CALPUFF and Postprocessors

CALPUFF and Postprocessors CALPUFF and Postprocessors


F.2.2 ISCMET.DAT CALPUFF can be driven by a single-station standard ISC3-type of meteorological file, compatible with the earlier ISC2 version of the model, or the augmented ISC3-type of meteorological file. In addition, the ISCMET.DAT file used by CALPUFF can accommodate an extended data record that includes the augmented ISC3 data plus variables not found in either a standard ISC3 data record, or the augmented ISC3 data record. In the description to follow, we refer to the standard ISC3 file as the "base" ISC3 format. CALPUFF is normally run with a full three-dimensional wind field and temperature field, as well as twodimensional fields of mixing heights and other meteorological variables (see CALMET.DAT in Section F.2.1). However, in some near-field applications, when spatial variability of the meteorological fields may not be significant (e.g., uniform terrain and land use), the single-station data file may be used. The model uses the data in the ISCMET.DAT file to fill the 2-D or 3-D arrays with the scalar values read from the file. In single-station mode, CALPUFF assigns the single value of each variable read from the ISCMET.DAT file to all grid points, resulting in a spatially uniform gridded field. However, the model does not assume that the meteorological conditions are steady-state, which allows the important effects of causality to be simulated even with the single-station meteorological data. For example, the time required for plume material to reach a receptor is accounted for in the puff formulation, and curved trajectories and variable dispersion and stability conditions over multiple hours of transport will result even when using the single-station meteorological data. However, in general, the preferred mode for most applications of CALPUFF is to use the spatially variable fields generated by CALMET. The minimum data required in the ISCMET.DAT file includes hourly values of the vector flow direction, wind speed, temperature, stability class, and mixing height (urban or rural), which are found in the "base" ISC3 format. In addition, if dry or wet deposition are being modeled, or if turbulence-based dispersion coefficients are to be computed based on micrometeorological parameters, hourly values of the surface friction velocity (u * ), Monin-Obukhov length (L), a time-varying surface roughness length (z o ), precipitation rate, and precipitation type code are entered on an extended record. These additional variables are contained in the augmented ISC3 meteorological file. If chemical transformation is being modeled, hourly values of short-wave solar radiation and relative humidity can also be included in the extended record. In addition, hourly values of the potential temperature lapse rate (d2/dz) and power law profile exponent (p) can be entered. Non-missing values of the basic meteorological variables (i.e., vector wind direction, wind speed, temperature, stability class, and mixing height) must be provided for all applications. The data fields for the extended record variables (u * , L, etc.) may be left blank if the CALPUFF options are set so that they are not needed (e.g., no wet or dry deposition, no chemical transformation, no computation of turbulence-based dispersion coefficients). However, if the CALPUFF model options are set to require them, the model assumes that valid values of the extended record variables will be provided for every hour. The only exceptions are d2/dz and p, which can be entered for some hours and not others. If values of d2/dz or p are missing (i.e., blank) for a given hour, the model will use its default or user-specified stability-dependent values (see the PLX0 and PTG0 variables in MAR 2006 – CALPUFF F-101

Input Group 12 of the control file). Sample ISCMET.DAT files are shown in Tables F-6(a) and F-6(b). Part (a) of the table shows the "base" ISC3 meteorological data record. The fully extended data record is shown in Part (b) of the table. Table F-7 lists the contents of the ISCMET.DAT header records, and Table F-8 describes the data records. Note that other data associated with the meteorological data in ISCMET.DAT are provided in the CALPUFF.INP control file. These data include the anemometer height, surface roughness length, land use type, elevation, and leaf area index of the modeling region. The anemometer height is required in the vertical power law extrapolation of the wind speed. The roughness length is used if turbulence-based dispersion coefficients are selected, and in the calculation of dry deposition velocities, when the hourly value is missing. The land use category is used to determine if urban or rural dispersion coefficients are appropriate when the Pasquill-Gifford/McElroy-Pooler dispersion coefficients are used. Also see the variables IURB1 and IURB2 in Input Group 12 of the control file. They define the range of land use categories that are to be considered urban (i.e., if the value of the land use category in the ISCMET.DAT file is between IURB1 and IURB2, inclusive, the modeling domain will be consider urban). Otherwise, it will be considered rural. The leaf area index is only used by the model if dry deposition velocities are being computed. The elevation is used to fill the 2-D terrain elevation array in CALPUFF that is normally filled from the CALMET file. This array is used to determine, through interpolation, the elevation of the gridded receptors generated by the model as an option. Because a single value is available when the ISCMET.DAT file is used, all of the gridded receptors will be assigned this elevation. Receptor-specific elevations are assigned to each discrete receptor by the user in the CALPUFF control file (see Input Group 17). MAR 2006 – CALPUFF F-102

