />


REAL TIDATA(8), BHT(36), BWD(36)<br />

Sample Fortran read statements for time-varying data records in the unformatted file are:<br />

+)))QLoop over time periods<br />

*<br />


*<br />

* +)))QLoop over sources<br />

* *<br />


* *<br />

* .)))QEnd loop over sources<br />

*<br />

.)))QEnd loop over time periods<br />

where the following declarations apply:<br />


REAL QEMIT(nse2)<br />

MAR 2006 – <strong>CALPUFF</strong><br />


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