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In this particular aspect the Portuguese position on the Internet is clearly<br />

different from the two centers which so far have determined the bicentric<br />

character of this language: Portugal and Brazil. When comparing the scientific<br />

productions in Portuguese language available on the Internet, there is a clear<br />

imbalance between the two standards: the presence of scientific texts in<br />

Brazilian Portuguese on the internet is many times superior to the presence of<br />

Portuguese texts.<br />

To explain this, some data have to be taken into account, which go beyond the<br />

geographical and demographic differences between the two countries: Portugal<br />

has a total area of 92,389 km 2 and about 10 million inhabitants, while Brazil has<br />

8,514,876 km 2 and approximately 191 million inhabitants.<br />

Portugal is a European country, which is part of the European Union since<br />

1986. As such, since then the parameters of evaluation and funding of science<br />

and technology in this country have been marked by certain standards by the<br />

European Commission, who value scientific publication in English, at the<br />

expense of publication in Portuguese.<br />

Furthermore, in Portugal, given its size, geographic location, emigration<br />

(which has always been a constant) and bet on tourism since the 60’s, the<br />

teaching of foreign languages not only has been encouraged but also has had<br />

very positive results: the literate population can express in one or two foreign<br />

languages, often acquired outside the formal school system. Currently English<br />

is the language preferred by young students and with more support at the<br />

level of government structures. It is to be noted that the implementation of<br />

compulsory teaching of English in schools from the third grade occurred in<br />

2005 (Order 14753 / 2005 by the Minister of Education), to the detriment of<br />

other languages so far studied in the education system, French and German.<br />

All these factors contribute to the fact that a lot of scientific literature in<br />

Portugal, especially in the areas of the hard sciences and technologies, is<br />

produced primarily in English: this case is all the more visible when even in areas<br />

in which Portugal was once a pioneer, as the nautical and ship construction, the<br />

Portuguese language has ceased to be practically used and has been replaced by<br />

English in a professional context.<br />

In turn, the Brazilian government has not adopted policies of scientific<br />

literature in the English language in the same way, valuing, also, the scientific<br />

literature in Portuguese at the level of science funding agencies. On the other<br />

hand, Brazil, an emerging country, has structural problems at the level of basic<br />

education that are reflected in teaching and learning of foreign languages, very<br />

deficient when compared with the case of Portugal.<br />


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