F.2.2<br />


<strong>CALPUFF</strong> can be driven by a single-station st<strong>and</strong>ard ISC3-type of meteorological file, compatible with<br />

the earlier ISC2 version of the model, or the augmented ISC3-type of meteorological file. In addition, the<br />

ISCMET.DAT file used by <strong>CALPUFF</strong> can accommodate an extended data record that includes the<br />

augmented ISC3 data plus variables not found in either a st<strong>and</strong>ard ISC3 data record, or the augmented<br />

ISC3 data record. In the description to follow, we refer to the st<strong>and</strong>ard ISC3 file as the "base" ISC3<br />

format.<br />

<strong>CALPUFF</strong> is normally run with a full three-dimensional wind field <strong>and</strong> temperature field, as well as twodimensional<br />

fields of mixing heights <strong>and</strong> other meteorological variables (see CALMET.DAT in Section<br />

F.2.1). However, in some near-field applications, when spatial variability of the meteorological fields<br />

may not be significant (e.g., uniform terrain <strong>and</strong> l<strong>and</strong> use), the single-station data file may be used. The<br />

model uses the data in the ISCMET.DAT file to fill the 2-D or 3-D arrays with the scalar values read from<br />

the file. In single-station mode, <strong>CALPUFF</strong> assigns the single value of each variable read from the<br />

ISCMET.DAT file to all grid points, resulting in a spatially uniform gridded field. However, the model<br />

does not assume that the meteorological conditions are steady-state, which allows the important effects of<br />

causality to be simulated even with the single-station meteorological data. For example, the time required<br />

for plume material to reach a receptor is accounted for in the puff formulation, <strong>and</strong> curved trajectories <strong>and</strong><br />

variable dispersion <strong>and</strong> stability conditions over multiple hours of transport will result even when using<br />

the single-station meteorological data. However, in general, the preferred mode for most applications of<br />

<strong>CALPUFF</strong> is to use the spatially variable fields generated by CALMET.<br />

The minimum data required in the ISCMET.DAT file includes hourly values of the vector flow direction,<br />

wind speed, temperature, stability class, <strong>and</strong> mixing height (urban or rural), which are found in the "base"<br />

ISC3 format. In addition, if dry or wet deposition are being modeled, or if turbulence-based dispersion<br />

coefficients are to be computed based on micrometeorological parameters, hourly values of the surface<br />

friction velocity (u * ), Monin-Obukhov length (L), a time-varying surface roughness length (z o ),<br />

precipitation rate, <strong>and</strong> precipitation type code are entered on an extended record. These additional<br />

variables are contained in the augmented ISC3 meteorological file. If chemical transformation is being<br />

modeled, hourly values of short-wave solar radiation <strong>and</strong> relative humidity can also be included in the<br />

extended record. In addition, hourly values of the potential temperature lapse rate (d2/dz) <strong>and</strong> power law<br />

profile exponent (p) can be entered. Non-missing values of the basic meteorological variables (i.e., vector<br />

wind direction, wind speed, temperature, stability class, <strong>and</strong> mixing height) must be provided for all<br />

applications. The data fields for the extended record variables (u * , L, etc.) may be left blank if the<br />

<strong>CALPUFF</strong> options are set so that they are not needed (e.g., no wet or dry deposition, no chemical<br />

transformation, no computation of turbulence-based dispersion coefficients). However, if the <strong>CALPUFF</strong><br />

model options are set to require them, the model assumes that valid values of the extended record<br />

variables will be provided for every hour. The only exceptions are d2/dz <strong>and</strong> p, which can be entered for<br />

some hours <strong>and</strong> not others. If values of d2/dz or p are missing (i.e., blank) for a given hour, the model<br />

will use its default or user-specified stability-dependent values (see the PLX0 <strong>and</strong> PTG0 variables in<br />

MAR 2006 – <strong>CALPUFF</strong><br />


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